Michor, Peter, Publications

Publications of Peter W. Michor

Reviews on articles of Peter Michor in Zentralblatt-MATH.
Reviews on articles of Peter Michor in MathSciNet (Mathematical Reviews, MR Author ID: 124340, needs subscription).
Call and technical advise to scan and put pre-TeX publications on the web.
Peter Michor's page in scholar.google.com.
The numbers below correspond to the order in which the papers were put online here for the first time.

Monographs and Lecture Notes

[K] Wolfgang A. F. Ruppert, Peter W. Michor: Mathematik in Österreich und die NS-Zeit. 176 Kurzbiographien.
Serie: Mathematik im Kontext. 2023 Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. xxi + 772 S.
(pdf) Dies ist ein Vorabdruck dieses Werkes, vervielfältigt mit Genehmigung von Springer-Verlag GmbH.
Die finale authentifizierte Version ist online bestellbar unter:

[J] Ivan Kolár, Jan Slovák, Peter W. Michor: Estestvenye operatii v diferencial'noy geometrii. Russian Translation of [F].
Seriya monografii "Metody matematicheskogo modelirovaniya", Vol. 10, TIMPANI, Kiev-Moskva, 2001, 447 pp. ISBN 966-7649-10-5 MMM-10

[I] Peter W. Michor: Transformation groups. Lecture Notes of a course in Vienna, (1993, 1997), 94 pp., (pdf).

[H] Peter W. Michor: Topics in Differential Geometry. Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 93 American Mathematical Society, Providence, 2008. 497 pages.
Ordering is possible by internet: http://www.ams.org/customers/. Order Code: GSM/93. (pdf)
Review by Michael Berg: MAA.

[G] Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor: The Convenient Setting of Global Analysis. Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Volume: 53, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 1997. 618 pages. Zbl 889.58001, MR 98i:58015
Hardcover. ISBN: 0-8218-0780-3. Order Code: SURV/53.
Ordering is possible by internet: http://www.ams.org/customers/
Errata. (pdf).

[F] Ivan Kolár, Jan Slovák, Peter W. Michor: Natural operations in differential geometry. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, (1993), vi+434 pp.,
MR 94a:58004, ZM 782:53013.
Review by Albert Nijenhuis in Bull. AMS 31,1 (1994), 108--112. Translated into Russian: [J].
Order the second printing
Errata to the first printing. pdf-file of the corrected version.

[E] Peter W. Michor: Gauge theory for fiber bundles. Monographs and Textbooks in Physical Sciences, Lecture Notes 19, Bibliopolis, Napoli, (1991), 107 pp. MR 94a:53056. Zbl 953.53001
Orders to: Bibliopolis, edizioni di filosofia e scienze, Napoli, via Arangio Ruiz 83, Italia. (pdf).

[D] Peter W. Michor: Elementary catastrophe theory. Monografii Matematice 24, Universitatea din Timisoara, (1985), 93 pp. MR 87k:58040, ZM 627.58008.
Out of print. Scanned book: (pdf).

[C] Peter W. Michor: Manifolds of differentiable mappings. Shiva Mathematics Series 3, Shiva Publ., Orpington, (1980), iv+158 pp., MR 83g:58009, ZM 433.58001
Out of print. Scanned book: (pdf).

[B] Johann Cigler, Viktor Losert, Peter W. Michor: Banach modules and functors on categories of Banach spaces. Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 46, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, Basel, (1979), xv+282 pp.,
MR 80j:46112, Zbl 411.46044. Review by B.E.Johnson, in Bull. AMS 3,2 (1980)
Orders to: Marcel Dekker, inc., 270, Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y.10016, tel (212)696-9000. Scanned book: (pdf).

[A] Peter W. Michor: Functors and categories of Banach spaces. Springer Lecture Notes 651, (1978), vi+99 pp., MR 80h:46116, Zbl 369.46069. Scanned book: (pdf).

Scientific Articles

[157] Peter W. Michor. Lie derivatives of sections of natural vector bundles. 6 pages. To appear in: Journal of Lie Theory. (pdf)

[156] Martin Bauer, Sadashige Ishida, Peter W. Michor. Symplectic structures on the space of space curves. 30 pages. arXiv:2407.19908. (pdf)

[155] Johanna Michor, Peter W. Michor. Geometry of infinite dimensional Cartan Developments. Geometric Mechanics, Volume 1, Issue 03, 179-195, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1142/S2972458924500072. arxiv:2404.05416. (pdf)

[154] Martin Bauer, Philipp Harms, Peter W. Michor. Regularity and completeness of half-Lie groups. 42 pages. Journal of the European Mathematical Society. https://doi.org/10.4171/JEMS/1587. arxiv:2302.01631. (pdf)

[153] Philipp Harms, Peter W. Michor, Xavier Pennec, Stefan Sommer. Geometry of sample spaces. Differential Geometry and its Applications Volume 90, October 2023, 102029. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.difgeo.2023.102029. arxiv:2010.08039. (pdf).

[152] Martin Bauer, Cy Maor, Peter W. Michor. Sobolev metrics on spaces of manifold valued curves. Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze. Vol. XXIV, Issue 4 (2023), 1895-1948. https://doi.org/10.2422/2036-2145.202010_016. arxiv:2007.13315. (pdf).

[151] Eric Klassen, Peter W. Michor: Closed surfaces with different shapes that are indistinguishable by the SRNF. Achivum Mathematicum (Brno) 56 (2020), 107-114. https://doi.org/10.5817/AM2020-2-107. arxiv:1910.10804. (pdf).

[150] Martin Bauers, Philipp Harms, Peter W. Michor: Fractional Sobolev metrics on spaces of immersions. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 59, 62 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00526-020-1719-5. arxiv:1909.08657. (pdf). 27 pages.

[149] Peter W. Michor: Manifolds of mappings for continuum mechanics. In the book: Geometric Continuum Mechanics. Editors: Reuven Segev, Marcelo Epstein. Series: Advances in Continuum Mechanics, Vol. 42. pp. 3-75. Birkhäuser Basel 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-42683-5_1. ISBN 978-3-030-42683-5.
arxiv:1909.00445. (pdf).

[148] Martin Bauer, Martins Bruveris, Philipp Harms, Peter W. Michor: Smooth perturbations of the functional calculus and applications to Riemannian geometry on spaces of metrics. Communications in Mathematical Physics 389 (2022), 899–931. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00220-021-04264-y. Read only free access. arxiv:1810.03169. (pdf).

