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10-21 February 2025: Radu Ioan Boţ gives an invited lecture series on Bridging Continuous and Discrete Time Models for Convex Optimization and Monotone Inclusions in the framework of the MATRIX Research Program Splitting Algorithms – Advances, Challenges, and Opportunities, MATRIX Institute, The University of Melbourne, Australia.
15-17 January 2025: The Vienna-Budapest Workshop on Optimization takes place at the University of Vienna.
13 January 2025: Mikhail Karapetyants successfully defends his dissertation Fast Continuous and Discrete Time Approaches for Smooth and Nonsmooth Optimization Featuring Time Scaling and Tikhonov Regularization.
1 January 2025: Radu Ioan Boţ is appointed as an Area Editor for the Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications.
26 November 2024: The Australian Research Council approves the project Taming Hard Optimization in Measure Spaces for Modern Applications (Chief Investigators: G.Y. Li, V. Jeyakumar, Partner Investigators: R.I. Boţ, B. Mordukhovich) for funding.
7 November 2024: The Vienna Seminar on Optimization is inaugurated with a talk by Guillaume Carlier from Université Paris Dauphine.
22 September 2024: Radu Ioan Boţ and the University of Vienna are entrusted by the board of the FoCM (Foundations of Computational Mathematics) society with the organization of the FoCM 2026 conference in Vienna from July 8 to July 18, 2026.
30 August 2024: The paper Fast convex optimization via time scale and averaging of the steepest descent (authors: H. Attouch, R. I. Boţ and D.-K. Nguyen) is accepted for publication in Mathematics of Operations Research.
4 August 2024: Radu Ioan Boţ is invited to join the editorial board of Mathematical Programming.
3 April 2024: Enis Chenchene joins the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with Emphasis on Optimization on a Post-Doc position.

14 December 2023: The Workshop "25w5372 Strategies for Handling Applications With Nonconvexity" (organizers: H.H. Bauschke, R.I. Boţ, R. Burachik and W.M. Moursi) has been accepted to run at the Banff International Research Station (Alberta, Canada) in 2025.
17 November 2023: The paper Accelerated Griffin-Lim algorithm: A fast and provably converging numerical method for phase retrieval (authors: R. Nenov, D.-K. Nguyen, P. Balazs and R.I. Boţ) is accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
1 October 2023: Chiara Schindler joins the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with Emphasis on Optimization as a PhD student.
11 September 2023: The paper Fast Optimistic Gradient Descent Ascent (OGDA) method in continuous and discrete time (authors: R.I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek and D.-K. Nguyen) is accepted for publication in Foundations of Computational Mathematics.
22 August 2023: The paper Fast Krasnosel'skii-Mann algorithm with a convergence rate of the fixed point iteration of o(1/k) (authors: R.I. Boţ and D.-K. Nguyen) is accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis.
21-27 May 2023: Prof. Dr. Radu Miculescu from Transylvania University of Braşov visits the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with emphasis on Optimization.
2 May 2023: The Austrian Science Fund approves 3 years funding for the research proposal Global Optimization Solver Based on Copositive Optimization (applicant: M. Gabl, mentor: R.I. Boţ) in the framework of the FWF-ESPRIT-programme.
24 April 2023: The paper A fast optimistic method for monotone variational inequalities (authors: M. Sedlmayer, D.-K. Nguyen and R.I. Boţ) is accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2023).
21-24 March 2023: Prof. Dr. Guoyin Li from University of New South Wales Sydney visits the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with Emphasis on Optimization.
20 March 2023: Vienna School of Mathematics announces 4 open PhD positions at University of Vienna. One of the proposed PhD projects is in the area of Fast Continuous Time Dynamics for Monotone Inclusions.
15-17 March 2023: The Second Vienna Workshop on Computational Optimization 2023 (VWCO23) takes place at the University of Vienna.
24 February 2023: Michael Sedlmayer successfully defends his dissertation Convergence Rate Analysis of Optimisation and Minimax Algorithms for Machine Learning.
12 February 2023: The paper Alternating proximal-gradient steps for (stochastic) nonconvex-concave minimax problems (authors: R.I. Boţ and A. Böhm) is accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Optimization.
16 January 2023: Chunxiang Zong from Lanzhou University starts her one-year research stay in the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with Emphasis on Optimization at the University of Vienna. The research stay is funded by the Chinese Scholarship Council.

31 December 2022: The paper A relaxed inertial forward-backward-forward algorithm for solving monotone inclusions with application to GANs (authors: R.I. Boţ, M. Sedlmayer and P.T. Vuong) is accepted for publication in Journal of Machine Learning Research.
29 December 2022: Prof. Min Tao from Nanjing University starts her one-year research stay in the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with Emphasis on Optimization at the University of Vienna. The research stay is funded by the Chinese Scholarship Council.
12-14 October 2022: The Workshop "Optimization Methods in Acoustics" takes place at the University of Vienna and the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
8 September 2022: The paper Inertial proximal block coordinate method for a class of nonsmooth sum-of-ratios optimization problems (authors: R.I. Boţ, M.N. Dao and G. Li) is accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Optimization.
