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Models in Biology and Medicine (2016/2017)

Organizers: OTPF Marie Doumic (INRIA c/o WPI), Walter Berger (MedUni Wien), PF Doron Levy (U. Maryland), Klemens Fellner (Univ. Graz), Dietmar Oelz (Courant Inst, NYU), Benoit Perthame (U. Paris 6), Christian Schmeiser (WPI c/o U.Wien)


Workshop on "Protein Aggregation: Biophysics and Mathematics"

Location: OMP 1, Sky Lounge (12th floor)
Time: 6. Jun 2017 (Tue) - 8. Jun 2017 (Thu); Opening: 13:30
This workshop will focus on protein aggregation in various fields of application like amyloid diseases, actin filaments, autophagy. The aim of this meeting is to bring together expert and young researchers in these fields working either on biophysics or in mathematical modellings. The reasonable number of talks will leave room for informal scientific discussions between the participants, which is one of the purposes of this meeting.
Fak. Mathematik
Marie Doumic-Jauffret (INRIA & WPI)
Christian Schmeiser (WPI & U. Wien)
Human Rezaei (INRIA, France)
Wei-Feng Xue (Univ. Kent, UK)
Remark: Click here for further information

Workshop on "Cross diffusion systems and kinetic equations for biology" (external website )

Location: WPI, OMP 1, Seminar Room 08.135
Time: 10. May 2017 (Wed) - 12. May 2017 (Fri); Opening: 9:00
"This workshop will focus on cross diffusion systems and kinetic equations arising in biology. The aim of this meeting is to bring together expert and young researchers in these fields working either on mathematical analysis, modeling or numerical analysis. The (reasonable) number of talks will leave room for informal scientific discussions between the participants, which is one of the purposes of this meeting."
Ayman Moussa (UPMC Paris)
Ansgar Jüngel (TU Wien)
Marie Doumic-Jauffret (WPI & INRIA)
Christian Schmeiser (WPI & U. Wien)

Workshop on: "Coagulation and Fragmentation Equations"

Location: WPI, OMP 1, Seminar Room 08.135
Time: 23. Mar 2017 (Thu) - 24. Mar 2017 (Fri); Opening: 9:00
Marie Doumic-Jauffret (WPI & INRIA)
Christian Schmeiser (WPI & U. Wien)
Remark: Click here for further information

Workshop on "Models in Cancer Therapy"

Location: OMP 1, Lecture Room 11, 2nd floor
Time: 1. Jul 2016 (Fri) - 2. Jul 2016 (Sat); Opening: 9:45
This workshop is proposed to highlight the recent advances and new perspectives in Mathematical Oncology. Some focus is given on the role of applied analysis and computational mathematics. The meeting brings together researchers from different disciplines, with talks aimed at the general audience. It provides a unique opportunity both for technical discussions and general exchange of ideas in all areas involving mathematical and computational sciences, modeling and simulations, as well as their applications in cancer biology and clinics.
Walter Berger (MedUni Wien)
Marie Doumic-Jauffret (WPI & INRIA)
Doron Levy (U. Maryland)
Norbert J Mauser (WPI c/o U.Wien & CNRS)
Christian Schmeiser (WPI c/o U.Wien)
Remark: Click here for further information

Talks in the framework of this thematic program... (by date) , (by name)

Pauli Fellows