Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire

Issue 29

20 - 23 September 1992, Thurnau


[B29a] Christian Krattenthaler
The Major Counting of Nonintersecting Lattice-Paths and Generating Functions for Tableaux (13 pp.)
[B29b] Volker Strehl
Recurrences and Legendre Transform (22 pp.)
[B29c] Wenchang Chu
Inverse Series Relations, Formal Power Series and Blodgett-Gessel's Type Binomial Identities (11 pp.)
[B29d] Walter Gutjahr and Georg Pflug
Average Execution Times of Series-Parallel Networks (7 pp.)
[B29e] D. Blessenohl and H. Laue
Algebraic Combinatorics Related to the Free Lie Algebra (24 pp.)
[B29f] M. Hofmeister
Combinatorial Aspects of an Exact Sequence That Is Related to a Graph (7 pp.)
[B29g] M. Kuzma and B. Lulek
The Mac Lane Method of Construction and Classification of Extensions of Cyclic Groups by Their Automorphism Groups (9 pp.)
[B29h] Alfred Scheerhorn
Spur-kompatible Polynomfolgen über endlichen Körpern (7 pp.)