1 August 2022: The paper Fast Augmented Lagrangian Method in the convex regime with convergence guarantees for the iterates (authors: R.I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek and D.-K. Nguyen) is accepted for publication in Mathematical Programming.
4 July 2022: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited keynote lecture Fast Methods for Linearly Constrained Convex Optimization Problems in Continuous and Discrete Time at the TraDE-OPT Workshop on Algorithmic and Continuous Optimization, organized in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
13 May 2022: The paper An accelerated minimax algorithm for convex-concave saddle point problems with nonsmooth coupling function (authors: R.I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek and M. Sedlmayer) is accepted for publication in Computational Optimization and Applications.
3 May 2022: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the plenary lecture Fast Augmented Lagrangian Method in continuous and discrete time at the FGP’22 - French German Portuguese Conference on Optimization 2022, organized in Porto, Portugal.
22 March 2022: The paper Second order splitting dynamics with vanishing damping for additively structured monotone inclusions (authors: R.I. Boţ and D.A. Hulett) is accepted for publication in Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations.
21 March 2022: The paper Two steps at a time — taking GAN training in stride with Tseng’s method (authors: A. Böhm, M. Sedlmayer, E.R. Csetnek and R.I. Boţ) is accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science.

5 November 2021: The Fudan-Vienna Joint Workshop on Applied and Computational Mathematics takes place in the framework of the Fudan-Vienna Strategic Partners Week 2021.
1 October 2021: Sorin-Mihai Grad takes on a Research Professor position at ENSTA Paris.
15 September 2021: The paper Improved convergence rates and trajectory convergence for primal-dual dynamical systems with vanishing damping (authors: R.I. Boţ and D.-K. Nguyen) is accepted for publication in Journal of Differential Equations.
6 September 2021: The paper Extrapolated proximal subgradient algorithms for nonconvex and nonsmooth fractional programs (authors: R.I. Boţ, M.N. Dao and G. Li) is accepted for publication in Mathematics of Operations Research.
29 June 2021: The Austrian Science Fund approves the research proposal Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization Methods in Acoustics (applicant: R.I. Boţ, national research partner: P. Balazs) for a period of 48 months.
27 June 2021: Radu Boţ participates at the 25th Anniversary Jubilee ceremony of the German line of study of the Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca.
17 June 2021: The paper Convergence rates of first and higher order dynamics for solving linear ill-posed problems (authors: R.I. Boţ, G. Dong, P. Elbau and O. Scherzer) is accepted for publication in Foundations of Computational Mathematics.
9 June 2021: The press release on the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) project Smart operation of wind turbines under icing conditions is online.
29 May 2021: Buris Tongnoi joins the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with Emphasis on Optimization as a PhD student.
22 April 2021: Dang-Khoa Nguyen successfully defends his dissertation Numerical Algorithms for Structured Nonsmooth and Nonconvex Optimization Problems.
13 February 2021: The Research Group on "Applied Mathematics with Emphasis on Optimization" is looking for a student assistant for a project on political survey data.
4 January 2021: The paper Fast optimization via inertial dynamics with closed-loop damping (authors: H. Attouch, R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in Journal of the European Mathematical Society.

16 December 2020: Radu Boţ congratulates the German line of study of the Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca on its 25th Anniversary Jubilee.
2 December 2020: David Alexander Hulett joins the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with Emphasis on Optimization as a PhD student.
25 November 2020: Radu Boţ speaks in the BILDUNG magazine of FALTER about the progress registered in the representation of women at the Faculty of Mathematics.
21 November 2020: Radu Boţ gives an interview to Radio România Internaţional.
16 November 2020: The Climate and Energy Fund and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) approve the research proposal Smart operation of wind turbines under icing conditions, which is a joint project of the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with Emphasis on Optimization, VERBUND Green Power GmbH, METEOTEST AG and AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH.
11 November 2020: The paper A forward-backward dynamical approach for nonsmooth problems with block structure coupled by a smooth function (authors: R.I. Boţ and L. Kanzler) is accepted for publication in Applied Mathematics and Computation.
30 October 2020:Axel Böhm successfully defends his dissertation Quantitative Convergence Estimates of Deterministic and Stochastic Methods for Optimization and Minimax Problems.
24 October 2020: Mikhail Karapetyants joins the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with Emphasis on Optimization as a PhD student of the Vienna Graduate School on Computational Optimization.
2 October 2020: The paper Variable smoothing for convex optimization problems using stochastic gradients (authors: R.I. Boţ and A. Böhm) is accepted for publication in Journal of Scientific Computing.
1 October 2020: Radu Ioan Boţ takes over the position as Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna.
27 July 2020: The paper A primal-dual dynamical approach to structured convex minimization problems (authors: R.I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek and S.C. László) is accepted for publication in Journal of Differential Equations.
10 July 2020: Radu Ioan Boţ is invited to join the Editorial Board of the journal Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization.
18 May 2020: The paper Tikhonov regularization of a second order dynamical system with Hessian driven damping (authors: R.I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek and S.C. László) is accepted for publication in Mathematical Programming.
15 May 2020: The call for applications for a PhD positon in the Research Group for Applied Mathematics and Optimization starts. The successful candidate will become member of the Vienna Graduate School on Computational Optimization. Applications have to be submitted via the application form.
