Further Activities of PI
Associate Editor of the
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Associate Editor of the journal SIGMA
''Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications''
(2005-till now)
Member of Organizing Committee of the International Workshop Series
''Group Analysis of Differential Equations and Integrable Systems''
(2014, 2016, 2018, Cyprus)
Editor of
Vaneeva O.O., Sophocleous C., Popovych R.O., Boyko V.M. and Damianou P.A. (Eds.),
Seventh International Workshop: Group Analysis of Differential Equations and Integrable Systems (GADEIS VII)
15–19 June 2014, Larnaca, Cyprus,
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 621 (2015).
Editor of
Maharaj S.D., Moyo S., Popovych R. (Eds.),
Special issue on the tercentenary of the Laplace–Runge–Lenz vector,
J. Engrg. Math. 82 (2013) issue 1.
Editor of
Vaneeva O.O., Sophocleous C., Popovych R.O., Leach P.G.L., Boyko V.M. and Damianou P.A. (Eds.),
Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop Group Analysis of Differential Equations and Integrable Systems" (Protaras, Cyprus, June 17-21, 2012),
University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 2013, 248 pp.
Referee of a number of journals on Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics
Reviewer of Mathematical Review
Reviewer of the National Research Foundation of South Africa
Reviewer of a research proposal for King Abdulaziz University