Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B19i (1988).
[Formerly: Publ. I.R.M.A. Strasbourg, 1988, 361/S-19, p. 97-103.]

Norma Zagaglia Salvi

On the Permanent of Certain Submatrices of Circulant (0,1)-Matrices

Abstract. Let A = In + Ph + Pk, where P represents the permutation (1 2 ... n) and 1 <= h < k <= n-1. We prove that the submatrix of A obtained by deleting the rows and the columns intersecting at three non-zero entries belonging to I, Ph, Pk has positive permanent, except in certain cases that are completely determined.

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The topic of this article is partially contained in the paper "On certain generalized circulant matrices," Mathematica Pannonica 14 (2003), 273-281, written jointly with Ernesto Dedó and Alberto Marini. Another article is in preparation.