Papers and preprints by Roland Zweimüller:
Published or submitted:
- R. Zweimüller: Ergodic structure and
invariant densities of non-markovian interval maps
with indifferent fixed points.
Nonlinearity 11 (1998), 1263-1276. ( published
paper, preprint )
- R. Zweimüller: Ergodic properties of infinite
measure preserving interval maps
with indifferent fixed points.
Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 20 (2000),
1519-1549. ( published
paper, preprint )
- X. Bressaud, R. Zweimüller: Non exponential law of
entrance times in asymptotically rare events
for intermittent maps with infinite invariant
Ann. Henri Poincaré 2 (2001),
501-512. ( published
paper, preprint )
- G. Keller, R. Zweimüller: Unidirectionally coupled
interval maps: between dynamics and statistical
Nonlinearity 15 (2002), 1-24. ( published
paper, preprint )
- R. Zweimüller: Exact C infty
covering maps of the circle without (weak) limit
Colloq. Math. 93 (2002), 295-302. ( published
paper, preprint )
- R. Zweimüller: Stable limits for probability
preserving maps with indifferent fixed points.
Stochastics and Dynamics 3 (2003),
83-99. ( published
paper, preprint, typo )
- R. Zweimüller: Kuzmin, coupling, cones, and
exponential mixing.
Forum Math. 16 (2004), 447-457. ( published
paper, preprint )
- J. Aaronson, M. Denker, O. Sarig, R.
Zweimüller: Aperiodicity
of cocycles and conditional local limit theorems.
Stochastics and Dynamics 4 (2004),
31-62. ( published
paper, preprint )
- R. Zweimüller: S-unimodal Misiurewicz maps
with flat critical points.
Fundamenta Math. 181 (2004), 1-25. (
paper, preprint )
- R. Zweimüller: Hopf’s ratio ergodic theorem
by inducing.
Colloq. Math. 101 (2004), 289-292. (
paper, preprint )
- R. Zweimüller: Uniqueness of the maximal
function in the ratio ergodic theorem.
Illinois J. Math. 48 (2004), 1259-1265.
( published
paper, preprint )
- R. Zweimüller: Invariant measures for
general(ized) induced transformations.
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133 (2005),
2283-2295. (published
paper, preprint)
Here is a little addendum
to this paper.
- J. Aaronson, M. Thaler, R.
Zweimüller: Occupation
times of sets of infinite measure for ergodic
Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 25 (2005),
959-976. ( published
paper, preprint )
- M. Thaler, R. Zweimüller: Distributional limit theorems
in infinite ergodic theory.
Probability Theory and Related Fields 135
(2006), 15-52. ( published
paper, preprint )
- R. Zweimüller: Asymptotic orbit complexity of
infinite measure preserving transformations.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 15
(2006), 353-366. ( published
paper, preprint )
- R. Zweimüller: Infinite measure preserving
transformations with compact first regeneration.
Journal d’Analyse Mathematique 103 (2007), 93-131. (
paper, preprint )
- R. Zweimüller: Mixing limit theorems for
ergodic transformations.
Journal of Theoretical Probability 20 (2007), 1059-1071. ( published
paper, preprint )
- R. Zweimüller: Poisson suspensions of
compactly regenerative transformations.
Math. 110
(2008), 211-225. ( published
paper, preprint )
- R. Zweimüller: Waiting for long excursions
and close visits to neutral fixed points of
null-recurrent ergodic maps.
Math. 198
(2008), 125-138. ( published
paper, preprint )
- R. Zweimüller: Measure preserving
transformations similar to Markov shifts.
J. Math. 173
(2009), 421-443. ( published
paper, preprint )
- J.-B. Bardet, G. Keller, R. Zweimüller: Stochastically stable globally
coupled maps with bistable thermodynamic limit.
Commun. Math. Phys. 292 (2009),
237-270. ( published
paper, preprint )
- R. Zweimüller: Measure preserving extensions
and minimal wandering rates.
J. Math. 181
(2011), 295-303.
