CV of A.L. Sakhnovich (O. Sakhnovych)
Doctor of Sciences (secondary doctorship): Institute of
Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev,
Date of award: February 1993.
Candidate of Sciences (Ph. D. Math.): Kharkov State University,
Date of award: May 1982.
M.Sc. Mathematics (distinguished "red" diploma),
Moscow State
University, USSR.
Date of award: June 1976.
2006- till now. Researcher (Senior Postdoc), Faculty of Mathematics,
University of Vienna.
1986-2005. Branch of Hydroacoustics, Marine Institute of
Hydrophysics, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
(1993--2005 Senior Scientist).
February 2001--February 2002. Division of Mathematics,
School of Technology, University of Glamorgan: Research Fellow,
on leave from Branch of Hydroacoustics.
1998-1999. Acting Professor at the Odessa Pedagogical University.
1995-1997, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics,
Amsterdam Free University: Researcher, on leave from Branch
of Hydroacoustics.
1976-1986. Odessa Branch, Institute of Economics, Academy of
Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
1. Inversion, interpolation, and regularization problems.
2. Direct and inverse problems; spectral, scattering, and
bispectral theories of the linear differential equations and
structured matrices (both self-adjoint and non-self-adjoint
cases); bound states, explicit, global, and fundamental solutions;
Weyl-Titchmarsh functions. The cases of the Dirac-type, canonical,
and Sturm-Liouville matrix equations,
in particular.
3. PDE, integrable nonlinear equations: explicit solutions and
initial-boundary value problems; slowly decaying solutions,
asymtotics, nonsingular solutions and singularities; one and
several space variables.
4. Applications to mathematical physics and engineering problems.
The methods of the interpolation, operator,
control, and system theories, state space methods are widely used,
especially the notion of the transfer matrix-function. An approach
to the solution of the self-adjoint and non-self-adjoint inverse
problems directly via Weyl functions has been developed. As a
result, the open Goursat problem for the second harmonic generation
model has been solved. Another series of applications is
connected with Borg-Marchenko-type uniqueness theorems.
In addition, a version
of the Bäcklund-Darboux transformation, where matrices and
corresponding "generalized" eigenfunctions are used instead of the
traditional eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, has been introduced and various applications were obtained.