Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B45pref (2000), 1 p.
Jean-Yves Thibon
The 45th session was organized by the University of Marne-la-Vallée,
and took place at Hotel Belvedere, Bellagio, Italy,from from Sunday,
October 8, 2000 (evening) to Wednesday October 11, 2000 (afternoon).
The list of participants was the following:
Alun Morris (Aberystwyth): Root systems for complex reflection
Bodo Lass (Aachen): Denombrement des arborescences
Theresia Eisenkölbl (Wien): (-1)-enumeration of symmetry classes
of plane partitions with complementation symmetry
Volker Strehl (Erlangen): Tilings and paths
Paolo Papi (Roma)
Volker Diekert (Stuttgart): Equations in free groups
Markus Fulmek (Wien)
Christian Krattenthaler (Wien): On the number of perfect matchings
of holey Aztec rectangles
Helmut Krämer (Hamburg): Binary Moore-Penrose inverses of
set-inclusion incidence matrices
Itaru Terada (Tokyo): A comparison of algebraic varieties leading
to the updown Robinson-Schensted correspondence
Dominique Foata (Strasbourg) : Babson-Einar statistics
Luigi Cerlienco (Cagliari)
F. Jouhet (Lyon): Some new identities for Schur functions
G. Ksavrelov (Lyon)
Jacques Désarménien (Marne-la-Vallée)
Jean-Yves Thibon (Marne-la-Vallée)
Roman König (Erlangen)
Dominique Perrin (Marne-la-Vallée): Ensembles inévitables
Pierre-Andre Picon (Marne-la-Vallée)
Jean-Gabriel Lucque (Marne-la-Vallée)
Ottavio d'Antona (Milano)
Alberto Marini (Milano): Some considerations about mathematics and Internet
Elie Mosaki (Lyon)
Ilse Fischer (Klagenfurt)
Guoniu Han (Strasbourg): Arbres minimax
Jørn Olsson (Copenhagen): Prime power degree representations of symmetric groups
David Masson : Zonal functions of symmetric groups