linalg::__linalg_cvec< _TS > | Adapter class for a const std::vector to a linear algebra vector |
linalg::__linalg_vec< _TS > | Adapter class for a std::vector to a linear algebra vector |
coco::__sg_anc_visitor | |
coco::_evaluator_base< _Tp, _NData, _Result, _Walker > | Base class of all evaluators |
coco::analyticd_eval | |
coco::analyticd_eval_type | |
coco::annotation | Annotations for Models |
coco::annotation_delta | Delta class for annotation changes |
coco::annotation_undelta | Undelta class for annotation changes |
coco::api_exception | API exception class |
coco::b_interval_eval | |
coco::b_interval_eval_type | |
coco::backward_evaluator_base< _Tp, _NData, _Result, _Walker > | Base class of all (non-caching) backward evaluators |
coco::basic_alltype | The basic alltype which can hold any of a number of basic types |
coco::bound_delta | The bound delta class for changing the node bounds within a model |
coco::bound_undelta | The bound undelta class for undoing changes to the node bounds in a model |
coco::box_check_intersection | Stored procedure checking whether a box intersects the work_node's box |
coco::boxes_delta | A delta class which adds new boxes to the search database |
linalg::c_matrix< _Tp > | Sparse Matrix Template Class (column major) |
coco::cached_backward_evaluator_base< _Tp, _NData, _Result, _Walker > | Base class of all caching backward evaluators |
coco::cached_evaluator_base< _Tp, _NData, _Result, _Walker > | Base class of all caching evaluators |
coco::cached_forward_evaluator_base< _Tp, _NData, _Result, _Walker > | Base class of all (non-caching) forward evaluators |
coco::calc_pf_star | Stored procedure calculating the pf* value of a box |
coco::certificate | (certifies deltas for rigorous mode operation) |
coco::certificate_base | Base class for the certificates |
coco::checking_my< T > | |
coco::cinterval_eval | |
coco::cinterval_eval_type | |
coco::coconut_random_f | |
coco::compound_certificate | The certificate for deltas formed by compressing bound_delta entries |
coco::control_data | The class for communicating parameter information to COCONUT modules |
coco::convex_e | Convexity information |
counted_ptr< _Tp > | |
coco::dag_delta | The DAG delta class for performing changes to the DAG of a model |
coco::dag_undelta | The DAG undelta class for undoing changes to the DAG of a model |
coco::datamap | The base class for communicating with COCONUT modules |
coco::dbccmp_false< _TR > | |
coco::dbccmp_true< _TR > | |
coco::dbccmps_absgt< _TR > | |
coco::dbccmps_abslt< _TR > | |
coco::dbccmps_false< _TR > | |
coco::dbccmps_gt< _TR > | |
coco::dbccmps_lt< _TR > | |
coco::dbccmps_true< _TR > | |
coco::dbt_row | This type is used to hold one row in some table of the search database |
coco::delta | (updates to work nodes) |
coco::delta_base | Base class for the deltas |
coco::delta_get_action | Stored procedure class for computing the delta action specifier |
coco::delta_node | Class holding the delta nodes in the search graph |
coco::der_cache | Cache data for der_eval |
coco::der_eval | Backward gradient evaluation with prepared derivative data |
coco::der_eval_type | Visitor data for der_eval |
coco::dfunc_eval< _T, DN > | |
coco::dfunc_eval_rettype< _T, DN > | |
coco::dfunc_eval_type< _T, DN > | |
coco::diameter_comp_hook | The log-volume computation hook (work node computation hook) |
diffI | |
coco::diffI_eval | Forward function range evaluation |
coco::diffI_eval_type | Visitor data for diffI_eval |
diffNumber | |
coco::diffNumber_eval | Forward function range evaluation |
coco::diffNumber_eval_type | Visitor data for diffNumber_eval |
coco::evaluator_base< _Tp, _NData, _Result, _Walker > | Base class of all (non-caching) evaluators |
coco::expression_node | The base class for a node in the expression DAGs |
coco::expression_node::expression_node::children_compare | |
coco::expression_node::expression_node::parents_compare | |
coco::expression_node::expression_node::parents_compare_eq | |
coco::expression_print_visitor | |
FlexLexer | |
coco::forward_evaluator_base< _Tp, _NData, _Result, _Walker > | Base class of all (non-caching) forward evaluators |
coco::full_node | Class holding the full nodes in the search graph |
coco::func_cache | Cache data for func_eval |
coco::func_d_eval | Forward function evaluation with preparation of derivative data |
coco::func_d_eval_type | Visitor data for func_d_eval |
coco::func_eval | Forward function evaluation |
coco::func_eval_type | Visitor data for func_eval |
coco::func_id_eval | Forward function range evaluation with preparation of interval derivative data |
coco::func_id_eval_type | Visitor data for func_id_eval |
coco::func_islp_eval | Forward function range evaluation with preparation of first order slope data |
coco::func_islp_eval_type | Visitor data for func_id_eval |
coco::func_islp_return_type | The return type of the func_islp_eval evaluator |
gptr< _Tp > | Global pointer class |
coco::graph_analyzer | Graph analyzer base class |
coco::graph_analyzer_exception | Graph analyzer exception class |
coco::graphorder_visitor | This visitor class is used for computing a graph order |
coco::hessBackwardEvaluator | |
coco::hessBackwardEvaluatorType | |
coco::hessForwardEvaluator | |
coco::hessForwardEvaluatorReturnValue | |
coco::hessForwardEvaluatorType | |
coco::hessPreparationEvaluator | |
coco::hessPreparationEvaluatorType | |
coco::ider_eval | Backward interval gradient evaluation with prepared interval derivative data |
coco::ider_eval_type | Visitor data for ider_eval |
coco::iderf_eval | Forward function and derivative range evaluation |
coco::iderf_eval_type | Visitor data for iderf_eval |
coco::iderf_ret_type | Visitor data for iderf_eval return value |
