- R. I. Boţ (2010) - Conjugate Duality in Convex Optimization, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Vol. 637,
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad, G. Wanka (2009) - Duality in Vector Optimization, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- R. I. Boţ, D. A. Hulett, D.-K. Nguyen - Fast second-order dynamics with slow vanishing damping approaching the zeros of a monotone and continuous operator, to appear in Journal of Convex Analysis (PDF)
- H. Attouch, R. I. Boţ, D.-K. Nguyen - Fast convex optimization via time scale and averaging of the steepest descent, to appear in Mathematics of Operations Research (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek, D.-K. Nguyen (2025) - Fast Optimistic Gradient Descent Ascent (OGDA) method in continuous and discrete time, Foundations of Computational Mathematics 25(1), 162-222 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, C. Schindler (2025) - On a stochastic differential equation with correction term governed by a monotone and Lipschitz continuous operator, Evolution Equations and Control Theory 14(3), 463-493 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, D.A. Hulett (2024) - Second order splitting dynamics with vanishing damping for additively structured monotone inclusions, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 36(1), 727-756 (PDF)
- R. Nenov, D.-K. Nguyen, P. Balazs, R. I. Boţ (2024) - Accelerated Griffin-Lim algorithm: A fast and provably converging numerical method for phase retrieval, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 72, 190-202 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, S.C. László (2024) - On the strong convergence of continuous Newton-like inertial dynamics with Tikhonov regularization for monotone inclusions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 530(2), Article 127689 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, D.-K. Nguyen (2023) - Fast Krasnosel'skii-Mann algorithm with a convergence rate of the fixed point iteration of o(1/k), SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 61(6), 2813-2843 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek, M. Sedlmayer (2023) - An accelerated minimax algorithm for convex-concave saddle point problems with nonsmooth coupling function, Computational Optimization and Applications 86(3), 925-966 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, A. Böhm (2023) - Alternating proximal-gradient steps for (stochastic) nonconvex-concave minimax problems, SIAM Journal on Optimization 33(3), 1884-1913 (PDF)
- M. Sedlmayer, D.-K. Nguyen, R. I. Boţ (2023) - A fast optimistic method for monotone variational inequalities, Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 202:30406-30438 (PDF)
- H. Attouch, R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2023) - Fast optimization via inertial dynamics with closed-loop damping, Journal of the European Mathematical Society 25(5), 1985-2056 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek, D.-K. Nguyen (2023) - Fast Augmented Lagrangian Method in the convex regime with convergence guarantees for the iterates, Mathematical Programming 200(1), 147-197 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, M.N. Dao, G. Li (2023) - Inertial proximal block coordinate method for a class of nonsmooth sum-of-ratios optimization problems, SIAM Journal on Optimization 33(2), 361-393 (PDF)
- F. J. Aragón-Artacho, R. I. Boţ, D. Torregrosa-Belén (2023) - A primal-dual splitting algorithm for composite monotone inclusions with minimal lifting, Numerical Algorithms 93(1), 103-130 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, M. Sedlmayer, P. T. Vuong (2023) - A relaxed inertial forward-backward-forward algorithm for solving monotone inclusions with application to GANs, Journal of Machine Learning Research 24(8), 1-37 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, M. A. Karapetyants (2022) - A fast continuous time approach with time scaling for nonsmooth convex optimization, Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models: Theory and Applications, Article number: 73(2022) (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, G. Dong, P. Elbau, O. Scherzer (2022) - Convergence rates of first and higher order dynamics for solving linear ill-posed problems, Foundations of Computational Mathematics 22(5), 1567-1629 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, M.N. Dao, G. Li (2022) - Extrapolated proximal subgradient algorithms for nonconvex and nonsmooth fractional programs, Mathematics of Operations Research 47(3), 2415-2443 (PDF)
