Research interests
I am interested in completely integrable wave equations, or soliton equations, and applications of algebraic geometry and functional analysis to such systems.
Applied functional analysis
Applied algebraic geometry
Completely integrable systems
The Toda shock wave with different regions of asymptotic behavior
Research grants
My research is supported by the following grants (PI Johanna Michor).
- FWF Project P 31651,
"Transition asymptotics of Soliton equations"
Duration: 11/2018 - 11/2023
Project Website
Duration: 05/2011 - 11/2018
Project Website
Duration: 03/2007 - 12/2008
Project Website
Duration: 10/2003 - 10/2004
- I. Egorova, J. Michor, and G. Teschl, Scattering theory for Jacobi operators with quasi-periodic background, Comm. Math. Phys., 264-3, 811-842 (2006).
- J. Michor, Scattering theory for Jacobi operators and applications to completely integrable systems, Doctoral thesis, University of Vienna, 2005.