Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI) Vienna

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Quantum many-body systems and NLS approximations: experiments and simulations (2009)

Organizers: Thorsten Schumm (TU Vienna), OTPF Isabelle Bouchoule (U. Paris Sud), PF Peter Schmelcher (U. Heidelberg), PF Jean- Claude Saut (U. Paris Sud)


Workshop "Bosonic Josephson junctions and tunnel-coupled systems"

Location: WPI, Seminarroom C 207
Time: 7. Jul 2009 (Tue) - 8. Jul 2009 (Wed); Opening: 8:30
Thorsten Schumm
Norbert J. Mauser
Remark: Click HERE for the programme.

Minicourse on "Ultracold bosons"

Location: Lecture room of Atominstitute, Schüttelstrasse, 1020 Vienna
Time: 5. May 2009 (Tue) - 7. May 2009 (Thu)

Talks in the framework of this thematic program... (by date) , (by name)

Pauli Fellows