- A. Böhm, M. Sedlmayer, E.R. Csetnek, R. I. Boţ (2022) - Two steps at a time — taking GAN training in stride with Tseng’s method, SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 4(2), 750-771 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, D.-K. Nguyen (2021) - Factorization of completely positive matrices using iterative projected gradient steps, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 28(6), e2391 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, D.-K. Nguyen (2021) - Improved convergence rates and trajectory convergence for primal-dual dynamical systems with vanishing damping, Journal of Differential Equations 303, 369-406 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, S.C. László (2021) - Tikhonov regularization of a second order dynamical system with Hessian driven damping, Mathematical Programming 189(1), 151-186 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, P. Mertikopoulos, M. Staudigl, P.T. Vuong (2021) - Minibatch Forward-Backward-Forward Methods for solving Stochastic Variational inequalities, Stochastic Systems 11(2), 112-139 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, D. Meier (2021) - A strongly convergent Krasnosel'skii-Mann-type algorithm for finding a common fixed point of a countably infinite family of nonexpansive operators in Hilbert spaces, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 395, Article number: 113589 (PDF)
- S. Banert, R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2021) - Fixing and extending some recent results on the ADMM algorithm, Numerical Algorithms 86(3), 1303-1325 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, L. Kanzler (2021) - A forward-backward dynamical approach for nonsmooth problems with block structure coupled by a smooth function, Applied Mathematics and Computation 394(1), Article number: 125822 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S.-M. Grad, D. Meier, M. Staudigl (2021) - Inducing strong convergence of trajectories in dynamical systems associated to monotone inclusions with composite structure, Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 10, 450-476 (PDF)
- A. Barbagallo, R. I. Boţ, C. Sagastizábal, M. Théra (2020) - Preface to Variational Analysis for Beginners, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 28, 583-584 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, A. Böhm (2020) - Variable smoothing for convex optimization problems using stochastic gradients, Journal of Scientific Computing 85(2), Article number: 33 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, S.C. László (2020) - A primal-dual dynamical approach to structured convex minimization problems, Journal of Differential Equations 269(12), 10717-10757 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, P.T. Vuong (2020) - The forward-backward-forward method from continuous and discrete perspective for pseudo-monotone variational inequalities in Hilbert spaces, European Journal of Operational Research 287, 49-60 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, D.-K. Nguyen (2020) - The proximal alternating direction method of multipliers in the nonconvex setting: convergence analysis and rates, Mathematics of Operations Research 45(2), 682-712 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, M. Staudigl (2020) - Preface to the Special Issue on "Games, Dynamics and Optimization", Applied Mathematics and Optimization 81, 651-654 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, S.C. László (2020) - A second order dynamical approach with variable damping to nonconvex smooth minimization, Applicable Analysis 99(3), 361-378 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, D. Meier (2019) - Variable metric ADMM for solving variational inequalities with monotone operators over affine sets, in: H.H. Bauschke, R.S. Burachik, R. D. Luke (Eds.), "Splitting Algorithms, Modern Operator Theory, and Applications", Springer Nature, Heidelberg, 91-112 (PDF)
- S. Banert, R. I. Boţ (2019) - A general double-proximal gradient algorithm for d.c. programming, Mathematical Programming 178(1-2), 301-326 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, D.-K. Nguyen (2019) - A forward-backward penalty scheme with inertial effects for monotone inclusions. Applications to convex bilevel programming, Optimization 68(1), 1855-1880 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek (2019) - A second order dynamical system with Hessian-driven damping and penalty term associated to variational inequalities, Optimization 68(7), 1265-1277 (PDF)
- S. Bitterlich, R. I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek, G. Wanka (2019) - The Proximal Alternating Minimization Algorithm for two-block separable convex optimization problems with linear constraints, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 182(1), 110-132 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek, D.-K. Nguyen (2019) - A proximal minimization algorithm for structured nonconvex and nonsmooth problems, SIAM Journal on Optimization 29(2), 1300-1328 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek, D. Meier (2019) - Inducing strong convergence into the asymptotic behaviour of proximal splitting algorithms in Hilbert spaces, Optimization Methods and Software 34(3), 489-514 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2019) - Newton-like dynamics associated to nonconvex optimization problems, in: S. Hosseini, B.S. Mordukhovich, A. Uschmajew (Eds.), "Nonsmooth Optimization and Its Applications", International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 170, Springer Nature, Cham, 131-149 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, A. Böhm (2019) - An incremental mirror descent subgradient algorithm with random sweeping and proximal step, Optimization 68(1), 33-50 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek (2019) - ADMM for monotone operators: convergence analysis and rates, Advances in Computational Mathematics 45(1), 327-359 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, S.C. László (2018) - Approaching nonsmooth nonconvex minimization through second order proximal-gradient dynamical systems, Journal of Evolution Equations 18(3), 1291-1318 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, S.C. László (2018) - Second order dynamical systems with penalty terms associated to monotone inclusions, Analysis and Applications 6(5), 601-622 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad (2018) - Inertial forward-backward methods for solving vector optimization problems, Optimization 67(7), 959-974 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2018) - A forward-backward dynamical approach to the minimization of the sum of a nonsmooth convex with a smooth nonconvex function, ESAIM: Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 24(2), 463-477 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2018) - Approaching nonsmooth nonconvex optimization problems through first order dynamical systems with hidden acceleration and Hessian driven damping terms, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 26(2), 227-245 (PDF)
- S. Banert, R. I. Boţ (2018) - A forward-backward-forward differential equation and its asymptotic properties, Journal of Convex Analysis 25(2), 371-388 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, N. Nimana (2018) - An inertial proximal-gradient penalization scheme for constrained convex optimization problems, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 46, 53-71 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, N. Nimana (2018) - Gradient-type penalty method with inertial effects for solving constrained convex optimization problems with smooth data, Optimization Letters 12(1), 17-33 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2018) - Convergence rates for forward-backward dynamical systems associated with strongly monotone inclusions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 457(2), 1135-1152 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2017) - Levenberg-Marquardt dynamics associated to variational inequalities, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 25(3), 569-589 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2017) - Proximal-gradient algorithms for fractional programming, Optimization 66(8), 1383-1396 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2017) - Penalty schemes with inertial effects for monotone inclusion problems, Optimization 66(6), 965-982 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2017) - Second order dynamical systems associated to variational inequalities, Applicable Analysis 96(5), 799-809 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2017) - A dynamical system associated with the fixed points set of a nonexpansive operator, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 29(1), 155-168 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2016) - Approaching monotone inclusion problems via second order dynamical systems with linear and anisotropic damping, in: V. Barbu, C. Lefter, I.I. Vrabie (Eds.), "New Trends in Differential Equations, Control Theory and Optimization", Proceedings of the 8th Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 53-72 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, B. Hofmann (2016) - Conditional stability versus ill-posedness for operator equations with monotone operators in Hilbert space, Inverse Problems 32(12), 125003 (23pp) (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2016) - An inertial Tseng's type proximal algorithm for nonsmooth and nonconvex optimization problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 171(2), 600-616 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, O. Bueno, S. Simons (2016) - The Rockafellar Conjecture and type (FPV), Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 24(3), 381-385 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, C. Hendrich (2016) - Solving monotone inclusions involving parallel sums of linearly composed maximally monotone operators, Inverse Problems and Imaging 10(3), 617-640 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2016) - Second order forward-backward dynamical systems for monotone inclusion problems, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 54(3), 1423-1443 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2016) - An inertial forward-backward-forward primal-dual splitting algorithm for solving monotone inclusion problems, Numerical Algorithms 71(3), 519-540 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, S.C. László (2016) - An inertial forward-backward algorithm for the minimization of the sum of two nonconvex functions, EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 4(1), 3-25 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2016) - An inertial alternating direction method of multipliers, Minimax Theory and its Applications 1(1), 29-49 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2016) - Approaching the solving of constrained variational inequalities via penalty term-based dynamical systems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 435(2), 1688-1700 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2015) - A hybrid proximal-extragradient algorithm with inertial effects, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 36(8), 951-963 (PDF)
