Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI) Vienna

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with funding from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research (BM.BWF, "Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung")

The Pauli Fellows program includes leading international scientists as co-organiser of the Thematic Programs and brings them to Vienna for longer periods.

Pauli Fellows

Bardos, Claude Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2024/2025) local address 
Dupré, Loïc Mathematics for Biology and Medicine (2024/2025) local address 
Jin, Shi Scientific Computing and Machine Learning (2024/2025) local address 
Kaiser, Robin Numerical Modelling of Quantum Experiments (2024/2025) local address 
Klein, Rupert Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2024/2025) local address 
Schekochihin, Alexander Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2024/2025) local address 
Teichmann, Prof., Josef Statistics and Stochastics in the Applications (2024/2025) local address 

Olga Taussky Pauli Fellows

Hillebrands, Burkard Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) local address 
Ribot, Magali Mathematics for Biology and Medicine (2024/2025) local address 
Schmidt, Annette Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) local address 
Veraart, Almut Statistics and Stochastics in the Applications (2024/2025) local address 

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