14 April 2020: The website of the One World Optimization Seminar goes online.
19-21 February 2020: The 1st Workshop of the Research Group on ”Applied Mathematics with Emphasis on Optimization” takes place at the Hotel Tulbinger Kogel.
19 February 2020:Dennis Meier successfully defends his dissertation Improving the Convergence Behaviour of Splitting Algorithms for Monotone Inclusions in Hilbert Spaces: From Weak to Strong Convergence.
15 January 2020: The call for applications for a PhD positon in the Research Group for Applied Mathematics and Optimization starts. The successful candidate will become member of the Vienna School of Mathematics and is expected to actively contribute to its activities. Applications have to be sent via the Job Center of the University of Vienna at the Reference number 1043.
6-8 January 2020:The IFIP Workshop on "Inverse Problems, Imaging, and Optimization" (organizers: R.I. Boţ, Christian Clason, Antonin Chambolle and Barbara Kaltenbacher) takes place in Essen, Germany.

27 November 2019: The Austrian Science Fund approves the extension of the Doctoral Programme Vienna Graduate School on Computational Optimization for a second funding period. The new Speaker is Radu Ioan Boţ.
17-21 November 2019: Radu Ioan Boţ visits the research group of Prof. Jérôme Bolte at the Toulouse School of Economics. On November 18, he gives the talk A Primal-Dual Dynamical Approach to Structured Convex Minimization Problems in the Séminaire Pluridisciplinaire d'Optimisation de Toulouse.
7 November 2019: uni:view Magazin reports on the Vienna School of Mathematics.
6-13 November 2019: Conf. Dr. Szilárd László from Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and Daniel Cristian Alecsa from the Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis Cluj-Napoca visit the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with emphasis on Optimization.
3-5 November 2019: Radu Ioan Boţ represents the Rectorate of the University of Vienna at the Centennial Celebrations of the Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca as a Romanian university.
1 November 2019: Matus Benko joins the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with emphasis on Optimization on a Post-Doc position.
16 October 2019: Radu Ioan Boţ gives his welcome address at the Kick-off Event of the Vienna School of Mathematics.
3-4 October 2019: Radu Ioan Boţ takes part and gives a public speech at the Centennial Celebration Gala Meeting of the Mihai Eminescu National College Satu Mare, Romania.
1 September 2019: Tu Voung Phan takes on a Lecturer position at the University of Southampton.
7 August 2019: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the semi-plenary lecture Proximal algorithms for nonsmooth nonconvex optimization at the The Sixth International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT 2019) organized in Berlin, Germany.
1 August 2019: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited lecture A primal-dual dynamical approach to structured convex minimization problems at the 2019 CUHK-Shenzhen Workshop on Optimization Theory and Applications, organized at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China.
25 July 2019: Radu Ioan Boţ is invited to join the Editorial Board of the journal Computational Optimization and Applications.
22 July - 1 August 2019: Prof. Dr. Guoyin Li from University of New South Wales Sydney visits the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with emphasis on Optimization.
5-11 July 2019: Prof. Dr. Gert Wanka from Chemnitz University of Technology visits the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with emphasis on Optimization.
2-15 July 2019: Prof. Dr. Regina Burachik and Prof. Dr. Yalcin Kaya from University of South Australia visit the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with emphasis on Optimization.
24 June - 1 July 2019:The 71st Workshop ADVANCES IN NONSMOOTH ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION (directors: A. Barbagallo, R.I. Boţ and C. Sagastizabal) of the International School of Mathematics G. Stampacchia will take place in Erice, Italy.
9-11 April 2019:The Workshop Games, Dynamics and Optimization 2019 (GDO2019) (organizers: R.I. Boţ, Mathias Staudigl and Adrian Petruşel) takes place at the Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
30 March 2019: The paper The proximal alternating direction method of multipliers in the nonconvex setting: convergence analysis and rates (authors: R.I. Boţ and D.-K. Nguyen) is accepted for publication in Mathematics of Operations Research.
21 March 2019: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited lecture Four (plus one) open questions about the minimization of structured nonsmooth and nonconvex functions at the 2nd Workshop on "Operator Splitting Methods in Data Analysis" organized at the Flatiron Institute, New York, USA.
20 February 2019: Radu Ioan Boţ serves as PhD thesis reviewer and member of the PhD Committee of Lilian Glaudin at the Sorbonne Université Paris.
8 February 2019: The paper A proximal minimization algorithm for structured nonconvex and nonsmooth problems (authors: R.I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek and D.-K. Nguyen) is accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Optimization.
28 January - 8 March 2019:The Thematic Programme Modern Maximal Monotone Operator Theory: From Nonsmooth Optimization to Differential Inclusions takes place at the Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematics and Pyhsics (ESI) Vienna.

17-19 December 2018:The Workshop Vienna Workshop of Computational Optimization 2018 (VWCO18) takes place at the University of Vienna.
27 November 2018: The Australian Research Council approves the research proposal Innovations in Sparse Optimization: Big Data Nonsmooth Optimization (applicants: G. Li, B. Mordukhovich and R.I. Boţ) for funding.
26 November 2018: The paper The Proximal Alternating Minimization Algorithm for two-block separable convex optimization problems with linear constraints (authors: S. Bitterlich, R. I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek and G. Wanka) is accepted for publication in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications.
