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Research projects supported by academic funding agencies

01/2025-12/2027Taming Hard Optimization in Measure Spaces for Modern Applications
Supported by: Australian Research Council (ARC)
Project Label: DP250101112, Discovery Projects
Co-applicant: G. Li (UNSW Sydney), V. Jeyakumar (UNSW Sydney), B. Mordukhovich (Wayne State U)
12/2021-11/2025Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization Methods in Acoustics
Supported by: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Project Label: P 34922-N
Co-applicant: P. Balasz (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
03/2020-08/2025Vienna Graduate School on Computational Optimization
Second Funding Period (Role: Speaker of the Graduate School)
Supported by: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Project Label: W 1260 Doktoratskollegs
06/2019-05/2021Algorithms for Solving Variational Inequalities
Supported by: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Project Label: M 2499, Lisa Meitner Program
Co-applicant: P.T. Vuong (University of Vienna)
01/2019-12/2021Innovation in Sparse Optimization: Big Data Nonsmooth Optimization
Supported by: Australian Research Council (ARC)
Project Label: DP190100555, ARC Discovery Grant
Co-applicant: G. Li (UNSW Sydney), B. Mordukhovich (Wayne State U)
05/2018-04/2020Investigations on monotonicity in general Banach spaces
Supported by: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Project Label: M 2045-N32, Lisa Meitner Program
Co-applicant: S.-M. Grad (Chemnitz UT)
09/2016-02/2020Employing recent outcomes in proximal theory outside the comfort zone
Supported by: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Project Label: I 2419-N32
03/2016-09/2020Vienna Graduate School on Computational Optimization
First Funding Period
Supported by: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Project Label: W 1260 Doktoratskollegs
03/2015-02/2017Convex optimization via monotone operator theory
Supported by: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Project Label: M 1682-N25, Lisa Meitner Program
Co-applicant: E.R. Csetnek (University of Vienna)
04/2014-06/2016Neue theoretische und algorithmische Ansätze in der Vektoroptimierung
Supported by: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Project Label: BO 2516/6-1, Sachbeihilfe
Co-applicant: G. Wanka (Chemnitz UT)
03/2012-02/2016Erweiterung spezifischer Techniken der konvexen Optimierung über die klassischen Anwendungsgebiete hinaus
Supported by: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Project Label: BO 2516/4-1, Sachbeihilfe
10/2008-06/2012Regularity conditions for convex optimization problems in infinite dimensional spaces
Supported by: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Project Label: WA 922/1-3, Sachbeihilfe
Co-applicant: G. Wanka (Chemnitz UT)
10/2010-03/2011Theory of monotone operators
Supported by: European Social Fund in Romania (ESF Romania)
Program: “Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013”
Project Label: POSDRU/6/1.5/S3/2008
Co-applicant: G. Kassay (BBU Cluj-Napoca)
10/2009-06/2010D.C. programming
Supported by: European Social Fund in Romania (ESF Romania)
Program: “Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013”
Project Label: POSDRU/6/1.5/S3/2008
Co-applicant: D. Duca (BBU Cluj-Napoca)
10/2009-06/2010Duality in optimization
Supported by: European Social Fund in Romania (ESF Romania)
Program: “Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013”
Project Label: POSDRU/6/1.5/S3/2008
Co-applicant: D. Duca (BBU Cluj-Napoca)
09/2006-11/2006Theory of duality and its applications via image space analysis
Supported by: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Consilio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
Program: “Bilateral Projects and Project Preparation”
Co-applicants: G. Wanka (Chemnitz UT), F. Giannessi (University of Pisa)
08/2005-07/2008Konjugierte Dualität bei konvexen und nichtkonvexen Optimierungsproblemen
Supported by: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Project Label: WA 922/1-2, Sachbeihilfe
Co-applicant: G. Wanka (Chemnitz UT)

Reserch projects in cooperation with industrial partners

04/2021-03/2024Smart operation of wind turbines under icing conditions
Project funding: Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Project partners: VERBUND Green Power GmbH, METEOTEST AG, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
10/2009-09/2012Mathematische Data Mining Verfahren im Reinforcement Learning und deren Anwendung bei Online-Empfehlungsalgorithmen
Project funding: European Social Fund in Sachsen (ESF Sachsen) and prudsys AG, Chemnitz
04/2008-07/2008Entwicklung von Methoden zur Dimensionsreduktion von Bilddateien, Auswahl und Tests von Kernfunktionen für die SVM-Klassifizierung
Project funding: Continental AG, Limbach-Oberfrohna
01/2008-03/2008Ansätze und Präprozessing zur Klassifizierung von Bilddateien der Qualitätskontrolle mittels Methoden des maschinellen Lernen (Support Vector Technik)
Project funding: Siemens VDO Automotive AG, Limbach-Oberfrohna
11/2002-06/2004Computergestötzte semantische Analyse, Klassifizierung und Clusterung von Patentdokumenten - Methoden der Mathematischen Optimierung, Statistik und des Supervised Machine Learning
Project funding: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie/AiF
Project partner: IPCentury AG, Merseburg
10/2001-09/2002Mathematische Modellierung, Untersuchung und Optimierung von Information Retrieval und Klassifikationssystemen zur Patentrecherche
Project funding: IPCentury AG, Merseburg
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