[147] Piotr T. Chrusciel, Erwann Delay, Paul Klinger, Andreas Kriegl, Peter Michor, Armin Rainer: Non-singular spacetimes with a negative cosmological constant: V. Boson stars. Letters in Mathematical Physics 108, 9 (September 2018), 2009–2030. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11005-018-1062-3. Preprint UWThPh-2016-23 arxiv:1708.02878 (pdf).

[146] Martin Bauer, Martins Bruveris, Philipp Harms, Peter W. Michor: Soliton solutions for the elastic metric on spaces of curves. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 38, 3 (March 2018), 1161-1185. https://doi.org/10.3934/dcds.2018049 arxiv:1702.04344 (pdf).

[145] Martins Bruveris, Peter W. Michor: Geometry of the Fisher-Rao metric on the space of smooth densities on a compact manifold. Mathematische Nachrichten. 2019;292:511-523. https://doi.org/10.1002/mana.201600523. arxiv:1607.04550 (pdf).

[144] Martins Bruveris, Peter W. Michor, Adam Parusinski, Armin Rainer: Moser's theorem on manifolds with corners. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 146 (2018), pp. 4889-4897. https://doi.org/10.1090/proc/14130. arxiv:1604.07787. (pdf).

[143] Martin Bauer, Peter W. Michor, Olaf Müller: Riemannian geometry of the space of volume preserving immersions. Differential Geometry and its Applications 49 (December 2016), 23–42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.difgeo.2016.07.002. arxiv:1603.05916. (pdf).

[142] Peter W. Michor: Manifolds of mappings and shapes. In the book: The legacy of Bernhard Riemann after one hundred and fifty years. Volume II Editors: Lizhen Ji, Frans Oort, Shing-Tung Yau. Series: Advanced Lectures of Mathematics 35.2, pp. 459–486. Higher Education Press and International Press Beijing–Boston 2016. (ISBN 9781571463197). arXiv:1505.02359. (pdf).

[141] Martin Bauer, Martins Bruveris, Peter W. Michor: Why use Sobolev metrics on the space of curves. IN: Riemannian Computing in Computer Vision. Ed.: Pavan K. Turaga, Anuj Srivastava. Pages 233-255. Springer-Verlag, 2016. ISBN 978-3-319-22956-0. arXiv:1502.03229. (pdf).

[140] Martin Bauer, Martins Bruveris, Peter W. Michor: Uniqueness of the Fisher-Rao metric on the space of smooth densities. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. 48, 3 (2016), 499-506. https://doi.org/10.1112/blms/bdw020. arXiv:1411.5577. (pdf). Erratum

[139] Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor, Armin Rainer: The exponential law for spaces of test functions and diffeomorphism groups. Indagationes Mathematicae 27, 1 (2016), 225–265. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indag.2015.10.006. arXiv:1411.0483. (pdf).

[138] Andreas Kriegl, Thomas Hotz, Peter W. Michor: Frölicher spaces as a setting for tree spaces and stratified spaces. Oberwolfach Report 44/2014, 24-29. https://doi.org/10.4171/OWR/2014/44. (pdf).

[137] Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor, Armin Rainer: An exotic zoo of diffeomorphism groups on $\mathbb R^n$. Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom. 47, 2 (2015), 179-222. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10455-014-9442-0. arXiv:1404.7033. (pdf).

[136] Martins Bruveris, Peter W. Michor, David Mumford: Geodesic Completeness for Sobolev Metrics on the Space of Immersed Plane Curves. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 2, e19, 38 pages, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1017/fms.2014.19. arXiv:1312.4995. (pdf).

[135] Martin Bauer, Martins Bruveris, Peter W. Michor: $R$-transforms for Sobolev $H^2$-metrics on spaces of plane curves. Geometry, Imaging and Computing 1,1, 1-56, 2014. https://doi.org/10.4310/GIC.2014.v1.n1.a1. arXiv:1311.3526. (pdf).

[134] Martin Bauer, Martins Bruveris, Peter W. Michor: Overview of the Geometries of Shape Spaces and Diffeomorphism Groups. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 50, 1-2, 60-97, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10851-013-0490-z. arXiv:1305.1150. (pdf).

[133] Giuseppe Marmo, Peter W. Michor, Yuri Neretin: The Lagrangian Radon Transform and the Weil representation. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 20, 2 (2014), 321-361. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00041-013-9315-0. arXiv:1212.4610. (pdf).

[132] Martin Bauer, Martins Bruveris, Peter W. Michor: Geodesic distance for right invariant Sobolev metrics of fractional order on the diffeomorphism group. II. Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom. 44, 4 (2013), 361-368. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10455-013-9370-4. arXiv:1211.7254. (pdf).

[131] Peter W. Michor and David Mumford: A zoo of diffeomorphism groups on $\mathbb R^n$. Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom. 44, 4 (2013), 529-540. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10455-013-9380-2. arXiv:1211.5704. (pdf).

[130] David Mumford, Peter W. Michor: On Euler's equation and `EPDiff'. Journal of Geometric Mechanics 5, 3 (2013), 319-344. https://doi.org/10.3934/jgm.2013.5.319. arXiv:1209.6576. (pdf).

[129] Martin Bauer, Martins Bruveris, Peter W. Michor: Homogeneous Sobolev metric of order one on diffeomorphism groups on the real line. Journal of Nonlinear Science 24, 5 (2014), 769-808. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00332-014-9204-y arXiv:1209.2836. (pdf).

[128] Martin Bauer, Martins Bruveris, Stephen Marsland, Peter W. Michor: Constructing reparametrization invariant metrics on spaces of plane curves. Differential Geometry and its Applications 34 (2014), 139–165. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.difgeo.2014.04.008. arXiv:1207.5965. (pdf).

[127] Mario Micheli, Peter W. Michor, David Mumford: Sobolev Metrics on Diffeomorphism Groups and the Derived Geometry of Spaces of Submanifolds. Izvestiya: Mathematics 77:3 (2013), 541-570. Izvestiya RAN: Ser. Mat. 77:3, 109-136. https://doi.org/10.1070/IM2013v077n03ABEH002648. arXiv:1202.3677. (pdf). (Erratum).

[126] Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor, Armin Rainer: The Convenient Setting for Denjoy-Carleman Differentiable Mappings of Beurling and Roumieu Type. Revista Matemática Complutense 28, 3 (2015), 549-597. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13163-014-0167-1. arXiv:1111.1819. (pdf).

[125] Martin Bauer, Philipp Harms, Peter W. Michor: Sobolev Metrics on Shape Space, II: Weighted Sobolev Metrics and Almost Local Metrics. Journal of Geometric Mechanics 4, 4 (2012), 365-383. https://doi.org/10.3934/jgm.2012.4.xx. arXiv:1109.0404. (pdf).

