Characterisation of weak solutions to gradient flows of general linear growth functionals, “Degenerate and Singular PDEs”, Vienna, 24-28 February 2025, link.
Evolution equations on two overlapping random walk structures, “Recent Progress in PDEs”, Rome, 20-21 February 2025, link.
Optimal transport techniques in geometric problems, “VIII Symposium on Nonlinear Analysis”, Toruń, 17-21 June 2024, link.
A double-bubble problem for the l1 anisotropy, “3rd Austrian Calculus of Variations Day”, Vienna, 23-24 November 2023, link.
Weak solutions to gradient flows in metric measure spaces, “Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations 2023”, conference on the occasion of J. M. Mazón's 70th birthday, València, 24-26 October 2023, link.
Duality methods for gradient flows of linear growth functionals, “10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics” (ICIAM 2023), minisymposium "Frontiers of gradient flows: well-posedness, asymptotics, singular limits", Tokyo, 20-25 August 2023, link.
A new notion of solutions to gradient flows in metric measure spaces, “Nonuniformly elliptic problems”, Banach Center, Warsaw, 5-9 September 2022, link.
Weak solutions to gradient flows in metric measure spaces, “92nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics” (GAMM Annual Meeting 2022), minisymposium “Evolution equations with gradient flow structure”, Aachen, 15-19 August 2022, link.
Weak solutions to the total variation flow in metric measure spaces, “XXVII Congress of differential equations and applications / XVI Congress of applied mathematics” (XXVII CEDYA/XVII CMA), minisymposium “New trends on the 1-Laplacian”, Zaragoza, 18-22 July 2022, link.
Geometric aspects of the 1-Laplacian, "XII Forum of Partial Differential Equations", Banach Center, Będlewo, 19-25 September 2021, link.
Optimal transport methods in the least gradient problem, "Nonlocal diffusion problems, nonlocal interface evolution", Banach Center, Warsaw (online), 1-3 October 2020, link.
The least gradient problem with respect to a non-smooth or non-strictly convex norm, "9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics" (ICIAM 2019), minisymposium "A broad view of the least gradient problems", Valencia, 15-19 July 2019, link.
Hölder regularity of anisotropic least gradient functions, "Variational Problems in Optical Engineering and Free Material Design", Banach Center, Warsaw, 7-9 June 2018, link.
The issue of uniqueness of solutions in isotropic and anisotropic least gradient problem, "Anisotropy 2017", Banach Center, Warsaw, 23-25 February 2017, link.
1-Laplacian on metric random walk spaces, "Winterschool on Analysis and Applied Mathematics", Münster (online), 22-26 February 2021, link.
Least gradient problem on unbounded domains, "VII School of Analysis in memory of A. Pełczyński", Banach Center, Będlewo, 28-31 March 2019, link.
Existence and regularity of minimizers in the anisotropic least gradient problem, "Joint Meeting of UMI-SIMAI-PTM", Wrocław, 17-20 September 2018, link.
(Non)uniqueness of minimizers in least gradient problem, "Emerging issues in nonlinear elliptic equations: singularities, singular perturbations and non local problems", Banach Center, Będlewo, 18-24 June 2017, link.