24 November 2018: The paper A forward-backward penalty scheme with inertial effects for monotone inclusions. Applications to convex bilevel programming (authors: R.I. Boţ and D.-K. Nguyen) is accepted for publication in Optimization.
1 November 2018: Sorin-Mihai Grad joins the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with emphasis on Optimization on a Lise Meitner Post-Doc position.
26 October 2018: Radu Ioan Boţ serves as member of the PhD Committee of Henri Gérard at the Université Paris-Est.
1 October 2018:Michael Sedlmayer joins the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with emphasis on Optimization and the Research Platform Data Science @ Uni Vienna on a PhD student position.
1 October - 21 December 2018: Porntip Promsinchai and Natthaphon Artsawang from Naresuan University, Thailand, are visiting the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with Emphasis on Optimization. Their research stay is financially supported by The Royal Golden Jubilee PhD Program of Thailand.
26 September 2018: Radu Ioan Boţ is invited to join the Editorial Board of the journal Optimization Methods and Software.
8-14 July 2018: Conf. Dr. Szilárd László from Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, visits the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with emphasis on Optimization.
8-11 July 2018: Prof. Dr. Regina Burachik and Prof. Dr. Yalcin Kaya from University of South Australia visit the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with emphasis on Optimization.
2 July 2018: The Austrian Science Fund approves the research proposal Algorithms for solving variational inequalities (applicant: V. Phan, co-applicant: R.I. Boţ) in the form of a Lise Meitner Post-Doc position for a period of 24 months.
1 July 2018: Vuong Phan joins the Research group on Applied Mathematics with emphasis on Optimization on a Post-Doc position.
26 June 2018: The paper A second order dynamical approach with variable damping to nonconvex smooth minimization (authors: R.I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek and S.C. László) is accepted for publication in Applicable Analysis.
12 June 2018: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited lecture A proximal minimization algorithm for structured nonconvex and nonsmooth problems at the DIMACS Workshop on ADMM and Proximal Splitting Methods in Optimization organized at Rutgers University, USA.
30 May 2018: The paper ADMM for monotone operators: convergence analysis and rates (authors: R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in Advances in Computational Mathematics.
26 May 2018: The paper An incremental mirror descent subgradient algorithm with random sweeping and proximal step (authors: R.I. Boţ and A. Böhm) is accepted for publication in Optimization.
22 May 2018: The Minisymposium Convex Analysis and Inverse Problems (organized by R.I. Boţ and K. Bredies) takes place in the framework of the 9th International Conference "Inverse Problems: Modeling & Simulation", May 21-25, 2018, Malta.
07 May 2018: The paper A general double-proximal gradient algorithm for d.c. programming (authors: S. Banert and R.I. Boţ) is accepted for publication in Mathematical Programming.
20 March 2018: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited lecture On the boundedness of the sequence of iterates generated by the nonconvex ADMM algorithm at the Workshop on "Operator Splitting Methods in Data Analysis" organized at SAMSI in Research Triangle Park, USA.
13-15 March 2018: The Workshop Games, Dynamics and Optimization 2018 takes place in the Sky Lounge of the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna.
12-16 March 2018: Dr. Sebastian Banert from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm is visiting the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with emphasis on Optimization.
9 March 2018: The paper Inducing strong convergence into the asymptotic behaviour of proximal splitting algorithms in Hilbert spaces (authors: R.I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek and D. Meier) is accepted for publication in Optimization Methods and Software.
8 March 2018: The paper A second order dynamical system with Hessian-driven damping and penalty term associated to variational inequalities (authors: R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in the special issue of Optimization dedicated to the memory of Jon Borwein.
24 February 2018: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the lecture Asupra metodei gradientului de minimizare a funcţiilor derivabile at the Mathematical Symposium In memoriam profesor Ioan Boţ organized in the memory of his father at the Mihai Eminescu National College Satu Mare, Romania.
12 February 2018: The paper Approaching nonsmooth nonconvex minimization through second order proximal-gradient dynamical systems (authors: R.I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek and S.C. László) is accepted for publication in Journal of Evolution Equations.
10 February 2018: The paper Inertial forward-backward methods for solving vector optimization problems (authors: R.I. Boţ and S.M. Grad) is accepted for publication in Optimization.
2 February 2018: The call for applications for a FWF-funded PostDoc Position in the Research Group for Applied Mathematics with emphasis on Optimization starts.
8 January 2018: The paper Second order dynamical systems with penalty terms associated to monotone inclusions (authors: R.I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek and S.C. László) is accepted for publication in Analysis and Applications.

29 November 2017 - 29 January 2018: Prof. Aris Daniilidis from Universidad de Chile holds a guest professorship at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna in the framework of the Non-EU Teaching Mobility Program. Prof. Daniilidis gives the course Variational analysis and structure in descent systems and optimization.
7-8 November 2017: Prof. D. Russell Luke from Universität Göttingen is visiting the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with emphasis on Optimization. On November 8, Prof. Luke gives the talk Quantifying convergence of Picard iterations in the Mathematical Colloquium of the University of Vienna.
18 October 2017: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited lecture ADMM for monotone operators: convergence analysis and rates at the "German-Israeli Research Workshop on Optimization" organized at Technion Haifa, Israel.
