Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI) Vienna

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Contacts and address

Mailing address:
Wolfgang Pauli Institute
Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
A-1090 Wien

e-mail :   wpi@mat.univie.ac.at
Phone:   +43-1-427750730
Fax:       +43-1-427750650

How to reach the WPI from the Vienna International Airport

Our address is “Oskar Morgensternplatz 1, 1090 Wien”. The tall white tower towards the east (facing the Donaukanal river) is the Faculty of Mathematics. Entrance at “Türkenstrasse” or “Berggasse”. WPI is on the 8 floor.
  1. Taxi: After exiting the baggage claim area to the arrival hall, you see the usual pictogram for “taxi”. The cars are directly outside the building only 10 m away. The prize to WPI is about 50 EUR, time is 25 minutes. Credit cards accepted.

  2. Uber: a bit more complicated to fetch (most drivers ask you to go one floor up to the departure floor). Costs about 36 EUR.

  3. Train (Bus): After exiting the baggage claim area to the arrival hall, you keep right and see the usual pictogram for “train”. There is an illuminated green information screen on the wall on the other side where you see the next bus (to “City” = Morzinplatz) and next trains.
    There is a ramp going down to the train station. You can take the slightly faster, more expensive train “CAT” (every half hour, 16 min trip, 25 EUR round trip) or the commuter train “S7” or “Rex7” (23 or 20 min trip). Either way, exit the train at the station “Wien Mitte-Landstraße”.

    Note: The subway in Vienna requires a different ticket than the train. If you take a commuter train (S7 or Rex7), it is already included in the purchase. However, the ticket for a CAT train does not cover the subway, and you will need to purchase a separate ticket at the red terminals, which are located at the entrance of every subway station.

    Once at “Wien Mitte”, follow the green signs leading to the “U4” metro line, board in the direction “Wien Heiligenstadt” and exit at “Roßauer Lände”. Exit direction of the rear of the train, cross the busy 3 lane one way street and go left for 200 m until Berggasse. The white 12 story tower is “Fakultät für Mathematik”, where the WPI is located.

Public transport stations near WPI (see map below)

  1. Roßauer Lände: subway U4
  2. Schlickgasse: tramway D1, (nightbus N38)
  3. Schottenring: subway U4/U2, tramway 1/31/U2Z

The hotels we are co-operating with (special rates)

  1. Pension Ani-Falstaff: Müllnergasse 5-7, 1090 Vienna, +43 1 3179127
  2. Hotel Deutschmeister Wien City: Grünentorgasse 30, 1090 Vienna, +43-13103404
  3. Hotel Harmonie: Harmoniegasse 5-7, 1090 Vienna, +43 1 317 66 04

Please find further information how to reach the WPI on our map. All of these hotels are very close to the WPI and within 3-13 min walking distance.

For self-reservation, other inexpensive hotels in the neighbourhood

For the addresses of the research groups at the WPI, see the respective homepages. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact our admin assistant.

See you soon, at the Wolfgang Pauli Institute.
Impressum webmaster [Printable version]