- S. Banert, R. I. Boţ (2015) - Backward penalty schemes for monotone inclusion problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 166(3), 930-948 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, C. Hendrich (2015) - Convex risk minimization via proximal splitting methods, Optimization Letters 9(5), 867-885 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, A. Heinrich, C. Hendrich (2015) - On the convergence rate improvement of a primal-dual splitting algorithm for solving monotone inclusion problems, Mathematical Programming 150(2), 251-279 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, C. Hendrich (2015) - A variable smoothing algorithm for solving convex optimization problems, TOP 23(1), 124-150 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek, C. Hendrich (2015) - Inertial Douglas-Rachford splitting for monotone inclusion problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation 256(1), 472-487 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, C. Hendrich (2015) - On the acceleration of the double smoothing technique for unconstrained convex optimization problems, Optimization 64(2), 265-288 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2015) - On the convergence rate of a forward-backward type primal-dual splitting algorithm for convex optimization problems, Optimization 64(1), 5-23 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2014) - A Tseng's type penalty scheme for solving inclusion problems involving linearly composed and parallel-sum type monotone operators, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 42(4), 451-465 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, A. Heinrich (2014) - Regression tasks in machine learning via Fenchel duality, Annals of Operations Research 222(1), 197-211 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, C. Hendrich (2014) - Recent developments on primal-dual splitting methods with applications to convex minimization, in: P.M. Pardalos, T.M. Rassias (Eds.), "Mathematics Without Boundaries: Surveys in Interdisciplinary Research", Springer-Verlag, New York, 57-99 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, C. Hendrich (2014) - Convergence analysis for a primal-dual monotone + skew splitting algorithm with applications to total variation minimization, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 49(3), 551-568 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2014) - Forward-Backward and Tseng's type penalty schemes for monotone inclusion problems, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 22(2), 313-331 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, A. Heinrich, G. Wanka (2014) - Employing different loss functions for the classification of images via supervised learning, Central European Journal of Mathematics 12(2), 381-394 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, C. Hendrich (2013) - A Douglas-Rachford type primal-dual method for solving inclusions with mixtures of composite and parallel-sum type monotone operators, SIAM Journal on Optimization 23(4), 2541-2565 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, E. Nagy (2013) - Solving systems of monotone inclusions via primal-dual splitting techniques, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 17(6), 1983-2009 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2013) - Conjugate duality and the control of linear discrete systems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 159(3), 576-589 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, A. Heinrich (2013) - A primal-dual splitting algorithm for finding zeros of sums of maximal monotone operators, SIAM Journal on Optimization 23(4), 2011-2036 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, B. Hofmann, P. Mathé (2013) - Regularizability of ill-posed problems and the modulus of continuity, Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen (Journal of Analysis and its Applications) 32(3), 299-312 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2013) - A Brøndsted-Rockafellar theorem for diagonal subdifferential operators, in: D. Bailey, H.H. Bauschke, P. Borwein, F. Garvan, M. Théra, J. Vanderwerff, H. Wolkowicz (Eds.), "Computational and Analytical Mathematics", Springer-Verlag, New York, 99-106 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, B. Hofmann (2013) - The impact of a curious type of smoothness conditions on convergence rates in l1-regularization, Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications 1(1), 29-40 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, V. Jeyakumar, G. Y. Li (2013) - Robust duality in parametric convex optimization, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 21(2), 177-189 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, C. Hendrich (2013) - A double smoothing technique for solving unconstrained nondifferentiable convex optimization problems, Computational Optimization and Applications 54(2), 239-262 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, T. Hein (2012) - Iterative regularization with general penalty term -- theory and application to L1- and TV-regularization, Inverse Problems 28, 104010 (19pp) (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad (2012) - Approaching the maximal monotonicity of bifunctions via representative functions, Journal of Convex Analysis 19(3), 713-724 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2012) - Error bound results for convex inequality systems via conjugate duality, TOP 20(2), 296-309 (PDF)
