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Associate members of the WPI

There is no general condition for associate membership ; every person or organisation is welcome to join the association and contribute to its task to promote high level research and post graduate training in Austria.
Associate members are eligible for the board, and as director or president.
Particularily welcome are scientists who intend to apply for a project eligible for full membership. They can profit from the experience and infrastructure of the WPI for preparing their proposal.

Associate members

Amon, Mag.a, Claudia Rechnungsprüferin local address 
Athanassoulis, Prof., Agis local address 
Exl, Priv.-Doz. Dr., Lukas local address 
Ganian, Prof., Robert START award local address 
Gottlieb, Dr., Alexander local address 
Kahl, Prof., Gerhard local address 
Kluwick, Prof. Alfred local address 
Koch, Priv. Doz., Othmar local address 
Krupa, Dr., Martin local address 
Kunzinger, Prof. Michael local address 
Kupka, Priv. Doz., Friedrich local address 
Mazets, Dr., Igor local address 
Mennemann, Dr., Jan-Frederik local address 
Mohn, Prof., Peter local address 
Rampf, Dr., Cornelius local address 
Rein, Prof. Gerhard local address 
Sanchez Romero, Dr., Pedro Antonio local address 
Scrinzi, Prof., Armin local address 
Stimming, Dr., Hans Peter Rechnungsprüfer local address 
Suess, Prof., Dieter local address 
Thalhammer, Prof., Mechthild local address 
Überhuber, Prof. Christoph local address 

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