Location: TU Wien, Gusshausstr. 27 (old building), 2nd floor, Hoersaal EI 1
Thu, 9. Dec (Opening: 15:30) - Thu, 9. Dec 04
16.00 : Norbert J. Mauser (WPI c/o Faculty for Mathematics, Uni Wien)
"Introduction and Short Presentation of the WPI"
16.15 : Karl Unterrainer (WPI c/o Photonics Institute, TU Wien)
"Quantum dots for infrared photonics"
17.00 : Gerald Bastard (ENS Paris)
"Quantum dots and their environment"
WPI and TU Wien |
Remark: Coffee, Tea and Cake from 15.30 on Cocktails and Sandwiches from 18.15 on | |