11-14 October 2017: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited lecture series Splitting algorithms in nonsmooth convex and nonconvex optimization at the Autumn School on Nonsmooth Structures in Mathematical Models 2017 organized at WIAS Berlin, Germany.
11 October 2017: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited talk The inertial proximal-gradient algorithm for nonconvex nonsmooth optimization problems at the Annual Meeting of the DFG Priority Programme 1962 organized at Hotel Sommerfeld in Kremmen, Germany.
1-5 October 2017: Prof. Hélène Frankowska from Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6, is visiting the Research Group on Applied Mathematics with emphasis on Optimization. On October 4, Prof. Frankowska gives the talk Value function and necessary optimality conditions in deterministic optimal control in the Mathematical Colloquium of the University of Vienna.
1 October 2017: Radu Ioan Boţ is appointed as University Professor of Applied Mathematics with emphasis on Optimization at the University of Vienna.
19 September 2017: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited talk A general double-proximal gradient algorithm for d.c. programming at the Workshop on "Splitting Algorithms, Modern Operator Theory, and Applications" organized at the Casa Matematica Oaxaca, Mexico.
1 September 2017: Sebastian Banert takes on a PostDoc position at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.
29 August 2017: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited plenary talk Proximal algorithms for nonconvex nonsmooth optimization problems with KL functions at the 7th German-Polish Conference on Optimization in Bedlewo, Poland.
24 July 2017: The paper An inertial proximal-gradient penalization scheme for constrained convex optimization problems (authors: R.I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek and N. Nimana) is accepted for publication in the special issue of the Vietnam Journal of Mathematics dedicated to the 70th birthday of Michel Thera.
11 July 2017: Sebastian Banert successfully defends his dissertation Splitting Algorithms in Hilbert spaces and Beyond.
4 July 2017: Radu Ioan Boţ is invited to join the Editorial Board of the journalApplied Mathematics and Optimization.
24 June - 4 July 2017:Prof. Dr. Gert Wanka from Chemnitz University of Technology is visiting the Research Group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization. On June 29, Prof. Wanka gives the talk Solving minimax location problems via epigraphical projection in the DACH Mini Workshop "Advances in Nonsmooth Optimization".
5 June - 14 July 2017:Ms. Sandy Bitterlich from Chemnitz University of Technology, who is employed in the joint DACH project, is visiting the Research Group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization.
12 June 2017: Radu Ioan Boţ is appointed by Order of the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research (published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, No. 430/12.VI.2017) as member of the Committee on Mathematics of the Romanian National Council for Attestation of Academic Titles, Diplomas and Certificates (CNATDCU).
2 June 2017: The paper Gradient-type penalty method with inertial effects for solving constrained convex optimization problems with smooth data (authors: R.I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek and N. Nimana) is accepted for publication in Optimization Letters.
1 June 2017: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited talk A general double-proximal gradient algorithm for d.c. programming at the The Third International Conference on Engineering and Computational Mathematics organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
30 May 2017: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited talk The proximal-gradient algorithm for fractional programming: convergence analysis and rates at the 2017 HKBU Workshop on Optimization organized by the Hong Kong Baptist University.
19 May 2017: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited talk The proximal-gradient approach in the nonconvex setting from both a discrete and continuous perspective at the HCM Workshop "Nonsmooth Optimization and its Applications" organized by the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics Bonn.
12-13 May 2017: The first research retreat of the Vienna Graduate School on Computational Optimization takes place in Puchberg am Schneeberg.
9 April 2017: The paper Approaching nonsmooth nonconvex optimization problems through first order dynamical systems with hidden acceleration and Hessian driven damping terms (authors: R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in the special issue of Set-Valued and Variational Analysis dedicated to the memory of Jon Borwein.
9 April 2017: The paper Levenberg-Marquardt dynamics associated to variational inequalities (authors: R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in Set-Valued and Variational Analysis.
27 March - 9 April 2017:Prof. Poom Kumam from King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand, is visiting the Research Group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization.
28 February 2017: The paper A forward-backward dynamical approach to the minimization of the sum of a nonsmooth convex with a smooth nonconvex function (authors: R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in ESAIM: Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations.
26 February - 4 March 2017:Prof. Annamaria Barbagallo from University of Naples Frederico II is visiting the Research Group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization.
2 February 2017: The paper Proximal-gradient algorithms for fractional programming (authors: R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in Optimization.
30 January - 5 February 2017: Prof. Nicolae Popovici from Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca is visiting the Research Group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization.
22-28 January 2017: Radu Ioan Boţ is visiting at the invitation of Prof. Gert Wanka the Research Group on Applied Mathematics (Approximation Theory) at Chemnitz University of Technology.
18 January 2017: Prof. Michael Hintermüller from Humboldt University of Berlin and Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics is visiting the Research Group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization and gives the talk Bilevel Optimization and Applications in Imaging in the Mathematical Colloquium of the University of Vienna.

24 November-2 December 2016:PD. Dr. habil. Sorin-Mihai Grad from Chemnitz University of Technology is visiting the Research Group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization. On December 1, Dr. Grad gives the talk An inertial proximal method for solving vector optimization problems in the Optimization Seminar of the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna.