( published
paper, preprint )
- D. Kocheim, R. Zweimüller: A
joint limit theorem for compactly regenerative
ergodic transformations.
Studia Math. 203
(2011), 33-45.
published paper, preprint )
- F. Pène, B. Saussol, R. Zweimüller: Recurrence rates and
hitting-time distributions for random walks on the
The Annals of
Probability 41 (2013), 619-635. ( published paper,
pdf )
- A. Berger, R. Zweimüller: Invariant
for general induced maps and towers.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 33
(2013), 3885-3901. ( published
paper, preprint )
- J. Aaronson, R. Zweimüller: Limit theory for some positive
stationary processes with infinite mean.
Annales de l'Institut
Henri Poincare 50 (2014), 256-284. (
published paper, preprint
- N. Haydn, N. Winterberg,
R. Zweimüller:
statistics, hitting-time statistics, and inducing.
In G. Froyland, W. Bahsoun, C. Bose (eds):
Ergodic Theory, Open Dynamics, and Coherent Structures,
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 70
(2014), 217-227. ( published
paper , preprint )
- I. Melbourne, R. Zweimüller: Weak
convergence to stable Levy processes for
nonuniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems.
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare 51
(2015), 545-556. (
published paper,
- R. Zweimüller: The
general asymptotic return-time process.
Israel J. Math. 212 (2016), 1-36. (published paper , preprint )
- F. Pène, B. Saussol, R. Zweimüller: Return- and hitting-time
limits for rare events of null-recurrent Markov maps.
Ergod. Th. & Dynam.
Sys. 37 (2017), 244-276. ( preprint , published
paper )
- R. Zweimüller: Hitting-time
limits for some exceptional rare events of ergodic maps.
Stochastic Process. Appl. 129 (2019), 1556-1567. ( preprint , published paper )
- S. Rechberger, R. Zweimüller: Return-
and hitting-time distributions of small sets in infinite measure
preserving systems.
Ergod. Th. & Dynam.
Sys. 40 (2020), 2239-2273. ( preprint , published paper )
- R. Zweimüller: Hitting times and positions in rare events.
Annales Henri Lebesgue 5 (2022), 1361-1415. (published paper)
- D. Kocheim, F. Pühringer, R. Zweimüller: A functional stable limit theorem for Gibbs-Markov maps.
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare 59 (2023), 185-207. ( journal , pdf )
- R. Zweimüller: Image sets and basic ergodic properties in non-invertible dynamics.
submitted. ( preprint )
- T.I. Schindler, R. Zweimüller: Prime numbers in typical continued fraction expansions.
Boll Unione Mat Ital 16 (2023), 259-274. ( published paper )
- M. Auer, R. Zweimüller: Local limit theorems for hitting times and return times of small sets.
preprint. ( preprint )
Course notes; expository papers:
- R. Zweimüller: Surrey Notes on Infinite
Ergodic Theory.
Notes accompanying a
course on Infinite Ergodic Theory at the LMS Graduate
school on Ergodic Theory
at the University of
Surrey, UK; 16th-19th March 2009
( pdf
List of
coauthors (in
alphabetical order):
Jon Aaronson
(Tel Aviv Univ, IL), Max Auer (Univ of Maryland, US), Jean-Baptiste
Bardet (Univ Rouen, F), Arno Berger
(Univ of Alberta, CA), Xavier
Bressaud (Univ
Toulouse, F),
Manfred Denker
(Penn State, US), Nicolai
Haydn (South California, US), Gerhard
Keller (Univ of Erlangen, D), David
Kocheim (Univ of Vienna, A),
Ian Melbourne (Univ of Warwick, UK), Francoise
Pène (Univ Brest, F), Fabian Pühringer (Univ of
Vienna, A), Simon
Rechberger (Univ of Vienna, A),
Sarig (Weizmann Institute, IL), Benoit
Saussol (Univ Brest, F), Tanja Schindler (Univ of Vienna, A), Maximilian
Thaler (Univ Salzburg, A), Nicole Winterberg
(Univ Salzburg, A)
Last update: Jan 2024