- H. H. Bauschke, R. I. Boţ, W. L. Hare, W. M. Moursi (2012) - AttouchThéra duality revisited: paramonotonicity and operator splitting, Journal of Approximation Theory 164(8), 1065-1084 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2012) - On some erroneous statements in the paper "Optimality Conditions for Extended Ky Fan Inequality with Cone and Affine Constraints and Their Applications" by A. Capătă, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 153(2), 546-550 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. László (2012) - On the generalized parallel sum of two maximal monotone operators of Gossez type (D), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 391(1), 82-98 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2012) - Regularity conditions via generalized interiority notions in convex optimization: new achievements and their relation to some classical statements, Optimization 61(1), 35-65 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad, G. Wanka (2012) - Classical linear vector optimization duality revisited, Optimization Letters 6(1), 199-210 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ (2012) - An upper estimate for the Clarke subdifferential of an infimal value function proved via the Mordukhovich subdifferential, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 75(3), 1141-1146 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad (2011) - Duality for vector optimization problems via a general scalarization, Optimization 60(10-11), 1269-1290 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, A. R. Frătean (2011) - Looking for appropriate qualification conditions for subdifferential formulae and dual representations for convex risk measures, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 74(2), 191-215 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad (2011) - On linear vector optimization duality in infinite-dimensional spaces, Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization 1(3), 407-415 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, N. Lorenz (2011) - Optimization problems in statistical learning: duality and optimality conditions, European Journal of Operational Research 213(2), 395-404 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, D. M. Nechita (2011) - On the Dini-Hadamard subdifferential of the difference of two functions, Journal of Global Optimization 50(3), 485-502 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad (2011) - Extending the classical vector Wolfe and Mond-Weir duality concepts via perturbations, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 12(1), 81-101 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad (2011) - Closedness type regularity conditions for surjectivity results involving the sum of two maximal monotone operators, Central European Journal of Mathematics 9(1), 162-172 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2011) - A comparison of some recent regularity conditions for Fenchel duality, in: H. H. Bauschke, R. S. Burachik, P. L. Combettes, V. Elser, D. R. Luke, H. Wolkowicz (Eds.), "Fixed-Point Algorithms for Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering", Springer Optimization and Its Applications, Springer-Verlag, New York, 111-130 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2010) - On a zero duality gap result in extended monotropic programming, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 147(3), 473-482 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, B. Hofmann (2010) - An extension of the variational inequality approach for obtaining convergence rates in regularization of nonlinear ill-posed problems, Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 22(3), 369-392 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad (2010) - Wolfe duality and Mond-Weir duality via perturbations, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 73(2), 374-384 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2010) - On extension results for n-cyclically monotone operators in reflexive Banach spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 367(2), 693-698 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, N. Lorenz, G. Wanka (2010) - Dual representations for convex risk measures via conjugate duality, Journal of the Optimization Theory and Applications 144(2), 185-203 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, A. Löhne (2010) - On totally Fenchel unstable functions in finite dimensional spaces, Mathematical Programming 123(1), 25-31 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, A. E. Capătă (2010) - Existence results and gap functions for the generalized equilibrium problem with composed