Home Page of Roland Steinbauer


Mathematics and Mathematical Physics (Selection)

2024-12-10: Synthetic curvature for GR and beyond. (Invited main lecture) 5th EPS Conference on Gravitation, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague

2024-09-23: The singularity theorems of General Relativity and their low regularity extensions. (Invited main lecture) TMF2024, Turin, Italy

2024-09-19: The focusing of geodesics under distributional curvature bounds. GF2024, Turin, Italy

2024-06-19: The Hawking theorem in Lipschitz regularity. (Blackboard talk, invited) Queen Mary University of London, U.K.

2024-04-12: Curvature bounds and regularisation. (Invited main lecture) HANDS2024, Novi Sad, Serbia.

2023-04-21: Impulsive gravitational waves (From particle motion to geometry). HASOP2023, Novi Sad, Serbia.

2022-06-23: Distributional curvature and the focusing of geodesics. NADu 2022, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

2019-07-09: Scissors-and-paste with $\Lambda$: The geometric picture. GR22, Valencia, Spain.

2019-07-08: The future is not always open. GR22, Valencia, Spain.

2019-05-17: Cut and paste with $\Lambda$. Gravity Lunch Seminar, Insitute for Theoretical Physics, University of Vienna.

2018-08-29: Impulsive Gravitational Waves and their Mathematics. GF 2018, Novi Sad, Serbia.

2018-06-20: The classical singularity theorems of GR under optimal regularity conditions. IX International Meeting on Lorentzian Geometry, Warsaw, Poland.

2017-10-26: Recent results in Lorentzian geometry and GR in low regularity. Applications of Generalized Functions (AGF:HAMSaPDE) Novi Sad, Serbia.

2017-09-13: The Hawking-Penrose singularity theorem for $C^{1,1}$ Lorentzian metrics. 19th International Congress of the Austrian Mathematical Society Salzburg, Austria.

2017-06-21: On geodesics in low regularity. Non-regular spacetime geometry. An International Meeting Florence, Italy.

2016-10-25: The Penrose and Hawking singularity theorems revisited. Insitute for Theoretical Physics, University Prague, Czech Republic.

2016-09-28: News from low regularity GR. 66. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Vienna.

2016-09-21: The Singularity Theorems in Low Regularity. 8th International Meeting on Lorentzian Geometry, Malaga, Spain.

2016-06-15: The Singularity Theorems of General Relativity in Low Regularity. Mathematisches Kolloquium, University of Vienna.

2014-11-22: News from low regularity GR. Gravity Seminar, Insitute for Theoretical Physics, University of Vienna.

2014-09-09: Lorentzian Geometry and Low Regularity. GF2014, Southampton, U.K.

2014-07-05: A Regularisation Approach to Causality Theory for Non-smooth Lorentzian metrics. DANS14, Novi Sad, Serbia.

2013-09-26: The exponential map of a $C^{1,1}$-metric. 18th OEMG/DMV Congress, Innsbruck, Austria.

2012-05-25: The wave equation on space-time and low regularity. Gravity Lunch Seminar, Insitute for Theoretical Physics, University of Vienna.

2011-05-31: The wave equation on space-times of low regularity. Insitute for Theoretical Physics, University Prague, Czech Republic.

2011-05-29: Linear and nonlinear distributional Lorentzian geometry. Insitute for Theoretical Physics, University Prague, Czech Republic.

2011-04-18: Wave equations on singular space-times: results and perspectives. GF2011---International Conference on Generalized Functions, Linear and Non-Linear Problems, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, Martinique, France / F.W.I.

2010-08-30--2010-09-08: Normally Hyperbolic Operators (lecture notes, slides). Mini-course at the Summer School: Generalised Functions in PDE, Geometry, Stochastics, and Microlocal Analysis, Novi Sad, Serbia.

2010-06-03: Some contributions of Stevan Pilipovic to the structural theory of Colombeau algebras. GFSE10 Generalized Functions---Special Edition, Novi Sad, Serbia.

2009-09-22: On Lorentzian metrics of low differentiability. 17th International Congress of the Austrian Mathematical Society, Technical University Graz, Austria.

2009-09-04: On the Geroch-Traschen class of metrics. International Conference on Generalized Functions 2009, University of Vienna, Austria.

2008-12-03: Semi-Riemannian metrics of low differentiability. International Workshop PDEs and Function Spaces, Imperial College, London, UK.

2008-09-02: A Note on Distributional Semi-Riemmanian Geometry. 12th Serbian Mathematical Congress, Novi Sad, Serbia.

2008-02-19: The wave equation on singular space-times (invited). International Symposium Function Spaces and Partial Differential Equations, Osaka, Japan.

2007-09-03: Towards Tensor-valued Colombeau Functions. Generalized Functions 2007, Stefan Banach Center, Bedlewo, Poland.

2006-03-09,11: Some topics in kinetic equations I,II (invited). Workshop "Pseudodifferential operators and microlocal analysis", Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro. .

2006-01-06: Weak solutions concetps for some kinetic equations (invited). The 1st International Workshop on Mathematical Sciences: Mathematical Analysis and its Applications, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea.

2004-09-23: Generalized Solutions for a Model in Kinetic Theory. International Conference on Generalized Functions 2004, Topics in PDE, Harmonic Analysis and Mathematical Physics, Novi Sad, Serbia and Motenegro.

2003-09-25: The relativistic Vlasov-Klein-Gordon system I: Local Classical Solutions. 8th. Meeting of the Austrian Mathematical Society, Bolzano, Italy.

2003-09-24: Generalized Flows and Singular ODEs on Differentiable Manifolds. 8th. Meeting of the Austrian Mathematical Society, Bolzano, Italy.

2003-05-15: A Nonlinear Distributional Geometry. Habilitation Colloquium, University of Vienna.

2003-02-06--15: Winterschool "Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations with Singularities" Main Lecturer, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia.

2001-09-18: Nonlinear distributional geometry, Part 1. 15th. Congress of the Austrian Mathematical Society.

2001-09-12: Generalized semi-Riemannian Geometry. Department of Mathematics, University of Southampton, U.K.

2001-09-06: Generalized pseudo-Riemannian geometry for general relativity. Journees Relativistes 2001, Dublin, Ireland.

2001-07-16: Geodesics in expanding impulsive gravitational waves. GR16, (16th Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation), Durban, South Africa.

2001-07-03: Spherical impulsive gravitational waves. Department of Mathematics, University of Southampton, U.K.

2000-06-14: The geometry of nonlinear generalized functions. Department of Mathematics, University of Innsbruck.

2000-04-19: Applications of generalized functions in general relativity. International Conference on Generalized Functions 2000, Universite des Antilles et de la Guyane, Guadeloupe, France.

2000-04-19: Diffeomorphism invariant Colombeau algebras, Part 1: Local theory. International Conference on Generalized Functions 2000, Universite des Antilles et de la Guyane, Guadeloupe, France.

1999-11-24: Colombeau algebras in general relativity: Impulsive waves and other topics. Institute for Theoretical Physics, Charles University Prague.

1999-11-23: Colombeau Algebras and Multiplication of Distributions. Institute for Theoretical Physics, Charles University Prague.

1999-11-03: Algebren verallgemeinerter Funktionen auf Mannigfaltigkeiten. Mathematisches Kolloquium, University of Vienna (joint with M. Grosser).

1999-09-09: On the impulsive limit of gravitational waves. Spanish Relativity Meeting 1999, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain.

1999-06-14: Impulsive Robinson-Trautman Lösungen. Department of Mathematics, University of Innsbruck.

1999-02-03: "Discontinuous Diffeomorphisms". Department of Mathematics, University of Innsbruck.

1998-11-14,19,26: Nichtlineare Wellengleichungen. Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Vienna.

1998-10-22: Geodäten und Rosen-Form für impulsive Gravitationswellen. Gravity Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Vienna.

1998-08-31: On the Geometry of Impulsive Gravitational Waves. 2nd Samos Meeting on Cosmology, Geometry and Relativity "Mathematical & Quantum Aspects of Relativity and Cosmology", Pythagoreon, Greece.

1998-07-14: "Discontinuous Diffeomorphisms". Workshop "Nonlinear Theory of Generalized Functions", Department of Mathematics, Univeristy of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia.

1998-07-13: Nonlinear Generalized Functions and General Relativity. Workshop "Nonlinear Theory of Generalized Functions", Department of Mathematics, Univeristy of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia.

1998-06-18: Distributional Description of Impulsive Gravitational Waves (invited). VIII Romanian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Bistrita, Romania.

1998-0-19: Gravitatonswellendetektoren für kosmologische Quellen. Gravity Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Vienna, (joint with S. Husa).

1998-01-12: GR15-Konferenzbericht mit Überraschung. Gravity Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Vienna, (joint with S. Husa).

1997-12-19: Geodesics and Geodesic Deviation for Impulsive Gravitational Waves. GR15 (15th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation), IUCAA, Pune, Indien.

1997-10-14: Geodesics for Impulsive Gravitational Waves. Workshop "Nonlinear Theory of Generalized Functions", Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna.

1997-07-31: ELFI, A Gravitational Wave Detector for Cosmology. Gravity Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Vienna.

1997-04-17,24: Distributionelle Krümmung von Strings. Gravity Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Vienna.

1997-1-11, 18: Refined Algebraic Quantization. Gravity Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Vienna.

1996-10-20: Symplektischer Formalismus für die Geometrodynamik. Gravity Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Vienna (joint with S. Husa and B. Pocza).

1995-11-12: Colombeau Theorie und ultrarelativistischer Limes. Thesis Presentation, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Vienna.

Mathematics Education and Public Outreach (Selection)

2024-04-05: Neue Mathematik für die Schule. (mit Ilse Fischer), ÖMG-Fortbildungstagung für Lehrkräfte 2024, Universität Wien.

2023-09-22: Neue Mathematik für die Schule. Kann die aktuelle mathematische Forschung einen Beitrag für den Mathematikunterricht leisten?
(mit Ilse Fischer), eingeladener Vortrag beim ÖMG-Lehrer*innentag 2023 (Teacher's Day of the Austrian Mathematical Society), Graz, Austria.

2023-07-18: Conceptions of student teachers on the limit concept. CERME13, Budapest, Hungary.

2023-04-26: Von Schwarzen Löchern und dem Urknall. Popular talk at Vienna Planetarium.

2022-08-31: Vorstellungen von zentralen mathematischen Begriffen beim Lernen und Lehren (mit Stefan Götz) GFD-ÖGFD-Tagung, Universität Wien.

2022-04-22: Raumzeitsingularitäten. Die Theoreme von Penrose und Hawking. (eingeladener Hauptvortrag) ÖMG-Fortbildungstagung für Lehrkräfte 2022, Universität Wien.

2021-04-09: Die Entzauberung des Unendlichen. ÖMG-Fortbildungstagung für Lehrkräfte 2021, Universität Wien.

2020-09-29: Vorstellungen von Lehramtsstudierenden zum Grenzwertbegriff. GDM Onlinetagung, Würzburg, Germany.

2019-04-03: Raumzeitsingularitäten. Popular talk at Vienna Planetarium. (Vortragsfolien auf Anfrage)

2018-11-14: Gravitation und Raumzeitkrümmung. Popular talk at Vienna Planetarium.

2018-05-17: Einführung in das mathematische Arbeiten: Überlegungen und Erfahrungen zur Studieneingangsphase. Universität Konstanz, Germany.

2017-09-14: Wozu brauche ich das als Lehramtsstudierende/r? Bedarfsorientierte Gestaltung von Fachvorlesungen für Lehramtsstudierende. 19th International Congress of the Austrian Mathematical Society Salzburg, Austria.

2015-10-13: Raumzeitkrümmung. Popular talk at the Austrian Academy of Science.

2013-09-25: Zur Analysis-Ausbildung im Lehramtsstudium an der Universität Wien. 18th OEMG/DMV Congress, Innsbruck, Austria.

2011-11-05: Einführung in das mathematische Arbeiten - der Passage Point an der Universität Wien. (gemeinsam mit Evelyn Suess-Stepancik) Khdm-Arbeitstagung "Mathematische Vor- und Brückenkurse: Konzepte und Perspektiven" Universität Kassel, Germany.

2009-09-20: Überlegungen zum Einstieg ins Mathematikstudium: Einführung in das mathematische Arbeiten. 17th International Congress of the Austrian Mathematical Society, Technical University Graz, Austria.