13-19 November 2016: Conf. Dr. Szilárd László from Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, is visiting the Research group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization.
10 November 2016: New calls for PhD candidate and Scientifc Coordinator (PostDoc) positions in the Vienna Graduate School on Computational Optimization.
4 November 2016: Radu Ioan Boţ is appointed as Speaker of the Vienna Doctoral School "Mathematics" of the University of Vienna.
3 November 2016: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited talk Proximal-gradient algorithms for fractional programming in the Seminar of the Research Group on Analysis and Optimization of the "Babeş - Bolyai" University Cluj-Napoca.
27 October 2016: Prof. Jean-Christophe Pesquet from the University of Paris-Saclay, France, gives the talk Stochastic proximal algorithms with applications to online image recovery in the Optimization Seminar of the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna.
24 October - 4 November 2016: Radu Ioan Boţ teaches the course Numerische Optimierungsverfahren in the Computer Science Program in German Language at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca.
11 October 2016: The Austrian Science Fund approves the research proposal Nonsmooth optimization problems: splitting and dynamics (applicant: E.R. Csetnek) for a period of 48 months.
9-15 October 2016: Prof. Michel Théra from University of Limoges, France, is visiting the Research Group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization. On October 13, Prof. Théra gives the talk Ekeland's inverse function theorem revisited for multifunctions in the Optimization Seminar of the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna.
1 October 2016: Dang Khoa Nguyen joins the Research Group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization as a PraeDoc student.
1 October 2016: Dennis Meier joins the Research Group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization as a PraeDoc student.
1 October 2016: Radu Ioan Boţ is appointed as Invited Associate Professor of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca.
1 October 2016: Radu Ioan Boţ takes over the position as Vice Dean for Research of the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna.
30 September 2016: The paper Conditional stability versus ill-posedness for operator equations with monotone operators in Hilbert space (authors: R.I. Boţ and B. Hofmann) is accepted for publication in Inverse Problems.
30 September 2016: Radu Ioan Boţ serves as member of the PhD Committee of Van Vu Nguyen at the XLIM Research Institute of the University of Limoges.
30 September 2016: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited talk Primal-dual algorithms for convex optimization problems with complex structures in the MOD Seminar at the XLIM Research Institute of the University of Limoges.
19-23 September 2016: Prof. Gert Wanka from Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany, is visiting the Research Group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization.
4 August 2016: The paper A forward-backward-forward differential equation and its asymptotic properties (authors: S. Banert and R.I. Boţ) is accepted for publication in Journal of Convex Analysis.
7 July 2016: The paper Convergence rates for forward-backward dynamical systems associated with strongly monotone inclusions (authors: R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications.
7 July 2016: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited plenary talk Proximal-gradient algorithms for fractional programming at the International Workshop "Advances in Convex Analysis and Optimization" organized by the International School of Mathematics G. Stampacchia in Erice, Italy.
4-7 June 2016: Radu Ioan Boţ is visiting KAUST.
16-18 May 2016: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited lecture series Recent advances in numerical algorithms for convex optimization at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.
9 May 2016: The Austrian Science Fund approves the research proposal Investigations on monotonicity in general Banach spaces (applicant: S.-M. Grad, co-applicant: R.I. Boţ) in the form of a Lise Meitner Post-Doc position in the Research Group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization for a period of 24 months.
7 May - 14 May 2016: Prof. Hedy Attouch from Université Montpellier, France, is visiting the Research Group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization. On May 11, Prof. Attouch gives the talks Gradient-based methods for Multiobjective Optimization. A dynamical approach to Pareto optima in the Junior Mathematical Colloquium and Fast splitting algorithms for convex optimization. Beyond Nesterov complexity bound O(1/k^2) in the Mathematical Colloquium of the University of Vienna.
28 April 2016: The paper Solving monotone inclusions involving parallel sums of linearly composed maximally monotone operators (authors: R.I. Boţ and C. Hendrich) is accepted for publication in Inverse Problems and Imaging.
26 April 2016: The paper Second order forward-backward dynamical systems for monotone inclusion problems (authors: R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization.
20 April 2016: The paper Penalty schemes with inertial effects for monotone inclusion problems (authors: R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in the special issue of Optimization dedicated to Professor Franco Giannessi on the occasion of his 80th birthday and to Professor Diethard Pallaschke on the occasion of his 75th birthday.
25 March 2016: Radu Ioan Boţ serves as member of the Habilitation Committee of Conf. Dr. Nicolae Popovici at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca.
2 March 2016: Ernö Robert Csetnek successfully completes the habilitation process at University of Vienna.
1 March 2016: The calls for PhD candidates and a Scientifc Coordinator (PostDoc) in the Vienna Graduate School on Computational Optimization start.
25 February - 30 April 2016: Kan Buranakorn and Nimit Nimana from Naresuan University, Thailand, are visiting the Research group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization. Their research stay is financially supported by The Royal Golden Jubilee PhD Program of Thailand.
23 February 2016: The call for applications for a FWF-funded Doctorate Research Position in the Research Group for Applied Mathematics and Optimization starts.
