Full CV

Link to the full CV

Education and employment

  1. 2024: Habilitation, University of Vienna. Thesis: "Geometric problems involving minimisation of the total variation". Reviewers: prof. Giovanni Bellettini (Universita degli Studi di Siena), prof. Peter Sternberg (Indiana University), and prof. Elvira Zappale (Sapienza Universita di Roma).
  2. 2016-2020: PhD in mathematics, University of Warsaw. Graduated with distinction. Thesis: "Anisotropic least gradient problems", link. Supervisor: prof. Piotr Rybka. Reviewers: prof. Salvador Moll (University of València), review, and prof. Matteo Novaga (University of Pisa), review.
  3. 2020-2022: University assistant (unpaid leave), University of Warsaw.
  4. 2020-now: University of Vienna, postdoc in the Applied Mathematics group, link.

Received grants and awards

  1. Kazimierz Kuratowski award, 2021.
  2. Polish Mathematical Society award for young mathematicians, 2020.
  3. Principal investigator in the grant ESP 88 ESPRIT-Programm funded by the Austrian Science Fund, title: "Inhomogeneous-growth problems including a linear-growth term", 2022-2025.
  4. Principal investigator in the grant 2017/27/N/ST1/02418 (PRELUDIUM) funded by the National Science Centre, Poland, title: "Anisotropic least gradient problem", 2018-2022.
  5. Distinction in the Juliusz Schauder Prize for young mathematicians, 2022.
  6. Distinction in the International Banach Prize, 2021.