Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B29e (1992), 24
[Formerly: Publ. I.R.M.A. Strasbourg, 1993, 1993/033, p.
D. Blessenohl and H. Laue
Algebraic Combinatorics Related to the Free Lie Algebra
During the past decade numerous fruitful contributions to the theory of
the free Lie algebra have been made. Results and methods in this area are
characterized by a subtle interplay between algebraic and combinatorial
ideas. The quantity and the wealth of the material accumulated in the last
years might be accompanied by the certainly undesired side-effect of
concealing its own roots and history. We have therefore decided to
restrict ourselves to a concise approach to some specially chosen topics.
It is essentially self-contained and takes its course starting from a
completely elementary source. At the same time the attempt is made to duly
provide the reader with appropriate references for the various
contributions involved. We take the opportunity to refer to the paper
"Symmetric groups and free Lie
algebras" (Proc. 2nd Intern. Group Th. Conf. Bressanone/Brixen,
1989, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2), 23 (Suppl.), 201-208 (1990))
by the authors as a
useful supplement to this article.
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