[124] Martin Bauer, Martins Bruveris, Philipp Harms, Peter W. Michor: Geodesic distance for right invariant Sobolev metrics of fractional order on the diffeomorphism group. Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom. 44, 1 (2013), 5-21. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10455-012-9353-x. arXiv:1105.0327. (pdf).

[123] Martin Bauer, Philipp Harms, Peter W. Michor: Sobolev metrics on the manifold of all Riemannian metrics. Journal of Differential Geometry 94, 2 (2013), 187-208. arXiv:1102.3347. Euclid (pdf). (Errata).

[122] Martin Bauer, Martins Bruveris, Philipp Harms, Peter W. Michor: Vanishing geodesic distance for the Riemannian metric with geodesic equation the KdV-equation. Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom. 41, 4 (2012) 461-472. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10455-011-9294-9. arXiv:1102.0236. (pdf).

[121] Mario Micheli, Peter W. Michor, David Mumford: Sectional curvature in terms of the cometric, with applications to the Riemannian manifolds of landmarks. SIAM J. Imaging Sci. 5, 1 (2012), 394-433. https://doi.org/10.1137/10081678X. arXiv:1009.2637. (pdf).

[120] Martin Bauer, Philipp Harms, Peter W. Michor: Curvature weighted metrics on shape space of hypersurfaces in $n$-space. Differential Geometry and its Applications. 30 (2012), 33-41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.difgeo.2011.10.002. arXiv:1102.0678. (pdf).

[119] Martin Bauer, Philipp Harms, Peter W. Michor: Sobolev metrics on shape space of surfaces. Journal of Geometric Mechanics 3, 4 (2011), 389-438. https://doi.org/10.3934/jgm.2011.3.389. arXiv:1009.3616. (pdf).

[118] Martin Bauer, Philipp Harms, Peter W. Michor: Almost local metrics on shape space of hypersurfaces in $n$-space. SIAM J. Imaging Sci. 5 (2012), pp. 244-310. https://doi.org/10.1137/100807983. arXiv:1001.0717. (pdf).

[117] Dmitri V. Alekseevsky, Peter W. Michor, Yurii A. Neretin: Rolling of Coxeter polyhedra along mirrors. In: Geometric Methods in Physics: XXXI Workshop 2012. Pages 67-86. Trends in Mathematics, Birkhauser, 2013. arXiv:0907.3502. (pdf).

[116] Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor, Armin Rainer: Denjoy-Carleman differentiable perturbation of polynomials and unbounded operators. Integral Equations and Operator Theory 71,3 (2011), 407-416. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00020-011-1900-5. arXiv:0910.0155. (pdf).

[115] Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor, Armin Rainer: The convenient setting for quasianalytic Denjoy--Carleman differentiable mappings. J. Functional Analysis 261, 7 (2011) 1799-1834. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfa2011.05.019. arXiv:0909.5632. (pdf).

[114] Mark Losik, Peter W. Michor, Armin Rainer: A generalization of Puiseux's theorem and lifting curves over invariants. Revista Matemática Complutense 25, 1 (2012), 139-155. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13163-011-0062-y. arXiv:0904.2068. (pdf).

[113] Andreas Kriegl, Mark Losik, Peter W. Michor, Armin Rainer: Addendum to: `Lifting smooth curves over invariants for representations of compact Lie groups, III' [J. Lie Theory 16 (2006), No. 3, 579--600]. J. Lie Theory 22, 1 (2012), 245--249 arXiv:1106.6041. (pdf).

[112] Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor, Armin Rainer: The convenient setting for non-quasianalytic Denjoy--Carleman differentiable mappings. J. Functional Analysis 256 (2009), 3510-3544. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfa.2009.03.003. arXiv:0804.2995. (pdf).

[111] Laurent Younes, Peter W. Michor, Jayant Shah, David Mumford: A Metric on Shape Space with Explicit Geodesics. Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 9 (2008) 25-57. arXiv:0706.4299. (pdf). (Errata).

[110] Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor, Armin Rainer: Many parameter Hölder perturbation of unbounded operators. Math. Ann. 353, 2 (2012), 519-522. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-011-0693-9. arXiv:math/0611506. (pdf).

[109] Peter W. Michor: Some Geometric Evolution Equations Arising as Geodesic Equations on Groups of Diffeomorphism, Including the Hamiltonian Approach. IN: Phase space analysis of Partial Differential Equations. Series: Progress in Non Linear Differential Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 69. Bove, Antonio; Colombini, Ferruccio; Santo, Daniele Del (Eds.). Birkhauser Verlag 2006. Pages 133-215. arXiv:math/0609077. (pdf).

[108] Hiroki Kodama, Peter W. Michor: The homotopy type of the space of degree 0 immersed curves. Revista Matemática Complutense 19 (2006), no. 1, 227-234. arXiv:math/0509694. ESI Preprint 1703. (pdf).

[107] Peter W. Michor, David Mumford: An overview of the Riemannian metrics on spaces of curves using the Hamiltonian approach. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 23 (2007), 74-113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acha.2006.07.004. arXiv:math.DG/0605009. ESI Preprint 1798. (pdf) (Errata)

[106] Mark Losik, Peter W. Michor: Cohomology for a group of diffeomorphisms of a manifold preserving an exact form. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 3, 5-6 (2006), 1117-1130. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219887806001429. arXiv:math.DG/0602489. ESI Preprint 1799. (pdf)

[105] Andreas Kriegl, Mark Losik, Peter W. Michor, and Armin Rainer: Lifting smooth curves over invariants for representations of compact Lie groups, III. J. Lie Theory 16 (2006), 579--600. arXiv:math.RT/0504101. ESI Preprint 1806. (pdf).

[104] Franz W. Kamber, Peter W. Michor: Orbifold-like and proper $\mathfrak g$-manifolds. arxiv.org/abs/2209.15432. (pdf).

[103] Peter W. Michor: The generalized Cayley map from an algebraic group to its Lie algebra. Oberwolfach Report 1, 1 (2004), Report 6/2004, 337-339. (pdf).

[102] Peter W. Michor; David Mumford. Vanishing geodesic distance on spaces of submanifolds and diffeomorphisms. Documenta Math. 10 (2005), 217--245. ESI Preprint 1515, arXiv:math.DG/0409303. MR2148075. (pdf).

[101] Rais S. Ismagilov, Mark Losik, Peter W. Michor: A 2-cocycle on a group of symplectomorphisms. Moscow Math. J. 6 (2006), 307-315. ESI Preprint 1525, arXiv:math.GR/0410100. (pdf).

