Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B22m (1989), 18 pp.
[Formerly: Publ. I.R.M.A. Strasbourg, 1990, 414/S-22, p. 137-154.]

Jacques Riguet

Galois Correspondences in Category Theory

Abstract. This title has been chosen because of shortness, but the real one is: "Generalised Galois cormespondences in (generalised) category theory". We shall try to explain in what sense those generalisations have to be understood and what are our motivations for introducing them. At the level of those words of introduction, it is enough to say that a Galois correspondence being a pair of mappings between ordered sets having to satisfy certain conditions, we generalise it by replacing the mappings by difunctional relations and ordered sets by preordered sets or at a later stage by categories or actegories.

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