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Complexity features in fluid flows (2010, Prolongation from 2009)

Organizers: PF Didier Bresch (U. Savoie), PF Claude Bardos (U. Paris), OTPF Annie Colin (CEA)


"Enjeux de Modélisation et Analyse Liés aux Problèmes de Surfaces Rugueuses et de Défauts" (external website )

Location: WPI, Seminarroom C 209
Time: 23. Aug 2010 (Mon) - 27. Aug 2010 (Fri); Opening: 9:00
WPI and Institut CNRS Pauli
Virigine Bonaille
David Gérard- Varet
Stéphane Labbé
Remark: Click HERE for the programme

"Numerical models and methods for compressible and two-phase flow"

Location: Seminarroom C 714
Time: 17. May 2010 (Mon) - 21. May 2010 (Fri)
Didier Bresch (LAMA,CNRS,U. Savoie)
Denys Dutykh (LAMA,CNRS,U. Savoie)
Marguerite Gisclon (U. Savoie)
Remark: Click HERE for the programme.

Talks in the framework of this thematic program... (by date) , (by name)