[100] Janusz Grabowski, Giuseppe Marmo, Peter W. Michor: Homology and modular classes of Lie algebroids. Annales del'Institut Fourier 56 (2006), 69-83. ESI Preprint 1373, arXiv:math.DG/0310072. (pdf).

[99] Andreas Kriegl, Mark Losik, Peter W. Michor; Armin Rainer: Lifting smooth curves over invariants for representations of compact Lie groups, II. J. Lie Theory 15 (2005), No. 1, 227--234. ESI Preprint 1459, arXiv:math.RT/0402222. MR2115238. Zbl 1062.22029. (pdf)

[98] Peter W. Michor; David Mumford: Riemannian geometries on spaces of plane curves. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 8 (2006), 1-48. ESI Preprint 1425, arXiv:math.DG/0312384. (pdf).

[97] Dmitri Alekseevky, Andreas Kriegl, Mark Losik, Peter W. Michor: Reflection groups on Riemannian manifolds. Annali di Matematica 186 (2007), 25-58. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10231-005-0166-4. ESI Preprint 1331, arXiv:math.DG/0306078. (pdf).

[96] Franz W. Kamber, Peter W. Michor: Completing Lie algebra actions to Lie group actions. Electron. Res. Announc. Amer. Math. Soc. 10 (2004) 1-10. ESI Preprint 1391, arXiv:math.DG/0310308. MR2048426. (pdf).

[95] Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor: Smooth and continuous homotopies agree on convenient manifolds , Preliminary version. (pdf)

[94] Andreas Kriegl, Mark Losik, Peter W. Michor, Armin Rainer: Lifting mappings over invariants of finite groups , Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae 77 (2008), 93-122. ESI Preprint 1415, arXiv:math.AG/0312030. (pdf)

[93] Mark Losik, Peter W. Michor, Vladimir L. Popov: On Polarizations in Invariant Theory , J. Algebra 301 (2006), 406-424. arXiv:math.AG/0505072. (pdf).
Preliminary version of November 14, 2002: (pdf).
Amended version of March 10, 2007 (differs from the published version by a footnote of bibliographical character on page12): (pdf).

[92] Boris Khesin, Peter W. Michor: The flow completion of Burgers' equation. In: Infinite dimensional groups and manifolds. Editor: Tilmann Wurzbacher. IRMA Lectures in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics 5. De Gruyter, Berlin, 2004. pp. 17-26. ESI Preprint 1310. MR2104353. Zbl 1062.37100. (pdf)

[91] Andreas Kriegl, Mark Losik, Peter W. Michor: Choosing roots of polynomials smoothly, II, Israel J. Math. 139 (2004), 183-188. ESI Preprint 1214, arXiv:math.CA/0208228. MR2041790. (pdf).

[90] Mark Losik, Peter W. Michor, Vladimir L. Popov: Invariant tensor fields and orbit varieties for finite algebraic transformation groups. In: A Tribute to C.S.Seshadri: Perspectives in Geometry and Representation Theory. Hindustan Book Agency, 2003, 346--378, ISBN 81-85931-39-9. Also: A tribute to C. S. Seshadri (Chennai, 2002), Trends Math., Birkhäuser, Basel, 2003, 346--378. ESI Preprint 1166, arXiv:math.AG/0206008. Zbl 1063.14055. (pdf).

[89] Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor: Differentiable perturbation of unbounded operators. Math. Ann. 327 , 1 (2003), 191 - 201. ESI Preprint 1154, arXiv:math.FA/0204060. Zbl 1054.47014. MR2006008. (pdf).

[88] Andreas Kriegl, Mark Losik, Peter W. Michor: Tensor fields and connections on holomorphic orbit spaces of finite groups. J. Lie Theory 13 , 2 (2003), 519--534. ESI Preprint 1139, arXiv:math.DG/0203079. Zbl 1039.32029. MR2003158. (pdf).

[87] Bert Kostant, Peter W. Michor: The generalized Cayley map from an algebraic group to its Lie algebra. In: The orbit method in geometry and physics: In honor of A. A. Kirillov. Eds. Duval, Guieu, Ovsienko. Progress in Mathematics 213, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2003. 259-296. ESI Preprint 1066, arXiv:math.RT/0109066. MR1995382. (pdf)

[86] Michel Dubois-Violette, Andreas Kriegl, Yoshiaki Maeda, Peter W. Michor: Smooth *-algebras. Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 144 (2001), 54-78. ESI Preprint 1046. arXiv:math.QA/0106150. Zbl 1026.46062. MR2023845. (pdf),

[85] Dmitri Alekseevky, Andreas Kriegl, Mark Losik, Peter W. Michor: The Riemannian geometry of orbit spaces - the metric, geodesics, and integrable systems. Dedicated to Professor Lajos Tamássy on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Publ. Math. Debrecen 62 (2003), 247-276. ESI Preprint 997. arXiv:math.DG/0102159. Zbl 1026.57028. MR2008095. (pdf)

[84] Dmitri Alekseevsky, Peter W. Michor, Wolfgang Ruppert: Extensions of super Lie algebras. J. Lie Theory 15 (2005) No. 1, 125--134. ESI Preprint 980. arXiv:math.QA/0101190. MR2115232. (pdf).

[83] Kamber, Franz W.; Peter W. Michor: The flow completion of a manifold with vector field. Electron. Res. Announc. Amer. Math. Soc. 6 (2000), 95-97. ESI Preprint 918. arXiv:math.DG/0007173. MR 2001k:37031. Zbl 0955.37007. (pdf).

[82] Peter W. Michor: Momentum mapping. For: Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Supplement III, p. 264. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. (pdf).

[81] Dmitri Alekseevsky, Peter W. Michor, Wolfgang Ruppert: Extensions of Lie algebras. Unpublished. ESI Preprint 881. arXiv:math.DG/0005042. (pdf)

[80] Peter W. Michor, Denes Petz, Attila Andai: On the curvature of a certain Riemannian space of matrices. Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics (World Scientific) 3, 2 (2000), 1-14. ESI Preprint 763. arXiv:math.DG/9909157. (pdf)

[79] Janusz Grabowski, Giuseppe Marmo, Peter W. Michor: Construction of completely integrable systems by Poisson mappings. Modern Physics Letters A 14, 30 (1999), 2109-2118. ESI Preprint 754. arXiv:math.SG/9909064. MR 2000g:37068. (pdf).

[78] Mike Eastwood, Peter W. Michor: Some remarks on the Plücker relations. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, Suppl. 63 (2000), 85-88. ESI Preprint 697. arXiv:math.AG/9905090. MR 2001i:15035. (pdf) of a longer version of this paper including the full proof from [77].

