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Workshop "Modelling of nonlinear dispersive long waves"

Location: WPI, Seminarroom C714, Mon, 21. May (Opening: 9:00) - Sat, 26. May 07
Jean-Claude Saut (U. Paris-Sud, Orsay)

Talks in the framework of this event

Carles, R. Mon, 21. May 07, 10:30
"WKB methods and semi-classical limit for nonlinear Schrödinger equations (1/4)"
  • Event: Workshop "Modelling of nonlinear dispersive long waves" (2007)

Bona, J.L. Mon, 21. May 07, 14:30
"Stability of snoïdal waves"
  • Event: Workshop "Modelling of nonlinear dispersive long waves" (2007)

Dutykh, D. Mon, 21. May 07, 15:30
"Derivation and numerical simulation of long wave equations"
  • Event: Workshop "Modelling of nonlinear dispersive long waves" (2007)

Carles, R. Tue, 22. May 07, 10:30
"WKB methods and semi-classical limit for nonlinear Schrödinger equations (2/4)"
  • Event: Workshop "Modelling of nonlinear dispersive long waves" (2007)

Lannes, D. Tue, 22. May 07, 14:00
""3-D asymptotics for water waves"
  • Event: Workshop "Modelling of nonlinear dispersive long waves" (2007)

Iguchi, T. Tue, 22. May 07, 15:00
"A shallow water approximation for water waves"
  • Event: Workshop "Modelling of nonlinear dispersive long waves" (2007)

Leblond, H. Tue, 22. May 07, 16:30
" Ultrashort solitons in ferromagnetic media and in nonlinear optics"
  • Event: Workshop "Modelling of nonlinear dispersive long waves" (2007)

Carles, R. Wed, 23. May 07, 10:30
"WKB methods and semi-classical limit for nonlinear Schrödinger equations (3/4)"
  • Event: Workshop "Modelling of nonlinear dispersive long waves" (2007)

Groves, M. Wed, 23. May 07, 14:00
"Existence and stability of 3-D fully localized solitary gravity-capillary water waves"
  • Event: Workshop "Modelling of nonlinear dispersive long waves" (2007)

Chen, M. Wed, 23. May 07, 15:00
"Two-dimensional wave patterns"
  • Event: Workshop "Modelling of nonlinear dispersive long waves" (2007)

Bao, W. WPI, Seminarroom C714 Wed, 23. May 07, 16:30
"Efficient and stable numerical methods for the generalized and vector Zakharov systems"
  • Event: Workshop "Modelling of nonlinear dispersive long waves" (2007)

Carles, R. Thu, 24. May 07, 10:30
"WKB methods and semi-classical limit for nonlinear Schrödinger equations (4/4)"
  • Event: Workshop "Modelling of nonlinear dispersive long waves" (2007)

Linares, F. Thu, 24. May 07, 14:00
"On the Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation"
  • Event: Workshop "Modelling of nonlinear dispersive long waves" (2007)

Sparber, C. Thu, 24. May 07, 15:00
Effective mass theorems for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation
  • Event: Workshop "Modelling of nonlinear dispersive long waves" (2007)

Saut, J.C. Thu, 24. May 07, 16:30
"Remarks on the KP approximation"
  • Event: Workshop "Modelling of nonlinear dispersive long waves" (2007)

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