Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
Issue 42
August 31 - September 6, 1998, Maratea, Basilicata
The Andrews Festschrift
Dominique Foata
(3 pp.)
George E. Andrews
Some Debts I Owe
(16 pp.)
Richard Askey
The Work of George Andrews: A Madison Perspective
(24 pp.)
Bruce C. Berndt, Ken Ono
Ramanujan's Unpublished Manuscript on the Partition and Tau Functions with Proofs and Commentary
(63 pp.)
Frank Garvan
Qseries Maple Tutorial: A
-Product Tutorial for a
-Series Maple Package
(27 pp.)
G.-N. Han, A. Randrianarivony, J. Zeng
Un autre q-analogue des nombres d'Euler
(22 pp.)
Michael D. Hirschhorn
Three Classical Results on Representations of a Number
(8 pp.)
Dongsu Kim, Dennis Stanton
Simultaneous Maj Statistics
(12 pp.)
David P. Little
An Extension of Franklin's Bijection
(10 pp.)
George E. Andrews, Peter Paule
MacMahon's Partition Analysis IV: Hypergeometric Multisums
(24 pp.)
Anatol N. Kirillov, Anne Schilling, Mark Shimozono
Various Representations of the Generalized Kostka Polynomials
(19 pp.)
Herbert S. Wilf
The Number-Theoretic Content of the Jacobi Triple Product Identity
(4 pp.)
Arturo Carpi, Aldo de Luca
Words and Repeated Factors
(24 pp.)
Adriano Garsia, Mark Haiman, Glenn Tesler
Explicit Plethystic Formulas for Macdonald q,t-Kostka Coefficients
(45 pp.)
S. Ole Warnaar
Supernomial Coefficients, Bailey's Lemma and Rogers-Ramanujan-Type Identities. A Survey of Results and Open Problems
(22 pp.)
D. Foata, G.-N. Han
The Triple, Quintuple and Septuple Product Identities Revisited
(12 pp.)
A. Lascoux
Square-Ice Enumeration
(15 pp.)
Christian Krattenthaler
Advanced Determinant Calculus
(67 pp.)