Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, 91B.22 (2024), 12 pp.

Seamus Albion

Character Factorisations, z-Asymmetric Partitions, and Plethysm

Abstract. An old theorem of D. E. Littlewood asserts that the Schur function with variables "twisted" by a primitive t-th root of unity vanishes unless the t-core of the indexing partition is empty, in which case it factors as a product of Schur functions indexed by the t-quotient. Recently, Ayyer and Kumari generalised Littlewood's result to characters of the classical groups O(2n,C), Sp(2n,C) and SO(2n+1,C). We show that Ayyer and Kumari's results may be lifted to the universal characters of the associated groups, and in doing so give a uniform extension involving a determinant of Bressoud and Wei which was later generalised by Hamel and King. What facilitates this extension is a new property of the Littlewood decomposition, extending results of Garvan, Kim and Stanton. We also explain the connection between Littlewood's original result and an instance of plethysm.

Received: November 15, 2023. Accepted: February 15, 2024. Final version: April 1, 2024.

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