functions, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 72(1), 316-324 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad (2010) - Lower semicontinuous type regularity conditions for subdifferential calculus, Optimization Methods and Software 25(1), 37-48 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, N. Lorenz, G. Wanka (2010) - Duality for linear chance-constrained optimization problems, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 47(1), 17-28 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad, G. Wanka (2009) - Generalized Moreau-Rockafellar results for composed convex functions, Optimization 58(7), 917-933 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2009) - On two properties of enlargements of maximal monotone operators, Journal of Convex Analysis 16(3-4), 713-725 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, A. Dumitru, G. Wanka (2009) - A new Fenchel dual problem in vector optimization, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Mathematical Sciences 119 (2), 251-265 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2009) - Enlargements of positive sets, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 356(1), 328-337 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, N. Lorenz, G. Wanka (2009) - Optimality conditions for portfolio optimization problems with convex deviation measures as objective functions, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 13(2A), 515-533 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad, G. Wanka (2009) - New regularity conditions for Lagrange and Fenchel-Lagrange duality in infinite dimensional spaces, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 12(1), 171-189 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2009) - On an open problem regarding totally Fenchel unstable functions, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 137(5), 1801-1805 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad (2008) - Regularity conditions for formulae of biconjugate functions, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 12(8), 1921-1942 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, G. Wanka (2008) - On some abstract convexity notions in real linear spaces, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 11(3), 571-583 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek (2008) - An application of the bivariate inf-convolution formula to enlargements of monotone operators, Set-Valued Analysis 16(7-8), 983-997 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, G. Kassay, G. Wanka (2008) - Duality for almost convex optimization problems via the perturbation approach, Journal of Global Optimization 42(3), 385-399 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, A. Grad, G. Wanka (2008) - Sequential characterization of solutions in convex composite programming and applications to vector optimization, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 4(4), 767-782 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, A. Moldovan (2008) - Revisiting some duality theorems via the quasirelative interior in convex optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 139(1), 67-84 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, I. B. Hodrea, G. Wanka (2008) - ε - optimality conditions for composed convex optimization problems, Journal of Approximation Theory 153(1), 108-121 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, I. B. Hodrea, G. Wanka (2008) - Optimality conditions for weak efficiency to vector optimization problems with composed convex functions, Central European Journal of Mathematics 6(3), 453-468 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, G. Wanka (2008) - The conjugate of the pointwise maximum of two convex functions revisited, Journal of Global Optimization 41(4), 625-632 (PDF)
- I. Costantea, R. I. Boţ, G. Wanka (2008) - Patent document classification based on mutual information feature selection, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 23, 121-136 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad, G. Wanka (2008) - New regularity conditions for strong and total Fenchel-Lagrange duality in infinite dimensional spaces, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 69(1), 323-336 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad, G. Wanka (2008) - A new constraint qualification for the formula of the subdifferential of composed convex functions in infinite dimensional spaces, Mathematische Nachrichten 281(8), 1-20 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, G. Wanka (2008) - Regularity conditions via quasi-relative interior in convex programming, SIAM Journal on Optimization 19(1), 217-233 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, G. Wanka (2008) - Sequential optimality conditions for composed convex optimization problems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 342(2), 1015-1025 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, G. Wanka (2008)- Sequential optimality conditions in convex programming via perturbation approach, Journal of Convex Analysis 15(1), 149-164 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad, G. Wanka (2008) - On strong and total lagrange duality for convex optimization problems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 337(2), 1315-1325 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, I. B. Hodrea, G. Wanka (2007) - Some new Farkas-type results for inequality systems with DC functions, Journal of Global Optimization 59(4), 595-608 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad, G. Wanka (2007) - New constraint qualification and conjugate duality for composed convex optimization problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 135(2), 241-255 (PDF)
