Time-dependent density functional theory (2005)
Peter Weinberger (TU Vienna), Joachim Burgdörfer (TU Vienna), Robert Hammerling (TU Vienna), Norbert Mauser (WPI, U, Vienna), Armin Scrinzi (TU Vienna)
Dr. Lucia Reining |
CMS seminarroom, Gumpendorferstr.1A |
Mon, 17. Oct 05, 16:00 |
TDDFT - Electronic Excitations |
keywords: Electronic spectra, excitations, Hedin\'s GW, Bethe Salpether und TDDFT |
Note: in cooperation of WPI and WK of the CMS |
- Thematic program: Time-dependent density functional theory (2005)
Dr. Lucia Reining |
CMS Seminarroom, Gumpendorferstr.1A |
Tue, 18. Oct 05, 9:00 |
Time dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) |
keywords: GW, Bethe Salpether und TDDFT |
Note: in cooperation of WPI and WK of the CMS |
- Thematic program: Time-dependent density functional theory (2005)
Prof. Dr. Theo Rasing |
CMS seminarroom, 1060 Gumpendorferstr. 1A |
Mon, 14. Nov 05, 16:00 |
TD DFT (details to come) |
abstract to come |
Note: details to come, cms seminarseries |
- Thematic program: Time-dependent density functional theory (2005)
Holger Teismann (Acadia Univ.) |
WPI seminar room, Nordbergstraße 15, C 714 |
Wed, 22. Feb 06, 14:00 |
Bilinear control of Schrödinger equations |
- Thematic program: Time-dependent density functional theory (2005)
- WK seminar