[77] Peter W. Michor, Izu Vaisman: A Note on $n$-ary Poisson Brackets . Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, Suppl. 63 (2000), 165-172. ESI Preprint 663. arXiv:math.SG/9901117. MR 2001f:53168. Zbl 0986.53035. (pdf)

[76] Peter W. Michor: The Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket. In: Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Supplement II, 237--239. Kluwer, 2000. (pdf).

[75] Peter W. Michor, Josef Teichmann: Description of infinite dimensional abelian regular Lie groups. J. Lie Theory 9, 2 (1999), 487--489. ESI Preprint 586. arXiv:math.DG/9808072. MR 2000i:22025. Zbl 1012.22036. (pdf).

[74] Thomas Hoffman-Ostenhof, Peter W. Michor, Nikolai Nadirashvili: Bounds on the multiplicity of eigenvalues for fixed membranes. Geom. Funct. Anal. (GAFA). Vol. 9 (1999), 1169-1188. ESI Preprint 514. arXiv:math.AP/9801090. Zbl 949.35102. MR 2001i:35066. (pdf).

[73] Dmitri Alekseevky, Andreas Kriegl, Mark Losik, Michor; Peter W.: Lifting smooth curves over invariants for representations of compact Lie groups. Transformation Groups 5, 2 (2000), 103-110. ESI Preprint 506. arXiv:math.DG/9801029. MR 2001g:22032. Zbl 0960.22010. (pdf) of a longer version.

[72] Peter W. Michor, Hermann Schichl: No slices on the space of generalized connections. Acta Math. Univ. Comenianiae 66, 2 (1997), 221--228. ESI Preprint 453. arXiv:math.DG/9801023. MR 99g:58018. Zbl 924.58007. (pdf).

[71] Dmitry Alekseevsky, Janusz Grabowksi, Giuseppe Marmo, Peter W. Michor: Completely integrable systems: a generalization. Modern Physics Letters A 12 (1997), no. 22, 1637--1648. ESI Preprint 452. arXiv:math.SG/9906202. MR 99f:58089. (pdf)

[70] Dmitry Alekseevsky, Janusz Grabowksi, Giuseppe Marmo, Peter W. Michor: Poisson structures on double Lie groups. J. Geom. Physics 26 (1998), 340-379. ESI Preprint 465. arXiv:math.DG/9801028. MR 99g:58048. (pdf).

[69] Peter W. Michor, Ratiu, Tudor.: On the Geometry of the Virasoro-Bott group. J. Lie Theory 8, 2 (1998), 293-309. arXiv:math.DG/9801115. MR 2000e:58005, Zbl 945.58005. ESI Preprint 454. (pdf)

[68] Peter W. Michor: The Jacobi Flow. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino 54, 4 (1996), 365-372. arXiv:math.DG/9611223. MR 99f:53043. Zbl 0919.53013. ESI Preprint 406. (pdf)

[67] Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor: Product preserving functors of infinite dimensional manifolds. Archivum Mathematicum (Brno) 32,4 (1996) 289-306. arXiv:math.DG/9611222. MR 98c:58009. Zbl 881.58010. ESI Preprint 403. (pdf)

[66] Peter W. Michor, Alexandre Vinogradov: $n$-ary Lie and Associative Algebras. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino 53, 4 (1996), 373-392. arXiv:math.QA/9801087. MR 99g:17007. Zbl 928.17029. ESI Preprint 402. (pdf).

[65] Dmitri Alekseevky, Andreas Kriegl, Mark Losik, Peter W. Michor: Choosing roots of polynomials smoothly. Israel J. Math. 105 (1998), 203--233. arXiv:math.CA/9801026. Zbl 912.26006. MR 2000c:58017. ESI Preprint 314. (pdf)

[64] Peter W. Michor: Basic differential forms for actions of Lie groups II. Proc. AMS 125, 7 (1997), 2175-2177. arXiv:math.DG/9506223. MR 97k:57046, Zbl 866.57027. ESI Preprint 304. (pdf).

[63] Michel Dubois-Violette, Peter W. Michor: Connections on central bimodules in noncommutative differential geometry, J. Geom. Physics 20 (1996), 218-232. arXiv:q-alg/9503020. MR 97k:58010, Zbl 867.53023, ESI Preprint 210. (pdf).

[62] Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor: Regular infinite dimensional Lie groups, J. Lie Theory 7,1 (1997), 61--99. arXiv:math.DG/9801007. MR 98k:22081, Zbl 893.22012, ESI Preprint 200. (pdf).

[61] Michel Dubois-Violette, Peter W. Michor: The Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket for derivation based non commutative differential forms. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 121 (1997), 107-135. arXiv:dg-ga/9410007. MR 99c:58014. Zbl 889.58011. ESI Preprint 133. (pdf).

[60] Peter W. Michor, Cornelia Vizman: n-transitivity of certain diffeomorphism groups. Acta Math. Univ. Comenianiae 63, 2 (1994),221--225. arXiv:dg-ga/9406005. Zbl 824.58014, MR 96b:58016. ESI Preprint 107. (pdf).

[59] Peter W. Michor, Vanzura, Jiri: Characterizing algebras of smooth functions on manifolds, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae (Prague) 37,3 (1996) 519--521. arXiv:math.GT/9404228. MR 98e:58017. Zbl 881.58001. (pdf)

[58] Peter W. Michor: Basic differential forms for actions of Lie groups Proc. AMS 124,5 (1996), 1633-1642. ESI Preprint 87. arXiv:dg-ga/9406006. MR 96g:57041, Zbl 858.57038. (pdf).

[57] Dimitri Alekseevsky, Peter W. Michor: Differential geometry of Cartan connections, Publ. Math. Debrecen 47 (1995), 349--375, arXiv:math.DG/9412232. MR 96h:53029, Zbl 857.53011, ESI Preprint 39. (pdf)

[56] Dimitri Alekseevsky, Peter W. Michor: Differential geometry of $\mathfrak g$-manifolds, Differential Geometry and its Applications 5 (1995), 371--403 ESI Preprint 7. arXiv:math.DG/9309214. MR 96k:53035, Zbl 854.53028, (pdf).

[55] Michel Dubois-Violette, Peter W. Michor: Dérivations et calcul difféerentiel non commutatif. II, Comptes Rendues Acad. Sci. Paris 319, Séerie I(1994), 927--931. arXiv:hep-th/9406166. MR 95j:58008, Zbl 829.16028, ESI Preprint 111. (pdf).

