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Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2019/2020)

Organizers: PF Claude Bardos (ICP and U. Paris), Ludovic Ferrière (NHM Wien), PF Oliver Hahn (Obs. Nice), Sabine Hittmeir (U. Wien), Alex Schekochihin (Oxford), PF Edriss Titi (Cambridge)


Oliver Hahn (Obs Nice) Fri, 21. Feb 20, 11:15
Cosmological Structure Formation: Numerics and Theory, State of the Art and Open Problems
  • Thematic program: Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2019/2020)
  • Event: "Experimental and Numerical Quantum Cosmology". (2020)

Robin Kaiser (INLPH Nice) Fri, 21. Feb 20, 11:45
Photon –Atom Interactions: from cold atoms to astrophysics
Atomic physics experiments, based on hot vapors or laser-cooled atomic samples, may be useful to simulate some astrophysical problems, where radiation pressure, radiative transport or light amplification are involved. I will present some ongoing experimental efforts in Nice and discuss spontaneous self-organisation with light-induced long-range forces.
  • Thematic program: Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2019/2020)
  • Event: "Experimental and Numerical Quantum Cosmology". (2020)

Sebastian Erne (VCQ Wien) Fri, 21. Feb 20, 14:30
Analog simulators for early universe cosmology: from false vacuum decay to reheating
Designing effective field theories in a laboratory setup has gained increasing attention over the last years and lies at the heart of analog-gravity experiments. Probing the validity of these effective models constitutes an essential step towards (quantum) simulators of otherwise inaccessible systems. Focusing on its applications for early universe cosmological problems, I report on the opportunities, validation, and limitations of analog classical and quantum simulators for (Quantum) Field Theory in curved and time-dependent spacetimes, in particular to cosmic inflation. As specific examples, I will discuss applications of single and multi-component quantum fluids and classical two-fluid systems in strong gradient magnetic fields.
  • Thematic program: Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2019/2020)
  • Event: "Experimental and Numerical Quantum Cosmology". (2020)

Cornelius Rampf (Obs Nice) Fri, 21. Feb 20, 15:00
Singularities in cosmological Vlasov-Poisson and quantum picture
The evolution of cold dark matter (CDM) is governed by the cosmological Vlasov–Poisson equations. As it is well-known, the gravitational collapse of CDM leads to infinite-density caustics that seed the primordial dark-matter halos in the cosmic large-scale structure. Focusing on the one-dimensional case, I report a landscape of so far unknown singularities in the particle acceleration that emerge after the first crossing of particle trajectories. These singular features may be regulated by assuming a finite temperature for dark matter, which, to some extend, simplifies the numerical computation but complicates the theoretical modelling. Alternatively, singular features are naturally tamed in semiclassical, Schrödinger-like descriptions for the large-scale structure which I will discuss as well.
  • Thematic program: Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2019/2020)
  • Event: "Experimental and Numerical Quantum Cosmology". (2020)

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