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At the Interface of PDE, Self-Adjoint Operators and Stochastics: Models with Exclusion (2006)

Organizers: Jozef Lörinczi (WPI, TU Munich), Norbert Mauser (WPI, U. Vienna), Walter Schachermayer (WPI), Christian Schmeiser (WPI, U. Vienna), Herbert Spohn (TU Munich)

The aim of the programme is to encourage interactions between representatives of three research fields, that of PDE, self-adjoint operator theory and stochastic analysis focusing on classical and quantum models of mathematical physics. The topicality of these problems is due to major progress in the developing of new mathematical tools since 2002 effective in studying problems of quantum field theory and classical interacting particle systems. The models more specifically, though not exclusively, addressed in the framework of this programme share the feature of the presence of state space exclusion, cut-offs or constraints.

Main subjects:

  1. existence and properties of ground state of the bipolaron
  2. ultraviolet renormalization in Nelson's, Pauli-Fierz and related models
  3. classical particle systems with exclusions and their hydrodynamic limits

Main events:
  1. workshop “Feynman-Kac Formulas and their Applications” (March 2006)
  2. workshop “Heat Kernels on Manifolds and Isoperimetric Inequalities" (September 2006)
  3. Events

    Workshop "Heat Kernels on Manifolds and Isoperimetric Inequalities"

    Location: WPI Seminar room C714
    Time: 26. Sep 2006 (Tue) - 27. Sep 2006 (Wed); Opening: 14:00
    Probabilistic, Geometric and Analytic Aspects
    relationships between heat kernel asymptotics, Dirichlet eigenvalues,
    bulk vs boundary domain measure inequalities

    Alexander Grigoryan (Imperial College/Bielefeld University)
    Thierry Coulhon (Cergy-Pontoise University)
    Jozsef Lörinczi

    Workshop "Feynman-Kac Formulas and their Applications" (external website )

    Location: Nordbergstr. 15
    WPI Seminar Room C714
    Time: 22. Mar 2006 (Wed) - 24. Mar 2006 (Fri); Opening: 14:00
    Interplay between PDE, Operator Semigroups and Probability

    Minicourse speakers:

    1. V. Betz (Warwick, stochastics)
    2. F. Hiroshima (Fukuoka, operators)
    3. J. Teichmann (Vienna, PDE)
    4. additional two seminars by K.R. Ito (Osaka) and T. Matsui (Kyushu)

    József Lörinczi
    Remark: Program

    Talks in the framework of this thematic program... (by date) , (by name)
