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Mean-field transportation models in the life and social sciences (2015/2016)

Organizers: Marie-Therese Wolfram (RICAM, Linz), Jan-Frederik Pietschmann (WWU Münster), Maria Bruna (Oxford), Francisco Silva (Limoges), Pierre Degond (IC London)


Working Group on "Multiscale transport of particles"

Location: WPI, OMP 1, Seminar Room 08.135
Time: 14. Sep 2015 (Mon) - 16. Sep 2015 (Wed); Opening: 13:30
The focus of the workshop lies on experimental and mathematical aspects of
œ multiscale transport of mixtures of interacting particles,
œ general interactions and transport phenomena of differently sized particles (PDE models, gradient flow structure, entropy techniques).
Since the aim is to initiate collaborations on open problems in the topics mentioned above, the schedule of the workshop includes plenty of time for discussions.
Maria Bruna (University of Oxford)
Jan-Frederik Pietschmann (WWU Münster)
Marie-Therese Wolfram (RICAM Linz)
Remark: Click here for further information

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