
  1. 24/02/2025

    Kick-off workshop

    This week the first Kick-off workshop in the Emerging Fields project takes place.

  2. 10/12/2024

    EPS Conference on Gravitation

    I gave the invited main lecture Synthetic curvature for GR and beyond at the EPS Conference on Gravitation: Unlocking Gravity Through Computation at the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague.

  3. 03/12/2024

    Argam Ohanyan receives Erwin Schrödinger grant

    My former student Argam Ohanyan was awarded an Erwin Schrödinger grant by the Austrian Science Fund FWF. He will pursue his project Singularities and rigidity in non-smooth spacetimes with Robert McCann in Toronto for two years before returning to our group for another year.

  4. 29/11/2024

    Sonja Kramer wins UNIVIE Teaching Award

    My collaborator Sonja Kramer was awarded the UNIVIE Teaching Award for our joint lecture and exercise classes "Schulmathematik Analysis" (school mathematics analysis).

  5. 29/10/2024

    Argam Ohanyan Defends Ph.D. Thesis

    My student Argam Ohanyan defended his Ph.D. thesis entiteled Singularities and rigidity in smooth and non-smooth spacetimes with flying colours.

  6. 01/10/2024

    Emerging Fields project starts

    Today the FWF-funded Emerging Fields Project A new Geoemtry for Einstein's theory of Relativity and beyond has officially started.

  7. Sept. 2024

    Talks in Turin

    I gave an invited talk at the Time Machine Factory conference and a contributed talk at the International Conference on Generalized Functions GF2024, both in Turin, Italy.

  8. 19/06/2024

    Invited talk at Queen Mary

    I gave the invited talk The Hawking theorem in Lipschitz regularity at Queen Mary University of London, U.K.

  9. 05/2024


    I have been invited as a speaker to the EPS Conference on Gravitation: Unlocking Gravity Through Computation in Prague in December 2024, as well as to the BIRS-IMAG workshop Geometry, Analysis, and Physics in Lorentzian Signature in Granada in May 2025.

  10. 04/2024

    The new teaching project MaThX

    The University of Vienna has announced to fund the Faculty's teaching project MaThX (Mathematikunterricht zwischen Theorie und Praxis; Teaching mathematics beteen theory and pratice), where I am a team memeber.

  11. 05/04/2024

    Mathematics education talk

    Together with Ilse Fischer I gave a talk at the Austrian Mathematical Society's Teacher Training Day entiteled Neue Mathematik für die Schule (New Mtahs for the School).

  12. 12/03/2024

    A new geometry for Einstein's Theory of Relativity and Beyond

    The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) has announced to fund the project A new geometry for Einstein's Theory of Relativity and Beyond in its new Emerging Fields excellency programme. The funding sum is an unprecedented 7 Million Euro. The project team consist of Michael Kunzinger , Raquel Perales , Chiara Rigoni , Clemens Sämann , and myself .
    See the press releases of FWF , the University of Vienna and the Faculty of Mathematics.

  13. 22/09/2023

    Invited mathematics education lecture

    Together with Ilse Fischer I gave an invited lecture at the Teacher's Day of the Austrian Mathematical Society.

  14. 06/2023

    Clemens Sämann receives START-prize of the Austrian Science Fund

    Clemens Sämann , graduate from our research group and my frequent co-author was arwarded the START-prize of the Austrian Science fund.

  15. 04/2023

    Scientific board of GeLoMer

    I was invited to join the scientific board of GeLoMer the XI International Meeting on Lorentzian Geometry, to be held in Merida, Mexico, Jan. 29--Feb. 2, 2024.

  16. 26/4/2023

    Popuar talk

    I gave the popular talk "Von Schwarzen Löchern und dem Urknall" (On black holes and the big bang) explaining some of my recent research at Vienna Planetarium.

  17. 21/04/2023

    Conference in Novi Sad

    I gave an invited main lecture entiteled Impulsive gravitational waves (From particle motion to geometry) at the HASOP2023 conference in Novi Sad, Serbia.

  18. 13-24/03/2023

    Non-regular Spacetime Geometry at ESI

    The ESI hosted our workshop Non-regular Spacetime Geometry , co-organised with Piotr Chrusciel, Melanie Graf, Ettore Minguzzi, and Mike Kunzinger.

  19. 16/02/2023

    SCRI21 Proceedings

    The Topical Collection "Singularity theorems, causality, and all that (SCRI21)" , which I was co-editing appeared topday in General Relativity and Gravitation.

  20. 2022: Selected events
  21. 25/02/2022

    Solidarity with Ukraine

    The University of Vienna stands with Ukraine and condemns the attack on the country.

  22. 2021 Selected events
  23. 2020 Selected events
  24. 2019 Selected events
    • I gave a public lecture "Raumzeitsingularitäten" (spacetime singularities) at Plaentarium Wien.
    • Jiri Podolsky , a theoretical physicist from Charles University at Prague (and a frequent collaborator of mine) has written a background story on his research for CQG+. It is entiteled Understanding exact space-times and also briefly describes our joint project(s).
  25. 2018: Textbook

    The 3rd edition of our textbook with Hermann Schichl Einführung in das mathematische Arbeiten (German; Introduction into mathematical methodology) has appeared.