[54] Michel Dubois-Violette, Peter W. Michor: A common generalization of the Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket and the Schouten bracket for symmetric multi vector fields, Indagationes Math. N. S. 6 (1995), 51--66. arXiv:alg-geom/9401006. MR 96b:58005, Zbl 844.58002, ESI Preprint 70. (pdf).

[53] Alekseevsky, Dmitri V.; Janusz Grabowski, Giuseppe Marmo, Peter W. Michor: Poisson structures on the cotangent bundle of a Lie group or a principle bundle and their reductions, J. Math. Physics 35 (1994), 4909--4928. arXiv:math.SG/9312213. MR 95f:53064, Zbl 822.58016. ESI Preprint 72. (pdf).

[52] Olga Gil-Medrano, Peter W. Michor: Geodesics on spaces of almost hermitian structures, Israel J. Math. 88 (1994), 319--332, arXiv:math.DG/9204223. MR 95i:58019, Zbl 821.53031. ESI Preprint 11. (pdf).

[51] Dimitri Alekseevsky, Peter W. Michor: Characteristic classes for $G$-structures, Differential Geometry and its Applications. 3 (1993), 323--329, arXiv:math.DG/9209219. MR 95c:53032, Zbl 793.53028. (pdf).

[50] Peter W. Michor: Radon transform and curvature, Proceedings of the conference `75 years of Radon transform', Vienna 1992, eds S. Gindikin, P. Michor International Press, Cambridge, MA, (1994), 249--251. ESI Preprint 4. arXiv:math.DG/9210212. MR 96c:53114, Zbl 831.58010, (pdf).

[49] Andreas Cap, Peter W. Michor, Hermann Schichl: A quantum group like structure on non commutative 2--tori, Letters in Math. Phys. 28 (1993), 251--255. ESI Preprint 6. arXiv:math.QA/9212209. MR 95e:58014, Zbl 849.17012, (pdf).

[48] Andreas Cap, Peter W. Michor: Towards the Chern Weil homomormism in non commutative differential geometry, Proceeding of the XXI Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics, Tianjin 1992, Int. J. Mod. Physics. A (Proc. Suppl.) 3A (1993), 210--213, arXiv:math.QA/9208203. (pdf).

[47] Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor: More smoothly real compact spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 117 (1993), 467--471, arXiv:math.FA/9206204. MR 93d:46044, Zbl 813.46026, (pdf).

[46] Andreas Cap, Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor, Jiri Vanzura: The Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket in non commutative differential geometry, Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae 62(1993), 17--49. arXiv:math.QA/9207209. MR 94g:58017. Zbl 830.58002. (pdf)

[45] Peter W. Michor: The relation between systems and associated bundles, Annali di Matematica pura ed appl. (Firenze) (IV) 163 (1993), 385--399, arXiv:math.DG/9203202. MR 94f:53039, Zbl 780.53026, (pdf).

[44] Markus Mauhart, Peter W. Michor: Commutators of flows and fields. Archivum Mathematicum (Brno) 28,3-4 (1992), 228--236, arXiv:math.DG/9204221. MR 94e:58117, Zbl 784.58051, (pdf)

[43] Olga Gil-Medrano, Peter W. Michor, Martin Neuwirther: Pseudoriemannian metrics on spaces of bilinear structures, Quarterly J. Math. Oxford (2) 43 (1992), 201--221. arXiv:math.DG/9201258. MR 93c:58037, Zbl 799.58013. (pdf).

[42] Pierre Lecomte, Peter W. Michor, Hubert Schicketanz: The multigraded Nijenhuis-Richardson Algebra, its universal property, and application. J. Pure Applied Algebra 77 (1992), 87--102. arXiv:math.QA/9201257. MR 93d:17036, Zbl 752.17019, (pdf).

[41] Peter W. Michor: All unitary representations admit moment mappings. Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai, 56. Differential Geometry, Eger (Hungary), 1989, Eds. J. Szenthe, L. Tamassy 477--489, Janos Bolyai Math. Soc. and Elsevier, Budapest and Amsterdam, (1992), arXiv:math.RT/9204222. MR 94g:58022, Zbl 795.22006, (pdf).

[40] Vincente Cervera, Francisca Mascaro, Peter W. Michor: The action of the diffeomorphism group on the space of immersions. Diff. Geom. Appl. 1 (1991), 391--401, arXiv:math.DG/9202208. MR 94k:58018, Zbl 783.58012, (pdf).

[39] Olga Gil-Medrano, Peter W. Michor: The Riemannian manifold of all Riemannian metrics. Quarterly J. Math. Oxford (2) 42 (1991), 183--202, arXiv:math.DG/9201259. MR 92f:58024, Zbl 739:58010, (pdf).

[38] Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor: Aspects of the theory of infinite dimensional manifolds. Diff. Geom. Appl. 1 (1991), 159--176. arXiv:math.DG/9202206. MR 94j:58015, ZM 782.58011, (pdf).

[37] Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor: A convenient setting for real analytic mappings. Acta Mathematica 165 (1990), 105--159. arXiv:math.FA/9201254. MR 92h:58009, ZM 738:46024, (pdf).

[36] Peter W. Michor: The moment mapping for a unitary representation. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 8, No 3 (1990), 299--313. arXiv:math.RT/9201256. Zbl 729.22016, MR 92i:58019, (pdf)

[35] Peter W. Michor: Knit products of graded Lie algebras and groups. Rendiconti Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, Suppl. 22 (1989), 171--175, arXiv:math.GR/9204220. MR 91h:17024. Zbl 954.17508. (pdf)

[34] Peter W. Michor, Hubert Schicketanz: A cohomology for vector valued differential forms. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 7(3) (1989), 163--169. arXiv:math.DG/9201255. Zbl 654.58003, MR 91d:17024, (pdf)

[33] Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor, Walter Schachermayer: Characters on algebras of smooth functions. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 7(2) 85--92, (1989), MR 91b:46046, Zbl 691.58020. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[32] Peter W. Michor: Graded derivations of the algebra of differential forms associated with a connection. Differential Geometry, Peniscola, 1988, eds F.J. Carreras, O. Gil-Medrano, A.M. Naveira Lecture Notes in Math. 1410 (1989), 249--261, Springer-Verlag, Berlin. arXiv:math.DG/9202207. MR 90m:53045, ZM 686.53024, (pdf)