- L. Altangerel, R. I. Boţ, G. Wanka (2007) - Variational principles for vector equilibrium problems related to conjugate duality, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 8(2), 179-196 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, R. Chares, G. Wanka (2007) - Comparison between different duals in multiobjective fractional programming, Central European Journal of Mathematics 5(3), 425-469 (PDF)
- G. Wanka, R. I. Boţ, E. Vargyas (2007) - Conjugate duality for multiobjective composed optimization problems, Acta Mathematica Hungarica 116(3), 177-196 (PDF)
- G. Wanka, R. I. Boţ, E. Vargyas (2007) - On the relations between different duals assigned to composed optimization problems, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (ZOR) 66(1), 47-68 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad, G. Wanka (2007) - Fenchel's duality theorem for nearly convex functions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 132(3), 509-515 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, E. R. Csetnek, G. Wanka (2007) - A new condition for maximal monotonicity via representative functions, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 67(8), 2390-2402 (PDF)
- L. Altangerel, R. I. Boţ, G. Wanka (2007) - On the construction of gap functions for variational inequalities via conjugate duality, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 24(3), 353-371 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad, G. Wanka (2007) - A general approach for studying duality in multiobjective optimization, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (ZOR) 65(3), 417-444 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, I. B. Hodrea, G. Wanka (2007) - Farkas-type results for fractional programming problems, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 67(6), 1690-1703 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad, G. Wanka (2007) - Weaker constraint qualifications in maximal monotonicity, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 28(1 & 2), 27-41 (PDF)
- L. Altangerel, R. I. Boţ, G. Wanka (2007) - Conjugate duality in vector optimization and some applications to the vector variational inequality, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 329(2), 1010-1035 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad, G. Wanka (2007) - Maximal monotonicity for the precomposition with a linear operator, SIAM Journal on Optimization 17(4), 1239-1252 (PDF)
- G. Wanka, R. I. Boţ, E. Vargyas (2007) - Duality for location problems with unbounded unit balls, European Journal of Operational Research 179(3), 1252-1265 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad, G. Wanka (2007) - On the Brézis-Haraux-type approximation in nonreflexive Banach spaces, in: E. Allevi, M. Bertocchi, A. Gnudi, I. V. Konnov (Eds.), "Nonlinear Analysis with Applications in Economics, Energy and Transportation", Bergamo University Press, Bergamo, 155-170 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad, G. Wanka (2007) - A new regularity condition for subdifferential calculus and Fenchel duality in infinite dimensional spaces. Applications for maximal monotone operators, in: Seminario "Mario Volpato" 3, Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata, Università' Ca' Foscari Venezia, 16-30 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, I. B. Hodrea, G. Wanka (2007) - On some general Farkas-type results and their applications, in: Seminario "Mario Volpato" 3, Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata, Università' Ca' Foscari Venezia, 1-15 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad, G. Wanka (2007) - Almost convex functions: conjugacy and duality, in: I. V. Konnov, D. T. Luc, A. M. Rubinov (Eds.), "Generalized Convexity and Related Topics", Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 101-114 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, R. Chares, G. Wanka (2006) - Duality for multiobjective fractional programming problems, Nonlinear Analysis Forum 11(2), 185-201 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, G. Wanka (2006) - Farkas-type results for max-functions and applications, Positivity 10(4), 761-777 (PDF)
- L. Altangerel, R. I. Boţ, G. Wanka (2006) - On gap functions for equilibrium problems via Fenchel duality, Pacific Journal of Optimization 2(3), 667-678 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad, G. Wanka (2006) - Fenchel-Lagrange versus geometric duality in convex optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 129(1), 33-54 (PDF)
