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Nonlinear Waves (2004)

Organizers: Norbert Mauser (WPI c/o Univ. Vienna), Alfred Kluwick (WPI c/o TU-Vienna), PF Alexander Komech (U. Moscow and Vienna)

Scientific Theme and Short description of programme

Nonlinear wave equations are a fundamental class of time dependent partial differential equations and arise in many applications in science and engineering, not only in physics.

The goal of this programme is to bring together leading seniors and some of the most promising PhD students in the field of NLW and related equations like NLS (Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations), in order to foster both result oriented scientific advances and high level training - actually two aspects that are closely intertwined. The main emphasis will be on analysis; however, also applications and modeling will be subject of this programme as well as numerical simulations, e.g. on studying “blow-up” profiles in situations where the analyis is incomplete or in studying the time evolution of “solitons”.

The “summer school & workshop”, in July, organised by Y. Brenier, Ch.Y.- Chemin, S. Klainerman and A. Komech, N.J. Mauser and S. Selberg as the local organizers, is a combined 7 days event consisting of 2 series of lectures (Keel and Selberg) and 2 "introductory talks, followed by 3 days of more technical talks on the “state-of-the-art” problems. Given the very high level the field of NLW has already attained, where new progress is mostly obtained by technically very hard work, this kind of event seems most promising.

In fall, a “workshop” on analysis and numerical simulation of Nonlinear Vlasov Equations takes place at the WPI – one the goals is to develop advanced codes for the numerical solutions of equations of selfconsistent Vlasov type (Vlasov-Maxwell etc) Several internationale groups will participate in this activity, also in the training of PhD students on simulations based on the codes developed at the WPI. The WPI team also plays the interface to engineers (like A. Kluwick of the Wissenschaftskolleg) who use NLWs.

This programme will be imbedded in the activities of the European network HYKE which encompasses also several of the top US researchers in the field as well as the strong WPI Vienna teams working on hyperbolic equations with its links to the WK “Differential Equations” and to the top places in France.

This programme is coordinated jointly by N.J. Mauser, who is running a strong group in this field, financed by several projects, and A. Kluwick, who works on nonlinear wave equations from a more engineering point of view. The associated Pauli Fellow is A. Komech, thanks to whom there is a strong involvement of Russian mathematicians and physicists – in some sense Vienna will be a hub of joint research of the US, the French and the Russian schools in the field of NLW.


Workshop on Analysis and Numerics of (Semi-Non)Relativistic Approximations of the Vlasov-Maxwell system

Location: WPI Seminar Room C714
Time: 24. Nov 2004 (Wed) - 27. Nov 2004 (Sat); Opening: 18:00
Nonrelativistic Limits ("Post Newtonian Limits") of the Vlasov-Maxwell system
Vlasov-Darwin, Vlasov-Poisswell (quasistatic), Vlasov-Poisson
(Unique ?, Global ?) Weak and Classical solutions
Numerical comparison of different models in the hierarchy
Norbert J Mauser
Remark: Workshop in the frame of the Thematic Programme on "NLW"
and the HYKE network

NLW-HYKE : Summer School and Workshop on "Nonlinear Wave equations" (external website )

Location: ESI Wien
Time: 7. Jul 2004 (Wed) - 14. Jul 2004 (Wed)
Nonlinear Wave Equations : Methods, Results, Applications
Training Event of the European research training network HYKE, in collaboration with the WPI and ESI, Vienna
Erwin Schrödinger Institute (ESI) and Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI) Vienna, Austria
Y. Brenier (CNRS Nice)
J.-Y. Chemin (Ecole Polytechnique)
S. Klainerman (Princeton)
A. Komech (Moscow State and WPI Wien)
N.J. Mauser (WPI c/o Uni Vienna)
S. Selberg (Trondheim and WPI Wien)

Talks in the framework of this thematic program... (by date) , (by name)

Pauli Fellows