The splitting theorem for globally hyperbolic Lorentzian length spaces with non-negative timelike curvature, with A. Ohanyan, F. Rott, D. Solis arxiv; Lett. Math. Phys., doi: 10.1007/s11005-023-01668-w
Hyperbolic angles in Lorentzian length spaces and timelike curvature bounds, with C. Sämann arxiv; J. Lond. Math. Soc., II. Ser., doi: 10.1112/jlms.12726
The equivalence of smooth and synthetic notions of timelike sectional curvature bounds, with M. Kunzinger, A. Ohanyan, F. Rott arxiv
Bonnet-Myers rigidity theorem for globally hyperbolic Lorentzian length spacesarxiv
Characterizing intrinsic Lorentzian length spaces via τ-midpoints, with F. Rott arxiv
A Toponogov globalisation result for Lorentzian length spaces, with J. Harvey, L. Napper, F. Rott arxiv
On curvature bounds in Lorentzian length spaces, with M. Kunzinger, F. Rott arxiv
Alexandrov's Patchwork and the Bonnet-Myers Theorem for Lorentzian length spaces, with L. Napper, F. Rott arxiv
Conferences / Workshops I talked on
XI International Meeting on Lorentzian Geometry, on Bonnet-Myers Rigidity for Lorentzian length spaces
Singularities and Curvature in General Relativity, Poster Bonnet-Myers Rigidity for Lorentzian length spaces.
Workshop on Mathematical Relativity, Scalar Curvature and Synthetic Lorentzian Geometry,
on Hyperbolic angles in Lorentzian length spaces and timelike curvature bounds. Watch