[31] Peter W. Michor, Wolfgang Ruppert, Klaus Wegenkittl: A construction connecting Lie algebras and general algebras. Rendiconti Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, Suppl. 21 (1989), 265--274. MR 90j:17004, ZM 678.17016. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[30] Abbati, Maria Christina; Renzo Cirelli, Alessandro Mania, Peter W. Michor: The Lie group of automorphisms of a principal bundle. J. Geometry and Physics 6 (1989), 215--235. MR 90m:58012, ZM 692.58010. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[29] Peter W. Michor: Gauge theory for the diffeomorphism group, Proc. Conf. Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics , Como 1987, K. Bleuler and M. Werner (eds) 345--371, Kluwer, Dordrecht, (1988), MR 90f:58022, ZM 657.53059. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[28] Daniel Canarutto, Peter W. Michor: On the stability of $b$-incompleteness in the Whitney topology on the space of connections, Istituto Lombardo (Rendiconti Scienze) A 121 (1987), 217--226, MR 90k:53101, ZM 678.53028. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[27] Peter W. Michor: Remarks on the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, Suppl. 16 (1987), 208--215, MR 89j:58003, ZM 646.53013. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[26] Ivan Kolár, Peter W. Michor: Determination of all natural concomitants of the type of the Frölicher Nijenhuis bracket. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, Suppl. 16 (1987), 101--108, ZM 642.53017, MR 89g:58006. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[25] Peter W. Michor: Remarks on the Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket. Proceeding of the Conference Differential Geometry and its Applications, Brno 1986, D. Reidel, (1987), 197--220, MR 89c:53014, ZM 633.53024. Scanned paper: (pdf). (Errata)

[24] Peter W. Michor: The cohomology of the diffeomorphism group is a Gelfand-Fuks cohomology. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, Suppl. 14 (1987), 235-- 246, ZM 634.57015, MR 89g:58228. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[23] Gerd Kainz, Peter W. Michor: Natural transformations in differential geometry. Czechoslovak Math. J. 37 (1987), 584-607, MR 89b:58010, Zbl 654.58001. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[22] Gerd Kainz, Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor: $C^\infty$-algebras from the functional analytic viewpoint. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 46 (1987), 89-107, ZM 621.46046, MR 88h:46132. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[21] Maria Christina Abbati, Renzo Cirelli, Alessandro Mania, Peter W. Michor: Smoothness of the action of gauge transformation group on connections. J. Math. Physics 27(10) (1986), 2469--2474, MR 87k:58021, ZM 618.58040, Scanned paper: (pdf)

[20] Peter W. Michor: A generalisation of Hamiltonian mechanics. J. Geometry and Physics 2 (2) (1985), 67--82, MR 87k:58093, Zbl 587.58004. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[19] Peter W. Michor: Applications of Hamilton`s inverse function theorem to manifolds of mappings. Proc. Convergence structures and applications II, Schwerin 1983, Akademie Verlag, Berlin, (1984), 159--162, MR 86k:58016, Zbl 582.58005. Scanned paper: (pdf)

[18] Peter W. Michor: A convenient setting for differential geometry and global analysis, II. Cahiers Topologie Geometrie Differentielle 25 (1984), 113--178, MR 86g:58014b, ZM 594.58011. Scanned paper: (pdf)

[17] Peter W. Michor: A convenient setting for differential geometry and global analysis, I. Cahiers Topologie Geometrie Differentielle 25 (1984), 63--109, MR 86g:58014a, ZM 548.58001. Scanned paper: (pdf)

[16] Peter W. Michor: Manifolds of smooth mappings IV: The theorem of De Rham. Cahiers Topologie Geometrie Differentielle 24 (1983), 57--86, MR 85d:58017, ZM 508.58012. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[15] Peter W. Michor: The manifold of embeddings of a non compact manifold. Appendix to: E. Binz, H.R. Fischer: The manifold of embeddings of a closed manifold. Proceedings of Differential geometric methods in theoretical physics, Clausthal 1978, Lecture Notes in Physics 139, Springer-Verlag 1981, pp. 310--329. MR 82g:58019.

[14] Peter W. Michor: The division theorem on Banach spaces. Sitzungsberichte Österreichische Akad. Wiss., Abt II, 189 (1980), 1--18, ZM 457.58010, MR 82m:58008. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[13] Peter W. Michor: Manifolds of smooth maps III: The principal bundle of embeddings of a non compact smooth manifold. Cahiers Topologie Geometrie Differentielle 21 (1980), 325--337, MR 82b:58022c, Zbl 442.58011. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[12] Peter W. Michor: Manifolds of smooth maps II: The Lie group of diffeomorphisms of a non compact smooth manifold. Cahiers Topologie Geometrie Differentielle 21 (1980), 63--86, MR 82b:58022b, Zbl 434.58011. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[11] Peter W. Michor: Contributions to finite operator calculus in several variables. Journal of Combinatorics, Information and System Sciences 4 (1979), 39--65, ZM 403.05004, MR 81b:05013. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[10] Peter W. Michor: Manifolds of differentiable maps. Differential Topology, CIME, Varenna 1976, Ed. Vinitio Villani 119--127, Liguori Editore, Napoli, (1979), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-11102-0_5 ZM 461.58005, MR 83h:58026. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[9] Peter W. Michor: Manifolds of smooth maps. Cahiers Topologie Geometrie Differentielle 19 (1978), 47--78, MR 82b:58022a, Zbl 382.58009. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[8] Peter W. Michor: A note on the inverse function theorem of F. Berquier. Proc. Conf. Categorical Topology, Mannheim 1975, Springer Lecture Notes Math. 540, (1976), 435--438, MR 56#1345, ZM 334.58006. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[7] Peter W. Michor: Banach-Semikategorien, III. Sitzungsberichte Österreichische Akademie Wissenschaften., Abt II, 185 (1976), 221--238, MR 56#3644 c, ZM 359.46051. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[6] Peter W. Michor: Banach-Semikategorien, II. Sitzungsberichte Österreichische Akademie Wiss., Abt II, 185 (1976), 205--219, MR 56#3644 b, ZM 359.46050. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[5] Peter W. Michor: Banach-Semikategorien, I. Sitzungsberichte Österreichische Akademie Wiss., Abt II, 185 (1976), 181--204, MR 56#3644 a, ZM 359.46049. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[4] James B. Cooper, Peter W. Michor: Duality of compactological and locally compact groups. Proc. Conf. Categorical Topology, Mannheim 1975, Springer Lecture Notes 540, (1976), 188--207, MR 58 #22385, ZM 337.22003. Scanned paper: (pdf).

[3] Peter W. Michor: Duality for contravariant functors on Banach spaces. Monatshefte Mathem. 82 (1976), 177--186, MR 55#3816, ZM 334.46071, Scanned paper: (pdf).

[2] Peter W. Michor: Funktoren zwischen Kategorien von Banach- und Waelbrockräumen. Sitzungsberichte Österreichische Akademie Wiss., Abt II, 182 (1974), 43--65, MR 49#3564, ZM 285.46062, Scanned paper: (pdf).

