Motility: from the molecular to the population scale (2008)
Christian Schmeiser (U. Vienna), PF Michel Rascle (CNRS)
Peter Wagner (DLR, Berlin) |
WPI seminar room, Nordbergstrasse 15 |
Thu, 15. May 08, 15:00 |
Data Assimilation and Links with First Order Traffic Flow Models |
- Thematic program: Motility: from the molecular to the population scale (2008)
- WK seminar
Tiina Roose (Univ. of Oxford) |
WPI seminar room C714 |
Fri, 6. Mar 09, 10:00 |
Modelling Cancer Tissue Mechanics |
- Thematic program: Motility: from the molecular to the population scale (2008)
- WK seminar