Ten years after the 20th session of the Seminar that took place in Alghero, Sardinia we returned to Italy, this time to Southern Italy, to Maratea, province of Basilicata, on the Mediterranean sea, some 200 kilometers south of Naples. Our purpose was to celebrate
on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday.
The seminar was held under the auspices of the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Strasburgo. It has received the financial support of the Regione Basilicata, the dipartimento di Matematica, Univeristà degli Studi della Basilicata and the I.R.M.A., Université Louis Pasteur.
For the preparation and the organization of the Séminaire we have been greatly helped by our colleagues Domenico Senato, Elvira Di Nardo and Paolo Vitolo (Universita di Basilicata).
The list of participants has included:
G.E. Andrews (University Park), V. Strehl, R. Koenig (Erlangen), P. Paule, A. Riese (Linz), J. Désarménien, H. Olivier, P.-A. Picon, A. Lascoux, D. Perrin, B. Gauthier, J.-F. Beraud (Marne-la-Vallée), D. Foata, G. Han, J.-P. Jouanolou (Strasbourg), H. Gaudier (Valenciennes), A.M. Garsia, D. Little (San Diego), D. Bressoud (Saint Paul), R. Askey (Madison), A. Carpi (Arco Felice), D. Senato, O. di Vincenzo, P. Vitolo, E. Di Nardo (Potenza), C. Krattenthaler (Wien), M. Mureddu (Cagliari), F. Brenti, A. de Luca, C. Malvenuto (Roma), P. Kirschenhofer (Leoben), J. Olsson (Copenhagen), K. Alladi (Gainesville), S. Milne (Columbus), A. Zvonkine (Bordeaux), H. Wilf (Philadelphia), A. Schilling, O. Warnaar (Amsterdam), F. Bergeron (Montreal), N. Bergeron (Toronto), J. Zeng (Lyon), M. Cerasoli (L'Aquila), A. Berkovich (Stony Brook), A. Brini (Bologna), L. Carini (Messina), M. Joswig (Berlin), A. Giambruno, A. Valenti (Palermo) A. Marini, R. Zizza (Milano), K. Simon (Zuerich).
With the proceedings of the Séminaire we will be pleased and honored to make up an Andrews Festschrift, first in this present electronic form.