Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire

Issue 45

October 8 - 11, 2000, Bellagio, Lago di Como


[B45a] Ian G. Macdonald
Orthogonal Polynomials Associated with Root Systems (40 pp.)
[B45b] Markus Fulmek
A Continued Fraction Expansion for a q-Tangent Function (6 pp.)
[B45c] Christian Krattenthaler
On Multiplicities of Points on Schubert Varieties in Grassmannians (11 pp.)
[B45d] Helmut Krämer
Binary Moore-Penrose Inverses of Set Inclusion Incidence Matrices (18 pp.)
[B45e] Mervyn C. Hughes and Alun O. Morris
Root Systems for Two Dimensional Complex Reflection Groups (18 pp.)
[B45f] Ilse Fischer
Moments of Inertia Associated with the Lozenge Tilings of a Hexagon (14 pp.)

Research Announcement

[B45g] Bernd Fiedler
Ideal Decompositions and Computation of Tensor Normal Forms (16 pp.)