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Stochastics for Economy, Energy, Finance (2023/2024)

Organizers: Christa Cuchiero (WPI c/o U. Wien), Fred Espen Benth (U. Oslo), Peter Friz (TU Berlin), OTPF Almut Veraart (IC London), PF Josef Teichmann (ETH Zürich)


Conference on "Stochastics, Statistics, Machine Learning
and their Applications to Sustainable Finance and Energy Markets"
(external website )

Location: Sky Lounge (12.09.) + HS 4 Fak.Math. (13.09. - 14.09.) OMP1, Uni Wien
Time: 12. Sep 2023 (Tue) - 14. Sep 2023 (Thu); Opening: 9:00
Fak. Economy @ U. Wien
Inst. CNRS Pauli
Benth Espen Fred (U. Oslo)
Cuchiero Christa (WPI c/o U. Wien)
Friz Peter (TU Berlin)
Riedle Markus (Kings College London)
Teichmann Josef (ETH Zürich)
Veraart Almut (Imperial College)
Wintenberger Oliver (Inst. CNRS Pauli)

Graduate Lectures on "Stochastics, Statistics, Machine Learning
and their Applications to Sustainable Finance and Energy Markets"

Location: Sky Lounge, OMP1, Uni Wien
Time: 11. Sep 2023 (Mon) - 11. Sep 2023 (Mon); Opening: 9:00
Graduate Lectures by Roxana Dumitrescu and Matheus Grasselli
on green finance, climate modeling and renewables in energy markets
Fak. Economy @ U. Wien
Benth Espen Fred (U. Oslo)
Cuchiero Christa (WPI c/o U. Wien)
Friz Peter (TU Berlin)
Riedle Markus (Kings College London)
Teichmann Josef (ETH Zürich)
Veraart Almut (Imperial College London)
Wintenberger Oliver (Inst. CNRS Pauli)

Talks in the framework of this thematic program... (by date) , (by name)

Pauli Fellows