17 February 2016: The paper Second order dynamical systems associated to variational inequalities (authors: R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in Applicable Analysis.
16-23 January 2016:Prof. Altangerel Lkhamsuren from the German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology, Ulan Bator, Mongolia, is visiting the Research group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization.
07 January 2016: The Austrian Science Fund approves the research proposal Employing recent outcomes in proximal theory outside the comfort zone (applicant: R.I. Boţ) for a period of 36 months.

2 December 2015: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited talk Primal-dual splitting algorithms for convex optimization with applications to image processing at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science of the Warsaw University of Technology.
1 December 2015: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited talk A Douglas-Rachford type algorithm for nonsmooth convex optimization problems with complex structures at the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
29 November-12 December 2015: Radu Ioan Boţ makes a research stay at the System Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, at the invitation of Prof. Ewa Bednarczuk.
20 November 2015: Radu Ioan Boţ serves as member of the PhD Committee of Boushra Abbas at the Faculty of Science of the University Montpellier.
09 November 2015: The paper Approaching the solving of constrained variational inequalities via penalty term-based dynamical systems (authors: R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications.
27 October 2015: The former external member of the Research group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization, Dr. Christopher Hendrich, is awarded with the University Prize of the Chemnitz University of Technology for his PhD thesis Proximal Splitting Methods in Nonsmooth Convex Optimization (advisor: R.I. Boţ).
23 October 2015: Radu Ioan Boţ serves as member of the PhD Committee of Bogdan Påtraşcu at the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science of the Polytechnic University Bucharest.
26-30 October 2015: Prof. Bernd Hofmann from the Technical University Chemnitz, Germany, is visiting the Research group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization. On October 28, Prof. Hofmann gives the talk The impact of smoothness on inverse problems and regularization: a curse or a blessing? in the Optimization Seminar of the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna.
14 October 2015: Prof. Asen Dontchev (Mathematical Reviews and University of Michigan) gives the talks What is...the implicit function theorem in the Junior Mathematical Colloquium and Newton methods for variational inequalities in the Mathematical Colloquium of the University of Vienna.
7 October 2015: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited plenary talk A Douglas-Rachford type algorithm for nonsmooth convex optimization problems with complex structures at the 12 International Seminar on Optimization and Related Areas organized in Lima, Peru.
13-19 September 2015: Radu Ioan Boţ makes a research stay at the Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand, which is financially supported by The Royal Golden Jubilee PhD Program of Thailand. He gives the invited lecture series Recent advances in convex optimization.
13 September 2015: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited lecture Splitting algorithms for nonsmooth convex optimization problems with complex structures at the Faculty of Science of King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Bangkok, Thailand.
31 August 2015: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited plenary talk On the solving of nonsmooth convex optimization problems with complex structures at the International Workshop "Variational Analysis and Applications" organized by the International School of Mathematics G. Stampacchia in Erice, Italy.
27 August 2015: Radu Ioan Boţ serves as member of the PhD Committee of Masoud Ahookhosh at the Faculty of the Mathematics of the University of Vienna.
21 July 2015: The paper An inertial forward-backward algorithm for the minimization of the sum of two nonconvex functions (authors: R.I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek and S.C. László) is accepted for publication in EURO Journal on Computational Optimization.
07-14 June 2015: Prof. Constantin Zălinescu from "A.I. Cuza" University of Iaşi, Romania, is visiting the Research group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization. On June 11, Prof. Zălinescu gives the talk Series of convex functions: subdifferential, conjugate and applications to entropy minimization in the Optimization Seminar of the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna.
31 May - 06 June 2015: Prof. Boris Mordukhovich from Wayne State University, USA, is visiting the Research group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization. On June 1, Prof. Mordukhovich gives the talk Variational Analysis: What is it? in the Mathematical Colloquium of the University of Vienna.
12 May 2015: Prof. R. Tyrrell Rockafellar (University of Washington, Seattle, University of Florida) gives the talk Stochastic Variational Inequalities: Single-stage to Multistage in the Mathematical Colloquium of the University of Vienna.
11 May 2015: The paper An inertial forward-backward-forward primal-dual splitting algorithm for solving monotone inclusion problems (authors: R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in Numerical Algorithms.
16 April 2015: Matthew Tam (CARMA, University of Newcastle, Australia) gives the talk Douglas-Rachford methods and matrix completion in the Optimization Seminar of the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna.
15 April 2015: The paper A hybrid proximal-extragradient algorithm with inertial effects (authors: R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization.
19 March 2015: The paper An inertial Tseng's type proximal algorithm for nonsmooth and nonconvex optimization problems (authors: R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in the Special Issue of the Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications dedicated to the Memory of Professor Vladimir Fiodorovich Dem’yanov.
16-27 March 2015:Oleg Wilfer from Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany, is visiting the Research group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization.
24 February 2015: The paper A dynamical system associated with the fixed points set of a nonexpansive operator (authors: R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations.
10 February 2015: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the invited talk Qualification conditions formulated via the quasi-relative interior in convex programming at the Fitzpatrick Workshop of the South Pacific Continuous Optimization Meeting (SPCOM 2015) organized in Adelaide, Australia.
