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Mathematics for Materials and Micromagnetism (2018/2019)

Organizers: Lukas Exl (WPI), Sofia Kantorovich (WPI c/o U.Wien), Michele Ruggeri (TU Wien), Ulisse Stefanelli (WPI c/o U. Wien), Dieter Suess (U.Wien)


Working Group on "Machine learning for permanent magnets"

Location: WPI, OMP 1, Seminar Room 08.135
Time: 4. Jun 2019 (Tue) - 4. Jun 2019 (Tue); Opening: 9:00
Thomas Schrefl (WPI c/o DUK)

Working Group on "Adaptive operator splitting methods and applications to Schrödinger and kinetic equations"

Location: WPI, OMP 1, Seminar Room 08.135
Time: 25. Feb 2019 (Mon) - 1. Mar 2019 (Fri); Opening: 9:00
Mechthild Thalhammer (U. Innsbruck)

Conference: MANA 2018 - Micromagnetics: Analysis, Numerics, Applications (external website )

Location: TU Wien
Time: 8. Nov 2018 (Thu) - 9. Nov 2018 (Fri); Opening: 9:00
FWF DoktoratsKolleg and SFB "PDEs"
TU Wien
Carsten Carstensen (HU Berlin)
Norbert J. Mauser (WPI c/o U.Wien)
Dirk Praetorius (WPI c/o TU Wien)
Michele Ruggeri (SFB c/o U. Wien)

Pauli Symposium on "How many mathematics ?!"

Location: WPI c/o Fak Mathematik, OMP1, 1090 Wien, Sky Lounge (12th floor)
Time: 14. Sep 2018 (Fri) - 15. Sep 2018 (Sat); Opening: 15:00
Why is “mathematics”, “les mathematiques” in plural e.g. in English, French,
and “Mathematik” in singular e.g. in German !?
Are there different science cultures/politics expressed in the language ?

Why are there 2 sections of mathematics in the French (CNU) system ?! :
Sec. 25 : “mathematiques” ,
Sec. 26 : “mathematiques appliquées et applications des mathematiques”.

What are "beautiful mathematics" - what are "useful mathematics" ?
Is there a relation between them ?

How many mathematics ?!

What about the answer : "2 : correct and false!" ?
Is/are mathematics more than theorems and proving if they are correct or false ?

Are "theorem-free" mathematical modeling & numerical simulation two of the most important mathematics ?

What about "physics" (plural) vs "la physique / die Physik" (singular) ?!
Biology, Chemistry only singular in all languages !?
Are "informatics" ("computer science") and "statistics" part of "mathematics" ?

Participants will be from mathematics, physics, "computer science"
and various applied fields like micromagnetism, engineering, biology, medicine,...

Programme : short statements of each participant, some "presentations"
and a general discussion, maybe we agree (to disagree) on an answer.
Inst CNRS Pauli
Claude W. Bardos (WPI c/o U. Paris)
Shi Jin (U. Wisconsin & Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.)
Doron Levy (U. Maryland)
Norbert J. Mauser (WPI c/o U.Wien)

Working Group on "Microstructure machine learning analysis"

Location: WPI, OMP 1, Seminar Room 08.135
Time: 14. Sep 2018 (Fri) - 14. Sep 2018 (Fri); Opening: 9:00
Lukas Exl (WPI)
Thomas Schrefl (TU Wien)

Talks in the framework of this thematic program... (by date) , (by name)
