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Semi-Structured Data (2004)

Organizers: Georg Gottlob (Vienna)

Scientific Theme and Short description of programme:

In the context of Computer Science Research of WPI the topic "semi-structured data" was particularly successful and promising. Most currently existing databases are based on Codd's relational database model, where the data is organized in form of tables, called relations. Data on the Web, however, is organized in tree-like form (reflecting the parsing tree of a Web document) and requires different access and processing mechanisms. Data organized this way is usually referred-to as semi-structured data. The efficient storage, retrieval, and manipulation of semi-structured data in formats such as HTML and XML is currently one of the most important topics of database research.
In the context of the WPI, intensive research was dedicated to the topics and problems described in the sequel, and several papers were already published at leading international conferences and journals. One of these papers (by Gottlob und Koch) dealing with the expressive power of languages for querying XML and for data extraction received the Best Paper Award at the ACM International Symposium on Database Theory - ACM PODS 2002 in Madison, Wisconsin, USA and its full version was published in the Journal of the ACM.
In order to intensify the research activities on semi-structured data and related topics, we want to invite international specialists and to cooperate with them. In particular, we plan a cooperation with researchers in the following areas at the cutting edge between database theory, web information management, and computational logic.


"Graph and Hypergraph Decompositions - Methods and Applications in Computer Science"

Location: Vienna
Time: 16. Dec 2004 (Thu) - 18. Dec 2004 (Sat); Opening: 9:00
Graph Decompositions
Hypergraph Decompositions
Applications in databases
Applications in Constraint Satisfaction and other areas of interest
Remark: This workshop will bring together researchers working on graph and hypergraph decomposition
techniques to be used in different areas of Computer Science. Both advances on decomposition
techniques as well as applications in databases, Constraint Satisfaction and other areas of interest.

Talks in the framework of this thematic program... (by date) , (by name)

Pauli Fellows