Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B17h (1987), 3 pp.
[Formerly: Publ. I.R.M.A. Strasbourg, 1987, 348/S-17, p.
Jacques Riguet
Cartouche Writing of Galois and Adjoint Pairs
and Their Applications for Geometrically Depicting Consequence Relations in Logics and in Relational Data Bases
Four fundamental remarks are giving the motivation and are explaining
the developments of this paper:
- In some real dynamical systems one can find action pairs whose
properties can be described as Galois or adjoint pairs between ordered
sets or, more generally, as jj pairs between sets (Galois or adjoint
pairs being jj pairs with special properties, corresponding to some
basic order relations.)
- As it is well known, Galois and adjoint pairs between ordered sets
are but a special case of henceforth classical notions of Galois and
adjoint pairs between categories.
- The cartouche writing (as we call it) of jĵ pairs
supplies a suggestive
geometrical way of depicting them and also of depicting adjoint pairs
between categories.
- The algebraic modelisation of a real system is not a category, but
a more general structure that we call an actegory.
As a consequence of these remarks, we are led
- to build foundations for an actegory-theory and to show Galois
and adjoint pairs in ordered sets or in categories can be formulated
and studied in the framework of actegory-theory.
- to show the expressive power of the cartouche writing by examples
coming from algebra, logic and theory of relational data bases.
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