Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI) Vienna

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Workshop : “Timing of birds and their food”

Location: Boku Wien , IWJ Bibliothek - Wed, 25. Jun (Opening: 9:00) - Wed, 25. Jun 14
Sabine Hille (Boku Wien)
Interactions of single members of a food web are strongly interdependent thereby timing plays a crucial role. However the timing of single species such as plants, butterflies, and birds are all affected by temperature but very likely not all in the same way. Mismatches may result in changes of life history traits, in lowered or increased reproduction or life span, thus in population changes. Hence to study into the possible mismatches in timing and decoupling effects of ambient temperature on food webs is an important research field, because it opens particular in future changes in biodiversity and ecosystem functioning under warming conditions. Here we will study into the methods of assessing timing of tree foliage, invertebrate availability and bird reproduction in a forest. Status of art in the field of mismatching between invertebrates and bird species will be used to extract new research visions for finding the environmental keys that trigger timing of bird reproduction.

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