Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B13m (1986), 6 p.
[Formerly: Publ. I.R.M.A. Strasbourg, 1986, 316/S-13, p. 107-112.]
Volker Strehl
Combinatorics of Jacobi-Configurations II: A Rational
Approximation via Matching Polynomials
The notion of 'order' for Jacobi-configurations has been introduced in
part I of this article. In this second part the exponential generating
function for Jacobi-configurations of bounded order, i.e. the analog
of the classical generating function of Jacobi's for his polynomials,
Is derived. This result (and its proof) makes use of certain matching
polynomials and their combinatorial properties. These matching
polynomials are close relatives of the Tchebycheff-polynomials.
The following version is available:
The main part of the
results of this paper have appeared in the article "On the solutions of a
matrix equation," Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. 3-A (1989), 137-145.