Download information
The COCONUT environment is distributed under the GNU GPL and the GNU LGPL licenses, but note that there is one additional license regulation concerning hardware and software by Sun Microsystems, which is explicitly spelled out in the file LICENSES contained in the distribution. Note that only those parts are included, which are essentially free. The current development version is available via a subversion repository. To gain access to it, please send a mail to the main developer and maintainer (Hermann dot Schichl atsign univie dot ac dot at). Please include an ssh public key (generate with ssh-keygen). The repository is located at svn+ssh:// To get the package for donlp3, contact the author Peter Spellucci and afterwards me, and to get CPLEX, contact IBM ILOG. The heuristic global optimization package PGSL by Benny Raphael and its interface can be downloaded from here.In addition to the full source distribution, we also provide two of its subsets as separate binary packages, created from a recent version of the development source above. The packages below were compiled for 32-bit i386 architectures under Fedora Linux.
- The COCONUT converters, containing executables for converting the internal DAG representation into various other formats, and converting AMPL files to DAG. In order to convert from AMPL to DAG, you need to edit the configuration part of the ampl2dag script (located in converters/ampl2dag/) accordingly.
- The two currently available global solvers, based on interval branch-and-bound framework: cocos (for general nonlinear optimization problems) and coco_gop_ex (for bound constrained problems only).