6.4.6 Warps

Warps replace points on the object by some points nearby specified in various ways.

From [pov:]:
Currently there are seven types of warps but the syntax was designed to allow future expansion.

The syntax for using a warp statement is:
    warp {
      repeat <Direction> [REPEAT_ITEMS...] |
      black_hole <Location>, Radius [BLACK_HOLE_ITEMS...] | 
      turbulence <Amount> [TURB_ITEMS...]											  
      cylindrical  [ orientation VECTOR | dist_exp FLOAT ]
      spherical  [ orientation VECTOR | dist_exp FLOAT ]
      toroidal  [ orientation VECTOR | dist_exp FLOAT |
                major_radius FLOAT ]
      planar [ VECTOR , FLOAT ]

    offset <Amount> | 
    flip <Axis>

    strength Strength | falloff Amount | inverse |
    repeat <Repeat> | turbulence <Amount>

    octaves Count | omega Amount | lambda Amount

Andreas Kriegl 2003-07-23