Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI) Vienna

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Logic based reasoning and data mining on the web (2012)

Organizers: Thomas Eiter (TU Wien), Monika Henzinger (WPI c/o, U. Wien), Georg Gottlob (WPI c/o TU Wien & U. Oxford), PF Diego Calvanese (U. Bozen)


First Symposium on Structure in Hard Combinatorial Problems (external website )

Location: University of Technology Vienna, Zemanek seminar room, Favoritenstraße 9-11, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Time: 16. May 2013 (Thu) - 18. May 2013 (Sat); Opening: 9:00
University of Technology Vienna
Bart Selman (U. Cornell)
Stefan Szeider (WPI c/o TU Wien)

"Reasoning Web 2012" Summer School (external website )

Location: University of Technology Vienna
Time: 3. Sep 2012 (Mon) - 8. Sep 2012 (Sat); Opening: 9:00

The Semantic Web is one of the major current endeavors of applied Computer Science. The Semantic Web aims at enriching the existing Web with meta-data and processing methods so as to provide web-based systems with advanced (so-called intelligent) capabilities, in particular with context-awareness and decision support. The advanced capabilities required in most Semantic Web application scenarios primarily call for reasoning. Reasoning capabilities are offered by Semantic Web languages that are currently being developed. Most of these languages, however, are developed mainly from functionality-centered perspectives (e.g. ontology reasoning or access validation) or application-centered perspectives (e.g. Web service retrieval and composition). A perspective centered on the reasoning techniques complementing the above-mentioned activities appears desirable for Semantic Web systems and applications. This Summer School series is devoted to this perspective.
TU Wien
Thomas Eiter (TU Wien)

Mini-Workshop on Logic, Proofs and Algorithms (external website )

Location: TU Wien, Lecture room HS2 Theresianumgasse, Theresianumgasse 27, 1040 Vienna (http://www.studyguide.at/static/plaene/gif/E_Theres2_0229_00_1-1.gif)
Time: 6. Jun 2012 (Wed) - 6. Jun 2012 (Wed); Opening: 10:00
Logic, Algorithms
Vienna University of Technology
Prof. Thomas Eiter, Prof. Stefan Szeider

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