- I. B. Hodrea, R. I. Boţ, G. Wanka (2006) - The Rose-Gurewitz-Fox approach applied for patents classification, European Journal of Operational Research 173(3), 815-826 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, I. B. Hodrea, G. Wanka (2006) - Farkas-type results for inequality systems with composed convex functions via conjugate duality, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 322(1), 316-328 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, G. Wanka (2006) - A weaker regularity condition for subdifferential calculus and Fenchel duality in infinite dimensional spaces, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 64(12), 2787-2804 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, G. Wanka (2006) - An alternative formulation for a new closed cone constraint qualification, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 64(6), 1367-1381 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, G. Wanka (2006) - Duality for multiobjective optimization problems with convex objective functions and D.C. constraints, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 315(2), 526-543 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad, G. Wanka (2006) - Brézis-Haraux-type approximation of the range of a monotone operator composed with a linear mapping, in: Z. Kása, G. Kassay, J. Kolumbán (Eds.), "Proceedings of the International Conference In Memoriam Gyula Farkas", Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca, 36-49 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, I. B. Hodrea, G. Wanka (2006) - Composed convex programming: duality and Farkas-type results, in: Z. Kása, G. Kassay, J. Kolumbán (Eds.), "Proceedings of the International Conference In Memoriam Gyula Farkas", Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca, 22-35 (PDF)
- A. Moldovan, R. I. Boţ, G. Wanka (2005) - Latent semantic indexing for patent documents, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 15(4), 551-560 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, G. Kassay, G. Wanka (2005) - Strong duality for generalized convex optimization problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 127(1), 45-70 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad, G. Wanka (2005) - Duality for optimization problems with entropy-like objective functions, Journal of Optimization & Information Sciences 26(2), 415-441 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, G. Wanka (2005) - Farkas-type results with conjugate functions, SIAM Journal on Optimization 15(2), 540-554 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad, G. Wanka (2004)- Entropy constrained programs and geometric duality obtained via Fenchel-Lagrange duality approach, Nonlinear Analysis Forum 9(1), 65-85 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, G. Wanka (2004)- An analysis of some dual problems in multiobjective optimization (II), Optimization 53(3), 301-324 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, G. Wanka (2004)- An analysis of some dual problems in multiobjective optimization (I), Optimization 53(3), 281-300 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, G. Wanka (2003) - Duality for composed convex functions with applications in location theory, in: W. Habenicht, B. Scheubrein, R. Scheubrein (Eds.), "Multi-Criteria- und Fuzzy-Systeme in Theorie und Praxis", Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1-18 (PDF)
- R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad, G. Wanka (2003) - Maximum entropy optimization for text classification problems, in: W. Habenicht, B. Scheubrein, R. Scheubein (Eds.), "Multi-Criteria- und Fuzzy-Systeme in Theorie und Praxis", Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, Wiesbaden, 247-260 (PDF)
- L. Altangerel, R. I. Boţ, G. Wanka (2003) - Duality for convex partially separable optimization problems, Mongolian Mathematical Journal 7, 1-18 (PDF)
- G. Wanka, R. I. Boţ, S. M. Grad (2003) - Multiobjective duality for convex semidefinite programming problems, Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen (Journal for Analysis and its Applications) 22(3), 711-728 (PDF)
- G. Wanka, R. I. Boţ, E. Vargyas (2003) - Duality for the multiobjective location model involving sets as existing facilities, in: P. M. Pardalos, I. Tseveendorj, R. Enkhbat (Eds.), "Optimization and Optimal Control", World Scientific, New Jersey, 307-333 (PDF)
- G. Wanka, R. I. Boţ (2002) - Multiobjective duality for convex ratios, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 275(1), 354-368 (PDF)
- G. Wanka, R. I. Boţ (2002)- A new duality approach for multiobjective convex optimization problems, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 3(1), 41-57 (PDF)
- G. Wanka, R. I. Boţ (2002) - On the relations between different dual problems in convex mathematical programming, in: P. Chamoni, R. Leisten, A. Martin, J. Minnermann, H. Stadtler (Eds.), "Operations Research Proceedings 2001", Springer Verlag, Berlin, 255-262 (PDF)
- G. Wanka, R. I. Boţ (2001) - Multiobjective duality for convex-linear problems II, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 53(3), 419-433 (PDF)
- G. Wanka, R. I. Boţ (2000) - Multiobjective duality for convex-linear problems, in: K. Inderfurth, G. Schwödiauer, W. Domschke, F. Juhnke, P. Kleinschmidt, G. Wäscher (Eds.), "Operations Research Proceedings 1999", Springer Verlag, Berlin, 36-40 (PDF)