[1] Peter W. Michor: Zum Tensorprodukt von Funktoren auf Kategorien von Banachräumen. Monatshefte Math. 78 (1974), 117--130, MR 51#10438, ZM 286.46061. Scanned paper: (pdf).

Unpublished Articles and Dissertation

Peter W. Michor: Funktoren auf Kategorien von Banachräumen. Dissertation submitted for Dr. phil., Philosophische Fakultät, Universität Wien, 1973. (pdf).

Peter W. Michor: Zur Gleichverteilung im $\mathbb R^n$. Wien, 1974. (pdf).

Other Articles

[u] Peter Michor, Wolfgang A.F. Ruppert 1948 -- 2023. Internat. Math. Nachrichten Nr. 252 (2023), 41-47. pdf.

[t] Ilka Agricola, Friedrich Götze, Martin Grötschel, Klaus Hulek, Peter Michor, Gabriele Nebe, Hans Jürgen Prömel, Jens Vygen und Gerhard Woeginger: Sieben Fragen zur Bibliometrie. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 2017 25 4, 215-224. Link to De Gruyter.

[s] Peter W. Michor: Uncertainty Principles in Social Sciences. Article written for the panel discussion on bibliometrics, at the DMV/Ö-Jahrestagung in Salzburg, September 12, 2017. (pdf)

[r] Karl Sigmund, Peter W. Michor: John Forbes Nash Jr. 1928-2015. Internat. Math. Nachrichten 229 (2015), 1-11. IMN 229

[q] Zwischen Abzocke und Notwendigkeit. Panopticum Disputationes: Open Access. info Das Magazin des Wissenschaftsfonds 80, 1/2012, 40-43. (pdf)

[p] Karl Sigmund und Peter Michor: Messen, messen, messen. In Wien wurden bisher unbekannte Briefe von Carl Friedrich Gauß entdeckt. Ein Zeugnis der Leidenschaft, die Welt mit immer größerer Präzision zu vermessen. Die Presse, Spektrum IV, 05.03.2010. (pdf).

[o] Peter W. Michor: Über das Finden ertragreicher Forschungsthemen. Vortrag zur Tagung der österreichischen Forschungsgemeinschaft: Qualität und Wirkung: Von der guten zur signifikanten Forschung. 5.-6. Juni 2009, Hotel Sauerhof, Baden bei Wien. Internat. Math. Nachrichten 211 (2009), 27-31. (pdf).

[n] Peter W. Michor: Impressionen vom Internationalen Kongress der Mathematiker. Internat. Math. Nachrichten 203 (2006), 17-21. (pdf)

[m] Anna Maria Sigmund, Peter W. Michor, Karl Sigmund: Leray in Edelbach. Internat. Math. Nachrichten 199 (2005), 1-16. German translation of [l]. (pdf)

[l] Anna Maria Sigmund, Peter W. Michor, Karl Sigmund: Leray in Edelbach. The Mathem. Intelligencer 27/2 (2005), 41-50. (pdf)

[k] Peter W. Michor: Was ich lese ... (Gavin Menzies: 1421, the year China discovered America), Die Presse, 06.11.2004, Spectrum

[j] Peter W. Michor: Review of "Mathematics Unlimited - 2001 and Beyond, B. Engquist and W. Schmid, ed." The Mathem. Intelligencer 27,1 (2005), 90-91.

[i] Michael Drmota, Peter W. Michor: Sieben Milleniums-Probleme. II. Internat. Math. Nachrichten 185 (2000), 13-20. (pdf)

[h] Peter W. Michor: The European Mathematical Information Service. Editorial. EMS Newsletter 28 (June 1998), 2-3.

[g] Peter W. Michor: Der Europäische Mathematische Informations Service (EMIS). Internat. Math. Nachrichten 177 (1998), 11-13.

[f] Peter W. Michor, Wegner, Bernd: Der Server EMIS der Europäischen Mathematischen Gesellschaft und seine elektronische Bibliothek. Teil A.7 von: Der Weg in die Informationsgesellschaft, von Martin Grötschel. DMV-Mitteilungen 3-1997, 53-54.

[e] Peter W. Michor, Wegner, Bernd: On the Future of Mathematical Publications -- Not a Charter. Proceedings of the 2. European Congress of Mathematics, Budapest 1996. (Ed. Recsi). 316-322. Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 169. Birkhäuser, Basel, Boston. 1998.

[d] Peter W. Michor, Jan Slovák: Sixtieth Birthday of Professor Ivan Kolár. Archivum Mathematicum (Brno) 32,4 (1996) 241-248. MR 97m:01078. (pdf).

[c] Peter W. Michor: On the Future of Mathematical Publications -- Not a Charter, Europ. Math. Soc. Newsletter 20 (June 1996), 10--12. ps-file.

[b] Peter W. Michor: Abendstudium Mathematik, Zeitschrift für Hochschuldidaktik, 2/1985 294--296,

[a] Peter W. Michor: Introductory lectures: what should they offer. Einfuehrungsvorlesungen, was sollen sie bieten. (German) Zeitschrift für Hochschuldidaktik, Sonderheft 3 (1980), 156--160, Z.Math.Di.81x.01335


From Geometry to Quantum Mechanics. In Honor of Hideki Omori. Yoshiaki Maeda, Peter Michor, Takushiro Ochiai, Akira Yoshioka, Editors. Progress in Mathematics, Volume 252. Birkhäuser Boston 2007.

The impact on mathematics of political changes in Eastern Europe. Moderated by Peter W. Michor. EMS Newsletter 31 (March 1999), 16-17.

Issue devoted to Ivan Kolar on the occasion of his 60th birthday Editors: P. Michor, J. Slovak Archivum Mathematicum (Brno) 32,4 (1996). Zbl 881.01019.

75 years of Radon transform, Vienna 1992 Editors: S. Gindikin, P. Michor. Conference proceedings and Lecture Notes in Mathematical Physics, Vol. IV. International Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, 1994, MR 95i:00023, Zbl 814.00012.

Scientific reports

Scientific reports of the Erwin Schrödinger Institute of Mathematical Physics, for the years 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002. See here.

Scientific Report of the Erwin Schrödinger Institute of Mathematical Physics for the 5 Year Period 1993--1997, Including the Prehistory 1991--1992. See here.

Scientific Report of the Erwin Schrödinger Institute of Mathematical Physics for the 10 Year Period 1992--2002. (Joint work with Klaus Schmidt). See here.

Editorial service

Member of the editorial board of the following journals: