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Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (external website )

Location: WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Tue, 29. Mar (Opening: 9:30) - Thu, 31. Mar 11
Francesco Califano (U. Pisa)
Francesco Valentini (U. della Calabria, Italy)
Remark: Click here for further information
Click here for the programme

Talks in the framework of this event

Retinò, Alessandro WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Mon, 29. Mar 10, 9:30
"Observations of magnetic reconnection in solar system plasmas"
You may download the presentation of the talk
  • Event: Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (2011)

Araneda, Jaime WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Tue, 29. Mar 11, 10:30
"Alfvén-cyclotron wave mode structure: linear and nonlinear behaviour cascade"
You may download the presentation of the talk
  • Event: Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (2011)

Alexandrova, Olga WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Tue, 29. Mar 11, 11:30
"Observations of solar wind turbulence at plasma kinetic scales"
You may download the presentation of the talk
  • Event: Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (2011)

Valentini, Francesco WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Tue, 29. Mar 11, 12:30
"Electrostatic fluctuations at short scales in the solar-wind turbulent cascade"
You may download the presentation of the talk
  • Event: Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (2011)

Matteini, Lorenzo WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Tue, 29. Mar 11, 14:30
"Wave-particle and wave-wave interactions in the solar wind: simulations and observations"
You may download the presentation of the talk
  • Event: Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (2011)

Bourouaine, Sofiane WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Tue, 29. Mar 11, 15:30
"Ion kinetics and turbulence dissipation in the solar wind"
You may download the presentation of the talk
  • Event: Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (2011)

Perrone, Denise WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Tue, 29. Mar 11, 16:30
"Nonlinear study of solar wind alpha particles heating with hybrid Vlasov numerical simulations"
You may download the presentation of the talk
  • Event: Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (2011)

Pegoraro, Francesco WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Wed, 30. Mar 11, 9:30
"Fluid versus kinetic: gains versus losses"
You may download the presentation of the talk
  • Event: Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (2011)

Sulem. Pierre-Louis WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Wed, 30. Mar 11, 10:30
"Modeling space plasma turbulence at the ion gyroscale"
You may download the presentation of the talk
  • Event: Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (2011)

Passot, Thierry WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Wed, 30. Mar 11, 11:30
"Fluid modeling of anisotropic heating and micro-instabilities in space plasmas"
You may download the presentation of the talk
  • Event: Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (2011)

Califano, Francesco WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Wed, 30. Mar 11, 12:30
"Kelvin Helmholtz driven dynamics at the Earth’s Magnetosphere"
You may download the presentation of the talk
  • Event: Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (2011)

Faganello, Matteo WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Wed, 30. Mar 11, 14:30
"3D equilibria of interest for the low latitude Earth’s Magnetosphere"
  • Event: Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (2011)

Del Sarto, Daniele WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Wed, 30. Mar 11, 15:30
"Pressure Tensor in a fluid model"
  • Event: Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (2011)

Jenko, Frank WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Thu, 31. Mar 11, 9:30
"Gyrokinetics - an efficient framework for studying turbulence and reconnection in magnetized plasmas"
You may download the presentation of the talk
  • Event: Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (2011)

Schekochihin, Alexander WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Thu, 31. Mar 11, 10:30
"Turbulence in a magnetised plasma: success and failures of kinetic theory and the known unknowns"
You may download the presentation of the talk
  • Event: Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (2011)

Lapenta, Giovanni WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Thu, 31. Mar 11, 11:30
"Meeting the challenge of multiscale modelling in high performance computing"
You may download the presentation of the talk
  • Event: Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (2011)

Ghizzo, Alain WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Thu, 31. Mar 11, 12:30
"A multi-stream Vlasov model for Weibel-type instabilities in the relativistic regime"
You may download the presentation of the talk
  • Event: Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (2011)

Tatsuno, Tomo WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Thu, 31. Mar 11, 14:30
"Phase-space turbulence in 2D magnetized plasma using gyrokinetics"
  • Event: Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (2011)

Tronko, Nathalie WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Thu, 31. Mar 11, 15:30
"Dynamical reduction of the Maxwell-Vlasov system: toward gyrokinetics"
  • Event: Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (2011)

Kunz, Matthew WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Thu, 31. Mar 11, 16:30
"Dynamical stability of a thermally stratified intracluster medium"
You may download the presentation of the talk
  • Event: Workshop "Vlasov-Maxwell kinetics: theory, simulations and observations in space plasmas" (2011)

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