09 February 2015: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the plenary talk Primal-dual methods for solving complexly structured nonsmooth convex optimization problems at the South Pacific Continuous Optimization Meeting (SPCOM 2015) organized in Adelaide, Australia.
03 January 2015: The paper Inertial Douglas-Rachford splitting for monotone inclusion problems (authors: R.I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek and C. Hendrich) is accepted for publication in Applied Mathematics and Computation.

20 December 2014: The paper Backward penalty schemes for monotone inclusion problems (authors: S.Banert and R.I. Boţ) is accepted for publication in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications.
07-17 November 2014:PD. Dr. habil. Sorin-Mihai Grad from Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany, is visiting the Research group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization.
24 September 2014: The paper Convex risk minimization via proximal splitting methods (authors: R.I. Boţ and C. Hendrich) is accepted for publication in Optimization Letters.
10 September 2014: The paper On the convergence rate of a forward-backward type primal-dual splitting algorithm for convex optimization problems (authors: R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in the special issue of Optimization dedicated to the founder and former editor-in-chief of the journal, Professor Karl-Heinz Elster, and to Professor Alfred Göpfert in celebration of his 80th birthday.
07-15 September 2014: Radu Ioan Boţ makes a research stay at the German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology, Ulan Bator, Mongolia, at the invitation of Prof. Altangerel Lkhamsuren. The research stay is financially supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
17 July 2014: The external member of the research group Christopher Hendrich defends his dissertation Proximal Splitting Methods in Nonsmooth Convex Optimization at Chemnitz University of Technology with Summa cum laude.
13-17 July 2014: Prof. Heinz H. Bauschke from University of British Columbia, Canada, is visiting the Research group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization.
06-12 July 2014: Radu Ioan Boţ makes a research stay at the Department of Applied Mathematics of National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, at the invitation of Prof. Jen-Chih Yao.
19 June 2014: Radu Ioan Boţ is awarded by the Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications with the Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing.
08-20 June 2014: Dr. Szilárd László from Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, is visiting the Research group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization.
05 May 2014: The paper An inertial alternating direction method of multipliers (authors: R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in Minimax Theory and its Applications.
07 April 2014: The paper A variable smoothing algorithm for solving convex optimization problems (authors: R.I. Boţ and C. Hendrich) has been accepted for publication in TOP.
01 April 2014: Radu Ioan Boţ is invited to join the editorial board of Minimax Theory and its Applications.
01 April 2014: Radu Ioan Boţ is tenured as Associate Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna.
03 March 2014: The Austrian Science Fund approves the research proposal Convex optimization via monotone operator theory (applicant: E.R. Csetnek, co-applicant: R.I. Boţ) in the form of a Lise Meitner Post-Doc position for a period of 24 months.
03 March 2014: Radu Ioan Boţ is invited to join the editorial board of Applied Mathematics and Computation (AMC) - Elsevier Science Publishers.
10 February 2014: The paper On the convergence rate improvement of a primal-dual splitting algorithm for solving monotone inclusion problems (authors: R.I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek, A. Heinrich and C. Hendrich) is accepted for publication in Mathematical Programming.
30 January 2014: The paper Forward-Backward and Tseng's type penalty schemes for monotone inclusion problems (authors: R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in Set-Valued and Variational Analysis.
20 January 2014: The paper Backward-backward splitting in Hadamard spaces (author: S. Banert) is accepted for publication in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications.
15 January 2014: Radu Ioan Boţ gives his "Antrittsvorlesung" at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna.
11 January 2014: Radu Ioan Boţ is invited to join the editorial board of SIAM Journal on Optimization.
20 December 2013: The paper Convergence analysis for a primal-dual monotone + skew splitting algorithm with applications to total variation minimization (authors: R.I. Boţ and C. Hendrich) is accepted for publication in Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.
26-29 November 2013: Radu Ioan Boţ makes a research stay at the Faculty of Mathematics of Chemnitz University of Technology at the invitation of Prof. Gert Wanka.
2 October 2013: The paper A Douglas-Rachford type primal-dual method for solving inclusions with mixtures of composite and parallel-sum type monotone operators (authors: R.I. Boţ and C. Hendrich) is accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Optimization.
26 September 2013: Radu Ioan Boţ gives the plenary talk On primal-dual splitting algorithms for monotone inclusions with applications to convex optimization at the 9th International Conference on Applied Mathematics organized in Baia Mare, Romania.
25 September 2013: The paper A Tseng's type penalty scheme for solving inclusion problems involving linearly composed and parallel-sum type monotone operators (authors: R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in the special issue of Vietnam Journal of Mathematics dedicated to Professor Boris Mordukhovich on the occasion of his 65th birthday.
1 September 2013: Sebastian Banert takes on a PraeDoc position at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna.
15 July 2013: The paper A primal-dual splitting algorithm for finding zeros of sums of maximal monotone operators (authors: R.I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek and A. Heinrich) is accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Optimization.
4 July 2013: The paper Conjugate duality and the control of linear discrete systems (authors: R.I. Boţ and E.R. Csetnek) is accepted for publication in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications.
1 July 2013: Ernö Robert Csetnek takes on a PostDoc position at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna in the framework of a third-party funded project supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
1 July 2013: Radu Ioan Boţ takes on a Tenure Track position at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna.
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