coco::ie_return_type | The return class of all inference engines |
coco::ihessBackwardEvaluator | |
coco::ihessBackwardEvaluatorType | |
coco::ihessForwardEvaluator | |
coco::ihessForwardEvaluatorReturnValue | |
coco::ihessForwardEvaluatorType | |
coco::ihessPreparationEvaluator | |
coco::ihessPreparationEvaluatorType | |
coco::infbound_eval | |
coco::infbound_eval_type | |
coco::infeasible_delta | The infeasible delta class for marking a model as infeasible |
coco::infeasible_undelta | The infeasible undelta class for undoing changes to the feasibility of a model |
coco::inference_engine | Inference engine base class |
coco::inference_engine_comp_hook | The inference engine meta computation hook (work node computation hook) |
coco::inference_engine_exception | Inference engine exception class |
coco::info_contents | The class for returning additional information from inference modules |
coco::initializer | Initializer base class |
coco::initializer_exception | Initializer exception class |
coco::interval | Interval wrapper class |
coco::interval_eval | Forward function range evaluation |
coco::interval_eval_type | Visitor data for interval_eval |
coco::interval_set | |
coco::interval_st | Constructor-free interval |
Islope | Class for computing intervalslopes up to order 2 |
coco::Islope_eval | Forward function range evaluation |
coco::Islope_eval_type | Visitor data for Islope_eval |
coco::islp_eval | Backward first order slope evaluation with prepared first order slope data |
coco::islp_eval_type | Visitor data for islp_eval |
coco::locopt_ret_record | |
coco::logvol_comp_hook | The log-volume computation hook (work node computation hook) |
coco::management_module | Management module base class |
coco::management_module_exception | Management module exception class |
linalg::matrix< _Tp > | Sparse Matrix Template Class (row major) |
coco::model | (an attributed DAG of expression nodes, lowest class in the model hierarchy) |
coco::model::model::__docompare_nodes | |
coco::model::model::__docompare_variables | |
coco::model::model::detect_0chain_visitor | |
coco::model::model::detect_0chain_visitor_st | |
coco::model::model::lincoeff_visitor | |
coco::model::model::lincoeff_visitor_ret | |
coco::model::model::lincoeff_visitor_st | |
coco::model::model::simplify_visitor_0 | |
coco::model::model::simplify_visitor_m | |
coco::model::model::sort_constraints | |
coco::model_gid | Model Group Data Class (middle class in the model hierarchy) |
coco::model_iddata | The model id-data class (the topmost in the model class hierarchy) |
mtl::compressed1D | |
mtl::matrix::type | |
coco::my_rounded_math< T > | |
coco::no_certificate | The not-certified certificate |
coco::nyi_exception | Not Yet Implemented exception class |
coco::objbounds_comp_hook | The objective-bounds computation hook (work node computation hook) |
coco::pending_status_comp_hook | The pending status computation hook (work node computation hook) |
coco::pfstar_hook | The pfstar computation hook (work node computation hook) |
coco::point_check_feasibility | Stored procedure checking the feasibility of a point |
coco::point_delta | A delta class which adds new points to the search database |
coco::prep_d_eval | Preparation Evaluator for derivatives |
coco::prep_id_eval | Preparation Evaluator for interval derivatives |
coco::prep_islp_eval | Preparation Evaluator for first order slopes |
coco::proj_rational | |
coco::projective_interval< I > | |
ptr< _Tp > | Local global pointer class |
coco::report_module | Report module base class |
coco::report_module_exception | Report module exception class |
coco::rigorous_module_certificate | The certificate for deltas computed by rigorous inference engines |
coco::search_graph | The search graph |
coco::search_graph_context | An evaluation context when retrieving from the search database |
coco::search_node | Base type of the nodes in the search graph |
coco::semantics | Expression Semantics |
coco::semantics_delta | The semantics delta class for changing the node semantics within a model |
coco::semantics_undelta | The semantics undelta class for undoing changes to the node semantics in a model |
linalg::sparse_vector< _Tp > | Sparse Vector Template Class |
coco::sparsity_visitor | Preorder visitor which calculates sparsity structures |
coco::split_certificate | The certificate for deltas formed by splits |
coco::split_delta | The split delta class for proposing useful splits |
coco::split_undelta | The split undelta class for removing proposed splits from a work_node |
coco::statistic_info | Base class for all inference engine statistics classes |
sum_deltas | Pre-post visitor for summing up all the deltas during work node extraction |
coco::sum_deltas | Pre-post visitor for summing up all the deltas during work node extraction |
coco::table_delta | The base class for all deltas adding information to the search database |
coco::termination_reason | This class holds the reason of termination of inference and management modules |
std::triple< _T1, _T2, _T3 > | Triple holds three objects of arbitrary type |
coco::undelta | (undo of updates to work nodes) |
coco::undelta_base | Base class for the undeltas |
coco::variable_indicator | Bitmap class used to indicate variable occurrence |
coco::wnc_hook_base | Base class for the work node computation hooks |
coco::work_node | Work node, which is passed to the inference engines |
coco::work_node::work_node::constraint_iterator_base< _TW, _TV, _VR, _TP, _TR, _TI > | The base class for work_node::constraint_iterator and work_node::constraint_const_iterator |
coco::work_node_comp_hook | (work node computation hook) |
coco::work_node_context | The evaluation context when retrieving from the search database |
yy_buffer_state | |
yy_trans_info | |
yyFlexLexer | |