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Colloquium: Rupert Klein (FU Berlin)
"Machine Learning and Math Modelling:
how Weather & Climate Science stand to gain"

Location: Room 2B204 ”Eberhard Clar Saal”, ground floor (Ebene E2) UZA II,
“Geozentrum”, Josef-Holaubek Platz 2, 1090 Wien
Thu, 5. Dec (Opening: 16:45) - Fri, 6. Dec 24
1) 16h45: Welcome & Introduction : Norbert J Mauser & Andreas Stohl (U.Wien)
2) 16h55 – 17h45 : Rupert Klein (FU Berlin)
3) 17h55 – 19h: “open discussions” with drinks & sandwiches
research platform MMM @ U.Wien
Inst. f. Meteorology U.Wien
Norbert J Mauser (WPI c/o MMM Fak.Math. U.Wien)
Andreas Stohl (Inst. f. Meteorology U.Wien)
Remark: Abstract: This presentation will explain by way of examples how data-based machine learning and physics-based mathematical modelling may contribute valuable complementary skills and insights to weather and climate science. Judicious combinations of both promise further progress. However, there are serious poten-tial pitfalls and caveats. The examples involve many-month El Niño prediction, mechanisms for the spin-up of tropical cyclones, and more.
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