Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire

Issue 22

28 - 30 September 1989, Hesselberg, Gerolfingen


[B22a] Jacques Désarmémien
Étude modulo n des statistiques mahoniennes (9 pp.)
(English translation by Darij Grinberg: Modulo-n study of Mahonian statistics)
[B22b] Andreas W. M. Dress and Walter Wenzel
Valuated Matroids - A new Look at the Greedy Algorithm (7 pp.)
[B22c] Volker Diekert
Combinatorial Rewriting on Traces
[B22d] Marilena Barnabei, V. Frontini and F. Sgallari
An algorithm for Weyl module irreducibility
[B22e] Reinhard Franz and Daniel Huson
The Classification of Quasi-Regular Polyhedra of Genus 2
[B22f] Luigi Cerlienco and Francesco Piras
Sulla blalgebra duale della bialgebra dei polinomi in più variabili
[B22g] Dominique Dumont
Résidus quadratiques et nombres de classes
[B22h] Pavel Goralcik
Avoidable Words and Lattice Universal Semigroup Varieties
[B22i] Walter Klotz and Wilfried Lex
Nochmals Gleichheitstests
[B22j] Jean-Guy Penaud
Une nouvelle bijection pour les animaux dirigés
[B22k] Giuseppe Pirillo
Permutabilità e proprietà combinatorie delle parole infinite su un alfabeto finito
[B22l] Giuseppe Pirillo
Su alcune recenti generalizzazioni del teorema di Shirshov
[B22m] Jacques Riguet
Galois Correspondences in Category Theory
[B22n] Norbert Spangenberg and Karl Erich Wolff
Comparison between Principal Component Analysis and Formal Concept Analysis of Repertory Grids
[B22o] Wolfgang Thumser
On the Growth Rate of Certain Combinatorial Functions