Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI) Vienna

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Research Groups at the WPI

each group, consisting of the team of a large grant project, is associated to a full member

Andrea Bachmaier Magnetic Material Sciences
ERC starting + proof of concept
Alberta Bonanni
ERC advanced
Jiehua Chen Computational Social Choice
Andrii Chumak
ERC starting + proof of concept
Agata Ciabattoni Informatics - discrete reasoning methods
START award
Christa Cuchiero
START award
Vera Fischer
START award
100% Co-Funding
Sebastian Forster
ERC starting
Georg Gottlob Informatics : Theoretical foundation of Computer Science; Expert systems ; Internet-agents
Speaker of FWF DoktoratsKolleg
Wittgenstein award
ERC advanced
Tibor Grasser Microelectronics
ERC advanced
Oliver Hahn
ERC starting
100% Co-Funding
Philipp Haslinger
START award
Nikolaus Hautsch Finance - Mathematics - High Frequency Trading
Christian Hellmich
ERC starting
Marcus Huber
START award + ERC consolidator
Sofia Kantorovich
START award
Laura Kovacs
ERC starting + proof of concept
ERC consolidator
Tim Langen Experimental quantum physics
ERC starting + proof of concept
Christos Likos Theoretical and computational soft matter physics, complex colloids, ...
Coordinator EU research training network
Matteo Maffei
ERC consolidator
SFB Coordinator
Norbert J. Mauser Applied mathematics and mathematical physics : Nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations, Quantum Boltzmann equations , Quantum semiconductor modelling and numerics
Coordinator of EU research training network
Coordinator of EU Marie Curie Training multi Site
START award
Jörg Menche
Sara Merino-Aceituno
100% Co-Funding
100% Co-Funding
Sandra Müller
START award
Caroline Muller Geophysical flows / climate research
ERC starting
Hanns-Christoph Nägerl Ultracold atoms and quantum gases
ERC advanced
START award
ERC starting
ERC advanced
Wittgenstein award
Florian Raible
Speaker of Doc-Funds school
ERC starting
Walter Schachermayer Financial mathematics : Stochastic processes; Pricing and hedging of derivative securities
Wittgenstein award
ERC advanced
Silvan Schmid Micro/Nano Sensors
ERC starting + proof of concept
Jörg Schmiedmayer Experimental quantum physics, ultracold atoms, Bose Einstein condensates
Wittgenstein award
ERC advanced
ERC advanced
Norbert Schuch
ERC consolidator
Thorsten Schumm Experimental quantum physics, ultracold atoms, Thorium clock,...
ERC starting
ERC synergy coordinator
FET project coordinator
START award
ERC synergy
Stefan Szeider Complexity of Reasoning Problems.
ERC starting
DK speaker
Kristin Tessmar-Raible
ERC starting
START award
ERC consolidator
Miriam Unterlass
START award
Glenn van de Ven Astrophysics
ERC consolidator
Thomas Vogl Cancer research & microbiom
ERC starting
Benedikt Warth Food chemistry
ERC consolidator
Bernadett Weinzierl AerosolPhysics
ERC starting
Georg Weissenbacher
Stefan Woltran
START award